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Yuri Sakazaki (Arcade Version)

Started by nilcam, July 27, 2010, 03:46:20 AM

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thanks bro.

I didnt know until recently I could do cr.B into st.C
I didnt even know i could do st.C from dive kick

Yeah it makes much more sense to go straight into HD if you have a full HD bar and you're planning to do a combo that involves 2 HD cancels.

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I don't suppose someone will be doing some in-depth analysis on her moves sometime soon or update the wiki? I'm trying to figure a little bit about the properties of Yuri, mostly to find out what I can do to beat her a little easier. For example, I can't tell the properties of her Hyakuretsu Binta (hcb+b) grab from the wiki or the original post. Does she run on both of them or is it like Maxima's Maxima Press.

What's the difference between her Houyoku (dp+k) => B or D Yuri Raijin Kyaku(B or D) and can a standing A poke her out of it or trade?

As far as neutral game for Yuri goes, I have no idea what she's capable of doing so it's kind of weird to fight her.


Can anyone recommend some pressure strings with Yuri?
I find it hard to open people up after a jump in.

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Quote from: Reiki.Kito on September 06, 2011, 12:16:48 AM
I don't suppose someone will be doing some in-depth analysis on her moves sometime soon or update the wiki? I'm trying to figure a little bit about the properties of Yuri, mostly to find out what I can do to beat her a little easier.
I can't do this from experience, but I can try going from observations!

QuoteFor example, I can't tell the properties of her Hyakuretsu Binta (hcb+b) grab from the wiki or the original post. Does she run on both of them or is it like Maxima's Maxima Press.

On Arcade: Runs on both, B was a short run, D a further one.
Console: B is a closeup command grab, D is a run.
Both are unblockable, but the EX version is an attack, not a throw. So if could hit jumping opponents.

QuoteWhat's the difference between her Houyoku (dp+k) => B or D Yuri Raijin Kyaku(B or D) and can a standing A poke her out of it or trade?
I'm guessing the flips had different archs per press, but not entirely sure. Can you poke her out of the flips? Yeah, believe so. Which is why it's not always used for blockstrings. There's some holes in it's activation, and it could be traded with stand A, or crouch C's.

QuoteAs far as neutral game for Yuri goes, I have no idea what she's capable of doing so it's kind of weird to fight her.

She has no command normal that can be combo'd into for ground combos, first off. So she has to reply on crouch B -> Stand B -> Chou UPPAH! Her Fwrd + B hip attack is an overhead. Her Koh'ouken has crappier startup than Ryo's, so can't be used to pressure as tightly. Whiffed Chou Uppa's are very punishable, antsy stand B users might whiff and leave her open for damage.

She uses her Yuri-Flips for pressure and crossups, and her divekick has solid frame advantage. She's a bit stubby with her attacks, though, so she's a bit easier to fight if you can out-prioritize her range.

Watch out for peopel forcing you to recovery roll, only to chase you with Hyakuretsu Binta. It's a nice little trap, and this'll be extra scary on consoles, where she can drive/super cancel it.

t3h mAsTarOth...!

so NEW b&b from the video... hop C/D, s.C, EX qcb+P, dp+C, dp+C, DC, dp+D~C, cr.C, dp+D~A+C... about 45% for 1 meter and 1 DC... this is CRAZY damage...

what's even more crazy is she is able to do the SAME combo *from EX qcb+P onward* after her hcb+K *ANY VERSION*... if this is possible mid-screen then Yuri is gonna be TOO insane...

also to note one more thing... she can now do cr.D, dp+D~A+C everytime... about 20-25% from a sweep... makes her sweep game possibly THE strongest in the game... as you can just mix-up a qcf+A/C or dp+B/D every time after doing cr.D...
KOFXIII - Raiden, Billy, Mai, Karate, Kim, Ralf, Ryo, Robert

SC 1-5 - Astaroth

SaMsTarOth t3h mAsTarOth of AsTarOth...!


First page updated with console changes.


