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Ralf Jones Wiki Thread

Started by Rex Dart, December 08, 2011, 03:40:15 AM

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Rex Dart

Welcome to the Ralf Jones Wiki Thread!


This is Ralf's wiki page and, like every characters' wiki page, it's still a work in progress. If you have anything you'd like to contribute to the page (strategies, combos, corrections, or just random tips), please post it here!

And a huge thanks to our contributors so far (from the old character thread):

t3h mAsTarOth...!


one more thing his gatling attack punishes almost everything on block that is im thinkin about makin a list of what gatling attack can punish


@Rex, thought I'd add some detail to specials as I was mentioning the other day. Some of the stuff below is minor, but hopefully some useful. Thx

Vulcan Punch:
Can be cancelled from any ground normal including normals that can't normally be cancelled (whiff cancel too). Minimum # of punches~4. No difference btwn wk/st.
{usage: maybe we can adjust to say can be useful for anti air after cancelling a long rang normal. Maybe worth noting: Walking forward with vulcan, it is possible to cancel far C with EX Vulcan into charge galactica in the corner for 519}

{Maybe best meterless option after EX Burning hammer : C burning hammer > C Gatling for 232 ?}

Explosive Punch: EX fast enough to combo of weak attacks. Upper body invincibility.

Blitzkrieg Punch: {dunno if worth mentioning, but can be cancelled from jump A. Doesn't combo}

C 3

In the corner, he can do:

St.C, d/f A, C vulcan, Cr. C, C gatling, D.C. C dynamite, (delay) A gatling x2, St.C reset (427..?)

Rex Dart

Quote from: C 3 on December 12, 2011, 07:56:17 AM
In the corner, he can do:

St.C, d/f A, C vulcan, Cr. C, C gatling, D.C. C dynamite, (delay) A gatling x2, St.C reset (427..?)

Damn! Do you happen to have any footage of that? My execution doesn't seem to be good enough to actually reproduce that combo.

How does he cancel C vulcan so quickly? In older KOFs, I thought you could just press ABCD to cancel it, but that doesn't seem to work anymore.

@ BioBooster - Thanks a bunch for the info. I'll be adding it to the Wiki right after I post this.  :)


Very nice sir.

Maybe one quick tweak. I realize I may not have written it very clearly above.

"Maybe best meterless option after EX Burning hammer : C burning hammer > C Gatling for 232"

Is actually supposed to mean EX Burning > C Burning > C Gatling = 232.

So it's possible to get in a C Burning in between and the whole thing combos without any extra meter use.

Rex Dart

Wow, I did not realize that worked. Thanks!

C 3

Thanks for the respect guys.  I will record it and post it this week.  When you re-post it anywhere, please give me credit for it :) that's all I ask.

So, I took the combo I posted earlier and took it one step further (which does 426 btw). You can cancel the C reset into A dynamite which leaves you completely safe (I did Shen's burst super immediately after the combo and Ralf blocks it!) Adding this give you some meter and the options of cr.B, st.C, etc., tiger knee superman punch, grab, whatever!  I took the video with my phone.  Now, to post it.....

Also, his best option with 1 meter and 1/2 drive is:

st.C, d/f A or cr.B, st.C, C vulcan, cr.C, C gatling, bareback vulcan for 461, instead of the 431 you have posted in the wiki.


Quote from: C 3 on December 12, 2011, 07:56:17 AM
In the corner, he can do:

St.C, d/f A, C vulcan, Cr. C, C gatling, D.C. C dynamite, (delay) A gatling x2, St.C reset (427..?)

this combo is almost the same as the 1 in his trail number 7 i think u just use a reset instead if his phantom punch

Rex Dart

Awesome, Mr. Masteroth! Those combos have been added to the wiki.

Personally, I think the combo section of the wiki should give people an idea of what the character can do, rather than just list the ideal combo they should do under various meter requirements. So, until the combo section starts to get clunky to navigate, I don't think we need to delete anything yet.

C 3

I'm not sure if anybody else has noticed this, but whenever I do a cross over full jump on an opponent when i'm partially standing on their foot, I consistently get a cross up C.  Do with this info what you will.

t3h mAsTarOth...!

Ya a reliable way to set up the cross-up is to do "cr.B or cr.A or s.B" right next to the opponent then jump forward... You will get a cross-up j.C every time...

However the opponent can crouch and avoid the j.C if you do it this way... So instead do "cr.B or cr.A or s.B" and step back "just a little bit" then instantly jump forward and j.C... This way you'll hit standing and crouching opponents...

A few other ways of getting a cross-up is "cr.B or cr.A or s.B" then stepping forward "just a little bit" and doing "hop C"... If they are couching still you will cross them up...

Lastly you can do "cr.B, cr.B" then "hop or hyper hop" forward... If the opponent keeps crouching then "hop C will not" cross-up and "hyper hop C will" cross-up...
KOFXIII - Raiden, Billy, Mai, Karate, Kim, Ralf, Ryo, Robert

SC 1-5 - Astaroth

SaMsTarOth t3h mAsTarOth of AsTarOth...!

t3h mAsTarOth...!

I revised the combo list that I made earlier... I added a bunch of new combos... Found a kill combo in the corner... In summery please never ever use Galactica Phantom in combos... Always combo into Bareback Vulcan... All of the combos are the highest damage I could possibly get in that situation and practical in a real match...

