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Terry Bogard Wiki Submission Thread: Submit your ideas here!

Started by steamwolf, December 12, 2011, 05:28:08 AM

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This thread is for the sole purpose of the community submitting info to be placed onto Terry's KoF XIII wiki entry. Anything from match-ups, frame data, strategies, and damage/stun for normals, command normals, specials, supers, or even cosmetic recommendations etc can be placed here. This is however NOT for combos! To submit combos, please do so in the combo thread and read over the first post.



how about mentioning that  ;c power wave absorbs/beats other projectiles, including EX projectiles. this include standard projectiles like Kyo's and those that stay still like Elizabeth's. very useful to know.


Done! Thanks for the tip, genma. Feel free to contribute anything further.


What about alternate inputs. An example would be with Rising Tackle. Instead of just  ;dn~ ;up+ ;a/ ;c you can input ;dn ;db ;bk ;ub ;up;a/ ;c.

The reason I bring this up is because in one of his trials, you have to do a Rising Tackle to a Power Geyser and with the second inputs you can cheat to get the move out easier.
Stupid sexy Ash...

Skill level: Huge noob
Website: Game Over Damage


Crossup set-ups - Here are a list of cross-ups that are either guaranteed or very hard to react to.
I'll list the situation and after a hyphen, I'll give the proper way to cross-up. Here's an example.

B Crackshoot - Jump D into cross-up.

*Note: All of these are tried on block. This is not as simple as all that, you have to time your jump so it crosses up. Practice makes perfect!


d.B, d.A/d.B x2/d.B, st.B - Hop D to cross up

d.Bx2, st.B/d.B, d.A, d.B/ Any heavy attack chain - Jump D to cross up

d.Bx3, st.B - Hyper hop D to cross up (Must be crouching to cross-up, but must stand and block to the other once it crosses up)

EX Powerwave/D Crackshoot/Any other hard Knockdown - Super Jump/Jump to cross up (This depends on how far away the person is from you)

B Crackshoot - Jump D to cross up (You have to space it so you hit them with the tail of crackshoot. Being too close will get you hit.)


Some anti-cross up moves for Terry require meter, but it prevents you from being hit because of the wide hit box.

Power Geyser (Regular and EX) - Power Geyser has a hit box that's a little above Terry so it hits people jumping in on you as well as giving you invulnerability. Just don't do it if they're already over you. EX Power Geyser gives you invulnerability completely and is safer.

Rising Tackle (Regular, Heavy, or EX) - If timed properly, this can autocorrect. You have to wait till someone is over you for it to correct and hit your opponent. Timing can be strict so use this wisely. The C version has some start-up invincibility  and the EX has a vacuum so even if it would whiff with a normal Rising Tackle, the EX one will catch them. Careful of safejumps baiting reversals.

df+C - df+C comes out fairly fast and can be cancelled into specials on hit. If you expect to be crossed up, you would hold db relative to the direction your opponent came from. That way, when they cross you up, you'll immediately autocorrect. If you think they won't cross up, you'll time a down C which can sometimes hit meaty moves or trade.


Good information. I'll update the wiki with this stuff asap.


Two things. I know this has been brought up before, but for the sake of accuracy, Terry's Power Geyser input should be put in properly. its proper input can be faster than a hcf, so I think it is is important. its also looks sloppy on our par, since his real input does not have all those extra arrows.

;dn ;db ;bk ;db ;fd +  ;a/ ;c

the other thing is regarding the quick combo reference. again, this is minor but the 3 stock and 2 drive meter combo....doesn't really require any drive meter. just thought I'd point that out.   nope, I'm stupid.


o.O Yes it does. Qcf x2 +AC is the Neomax. You have to use all your drive to use it.


you need drive to use neomax? I thought you just need 3 bars. wow. how did I miss this? :U


Just some minor detail things I came across:

- Power Wave, Burn Knuckle, Crack Shoot (regular), Power Geyser, Buster Wolf and Trinity Geyser all have their 'hit detection' stated as 'High' when it should be 'Mid' (all can be blocked while crouching and standing).
- EX Crack Shoot as its 'hit detection' and Mid when it should be 'Overhead'.

Some additions:

- Back Fist ( ;fd ;a) whiffs on Chin if he's crouching.
- Target Combo (cr. ;a, cr. ;c) (Edit: bah, forgot it was in the Console changes list, my bad).


Common Fighting Game language has Mids as Overheads.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.


Oh ok, my bad. I saw the notes on hit detection from the main KoFXIII wiki page and went with that when I posted.

QuoteHit detection notes

Although other sources may have different definitions, hit detection for this wiki is defined by the following:

Overhead - An attack that must be blocked high.

Mid - An attack that can be blocked either high or low.

Low - An attack that must be blocked low.


Yeah, sometimes the language can get mixed up.  Usually it can go like this as well.

High - Attack that can be blocked high and will whiff against crouchers.

Mid - Attack that must be blocked high and will hit crouch blockers.

Low - Attack that must be blocked low and will whiff against hopping/jumping opponents.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.


In our wiki we go by overhead, mid, and low. Other games have it different ways exchanging mid and high as different.

1) An attack which will Whiff on a crouching opponent.
2) An attack that can only be blocked High.
Mid: An attack that can be blocked High or Low.

Low: An attack that can only be blocked Low.

Overhead: An attack that can only be blocked High." - http://www.option-select.com/strategy/article/?a=12#mid
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."


In which case, we should indeed switch up the notation on the Terry Wiki then.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.