*The distance travelled on her dp as well as the angle of descent has been adjusted
*Her air throw coming off of dp.K has special follow up properties
(special follow up properties �"ie- versus normal situations where an opponents in an air status that cannot be followed up on with subsequent attacks)
-s.B is faster
*j.A can be cancelled with her dive kick
-Movement limits on Yuri’s dive kick have been relaxed
*Her hcb.B is now a 1 frame cmd throw
-The invincibility after attack frames on EX hcb.K has been shortened
-Recovery on haoh-shokoken improved

Depending on which buttons get pressed on hcb.K, a 1 frame throw, a running throw, an invincible attack, the properties of the move change dramatically so it will be necessary to use the variations according to the situation. This will be a versatile weapon in her arsenal so please give the move a try in depth. The real spectacle here is her air throw from dp.K which is now a hit-anything move. Try racking up on damage in various situations!

Ben Reed

I tried to combo her sweep into the Demon Flip grab, but it didn't work. Tried it on Shen first, standing and crouching, normal hit. Tried entering the grab early and late after the flip (c. D xx dp + D, A+C). Tried both the B and the D versions, both seemed to put her too high to grab the opponent. Tried it on Raiden (even though I don't know if he actually had a bigger juggle hitbox than Shen from a sweep), it didn't take there either.

s. CD (normal hit) xx Demon Flip grab works, though. And this character's already pretty damn dirty as-is. Good normals, good zoning, good pressure, good mixup, relatively easy and damaging combos, and a million setups in the corner. And a dirty-ass 1-frame grab. If Yuri ever steals air Tatsu and super Demon from Akuma, KOF is straight fucked.

About the only downside to picking this character is her voice.


Yuri's voice isn't a downside, it fits her perfectly! :)

I'm a bit jealous of her being able to grapple so smoothly out of her 1 frame grapple, lol. Especially since she doesn't even need an EX version to do it!

So many characters to enjoy in this game... as appealing as I find her gameplay, I still have yet to really play her much.


Tried her online and did really well with her, I didn't really hit practice beforehand either. She was so effective right out the gate I kinda just kept picking her that day.

Her normals and specials are all very solid. Her air fireballs are very nicely abusable. Her EX DP has a real funky, and rather long, arc to it, more for combos and get-of-mes than anti-airs it seems. Haven't tried her demon flip shenanigans yet but I will get to it (too many fun characters, not enough time).

Her bitch slap into supercancel is so dirty.


I have a really tough time opening people up. What are some good crossover setups? I mainly use air C as my cross up, but it seems to whiff lots. I'm sure I'm doing it wrong.


I use Rufus, Akuma and the twins in SSF4AE, so I was immediately drawn to Yuri. Her divekicks can start pretty low to the ground, so you can start some nasty pressure.

Right now my team consists of Yuri, Joe, and I am working with Terry and Maxima.  Where would be the best spot to put her in team order?

Right now I have her first to build meter. I rely on mixups and dive kick pressure for damage and give all of my meter to Joe or Maxima.


Joe is also good without meter so sounds like you have some flexibility there. Maxima rips people apart with healthy meter. Personally, I would do Joe/Yuri/Maxima (but that's me) - yuri is pretty deadly with a little bit of meter.


Quote from: Ufgt on November 28, 2011, 05:42:49 PM
I have a really tough time opening people up. What are some good crossover setups? I mainly use air C as my cross up, but it seems to whiff lots. I'm sure I'm doing it wrong.

Tried J.D?
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."


dont forget she has a command throw!!!!!

if ur st.b gets blocked cancel it into D hyakuretsu binta or demon flip.

I think she has one of the best ways of opening people up

My youtube


Quote from: t3h mAsTarOth...! on November 03, 2011, 01:37:46 AM
so NEW b&b from the video... hop C/D, s.C, EX qcb+P, dp+C, dp+C, DC, dp+D~C, cr.C, dp+D~A+C... about 45% for 1 meter and 1 DC... this is CRAZY damage...

what's even more crazy is she is able to do the SAME combo *from EX qcb+P onward* after her hcb+K *ANY VERSION*... if this is possible mid-screen then Yuri is gonna be TOO insane...

also to note one more thing... she can now do cr.D, dp+D~A+C everytime... about 20-25% from a sweep... makes her sweep game possibly THE strongest in the game... as you can just mix-up a qcf+A/C or dp+B/D every time after doing cr.D...

what video did you see this from? I can't seem to hit that dp+c, dp+c