Mid-Screen Combos -

(0 Meters + 0 DC)

(j.C, s.C) or (cr.B, s.C), qcf+C, cr.C, b~f+C = 287/247 dm

(0 Meters + 1 DC)

(j.C, s.C) or (cr.B, s.C), qcf+C, cr.C, b~f+A, DC, qcf+C, b~f+C = 365/325 dm

(1 Meters + 0 DC)

(j.C, s.C) or (cr.B, s.C), qcf+C, cr.C, Bareback Vulcan = 420/380 dmg

(1 Meters + 1 DC)

(j.C, s.C) or (cr.B, s.C), qcf+C, cr.C, b~f+A, DC, qcf+C, Bareback Vulcan = 486/446 dmg

(2 Meters + 1 DC)

(j.C, s.C) or (cr.B, s.C), qcf+C, cr.C, b~f+A, DC, qcf+AC, qcf+C, Bareback Vulcan = 553/513 dmg

(3 Meters + 1 DC)

(j.C, s.C) or (cr.B, s.C), qcf+C, cr.C, b~f+A, DC, qcf+AC, qcb+AC, Bareback Vulcan = 622/582 dmg

Corner Combos -

(0 Meter + 0 DC)

(j.C, s.C, d/f+A) or (cr.B, s.C), qcf+C, cr.C, b~f+C = 334/247 dmg

(0 Meter + 1 DC)

(j.C, s.C, d/f+A) or (cr.B, s.C), qcf+C, cr.C, b~f+C, DC, qcb+C, *delay* b~f+A, b~f+A, s.C = 467/393 dmg

(1 Meter + 0 DC)

(j.C, s.C, d/f+A) or (cr.B, s.C), qcf+C, cr.C, qcf+AC, qcf+C, *slight delay* b~f+A, b~f+A, s.C = 478/402 dmg

(1 Meter + 1 DC)

(j.C, s.C, d/f+A) or (cr.B, s.C), qcf+C, cr.C, qcf+AC, qcf+C, *slight delay* b~f+A, b~f+A, DC, qcb+C, *delay* b~f+A, b~f+A, s.C = 564/488 dmg

(2 Meters + 0 DC)

(j.C, s.C, d/f+A) or (cr.B, s.C), qcf+C, cr.C, qcf+AC, qcf+C, Bareback Vulcan = 555/479 dmg

(2 Meters + 1 DC)

(j.C, s.C, d/f+A) or (cr.B, s.C), qcf+C, cr.C, qcf+AC, qcf+C, *slight delay* b~f+A, b~f+A, DC, qcb+C, Bareback Vulcan = 650/576 dmg

(3 Meters + 1 DC)

(j.C, s.C, d/f+A) or (cr.B, s.C), qcf+C, cr.C, qcf+AC, qcf+C, qcb+AC, *slight delay* b~f+A, b~f+A, DC, qcb+C, Bareback Vulcan = 716/642 dmg

HD Combos -

(0 Meter) *Possible Mid-Screen*

(j.C, s.C, d/f+A) or (cr.B, s.C, d/f+A), qcf+C, far s.D, HD, s.C, qcf+C, (b~f+A, DC, qcf+C) x 5, b~f+C = 572/532 dmg

(1 Meter) *Possible Mid-Screen*

(j.C, s.C, d/f+A) or (cr.B, s.C, d/f+A), qcf+C, far s.D, HD, s.C, qcf+C, (b~f+A, DC, qcf+C) x 5, Bareback Vulcan = 688/648 dmg

(2 Meters) *Possible Mid-Screen*

(j.C, s.C, d/f+A) or (cr.B, s.C, d/f+A), qcf+C, far s.D, HD, s.C, qcf+C, (b~f+A, DC, qcf+C) x 4, b~f+C, DC, Neomax = 830/790 dmg

(4 Meters) *Possible Mid-Screen*

(j.C, s.C, d/f+A) or (cr.B, s.C, d/f+A), qcf+C, far s.D, HD, s.C, qcf+C, (b~f+A, DC, qcf+C) x 3, b~f+C, DC, EX Galactica Phantom *charge lvl 2*, DC, Neomax = 957/917 dmg

(5 Meters) *Corner Only*

(j.C, s.C, d/f+A) or (cr.B, s.C, d/f+A), qcf+C, far s.D, HD, s.C, qcb+AC, qcb+A, DC, qcf+C, DC, qcb+C, qcb+A, DC, qcb+AC, qcb+A, DC, Bareback Vulcan, DC, Neomax = 1044/1004 dmg
KOFXIII - Raiden, Billy, Mai, Karate, Kim, Ralf, Ryo, Robert

SC 1-5 - Astaroth

SaMsTarOth t3h mAsTarOth of AsTarOth...!

Rex Dart

Thanks a lot, t3h mAsTarOth...!

I've added most of your combos to the wiki. I think there's a mistake at the top of your list, though. The first combo (0 meter + 0 DC) has a DC in it.

Also, you mentioned that D is a better follow-up to HD activation because it won't whiff on crouching opponents. But won't that change the damage values of these combos?

Edit: Never mind. Just figured out that you just meant far D > far C. And they have the same damage value.

t3h mAsTarOth...!

oh ya... lol... ok i fixed it... and no... far s.C and far s.D both do the same damage...
KOFXIII - Raiden, Billy, Mai, Karate, Kim, Ralf, Ryo, Robert

SC 1-5 - Astaroth

SaMsTarOth t3h mAsTarOth of AsTarOth...!