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Clark wiki building thread

Started by nilcam, December 14, 2011, 12:33:01 AM

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Basic Clark talk:

I don't think he has any bad matchups. Feel free to discuss. But everything just seems really solid with him.

Tick throw options with B SAB: Jumping or standing A or B. Very scary stuff.

Learning the HD bypass makes him even scarier as he could do it off of pretty much any normal: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=6da56NFWoNs#!
Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.


One other thing: I disagree with using HD Bypass straight into Grab Super than Neo Max. It uses 3 bars but it only does about 150 more damage then simply using EX Grab and one cancel into EX Super. Unless it's absolutely going to kill them I wouldn't use it because you sacrifice your entire Drive Cancel bar and you might need the rest of it for later.
Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.


Tested some things in the lab:

Corner only: You can do jumping A or B, then toward A or B, wait half a second, then B SAB. Legit tick throw.

Another thing -I don't know if it's been mentioned but I tested it with the dummy set to 1 guard Jump- you can use Clark's Dash (Toward B&D) after doing Sweep gives him less recovery frames, or so it seems. I'm really not the frame data kind of guy so I couldn't tell you. But he looks relatively safe, at least against shit that isn't instant like EX Supers or command grabs by other characters. It certainly intensifies his pressure game.
Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.


Quote from: LouisCipher on December 17, 2011, 06:22:30 AM
Tested some things in the lab:

Corner only: You can do jumping A or B, then toward A or B, wait half a second, then B SAB. Legit tick throw.

I hate to burst your bubble, but someone can try to alternate guard that, especially if you're doing the B SAB which has slow startup (ppl can see a mile away). Even if they don't alt guard it, someone can just jump away on reaction.

If someone doesn't know about alternate guard, it would be smarter to do just hop A, then tick D SAB because it starts up faster. Then if you are facing someone that does alt guard, you can do hop A, wait, low B into D SAB. You can even put that into a combo on hit, hop A, low B, D SAB.
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."


Oh of course, I'm just listing an option. I really hate Alt Guard though ;) .
Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.


Posted some new Clark combos and tricks to the Wiki:

Hyper Drive Combos
s. D or C, HyperDrive (tap twice to get an automatic s.C) HCBx2 Punch (or EX) into Neomax. 745 damage, 850 damage off of EX Grab Super.
(About half screen distance) Either s.C or s.D, HyperDrive OR HD Bypass, HCF EX Grab or HCBx2 Punch (or EX) into Neomax. Uses between 3-5 bars and can do anywhere from 745 to 900 damage.
You're given some lee-way but the above combos are the easiest ways of comboing into his Neomax.

J.D or C, s. D or C, HyperDrive, b~f A, As they fall Vulcan Punch (hits 3 times), Drive Cancel into b~f C, b~f C, As they fall Vulcan Punch (hits once), Drive Cancel into b~f C, Neomax. Does roughly 750 damage with 2 bars. This Dandy J video shows the combo (and it can be done in EX Mode: couple of clark combos
Advanced Neo Max Combos (by Bala)
Clark HD Combo KOF XIII
[edit]B SAB Tick Throws

Clark is the only character in KOF13 that has tick throws due to the autoguard his B Super Argentine Backbreaker (SAB) has. This gives Clark some very scary 50/50 mixups that resemble certain Capcom grapplers. However, the B SAB has flaws and will lose out to a competent opponent if you spam them, but they are a legit tool one should keep in mind and can be used in many situations.
Tick throws setups:
c.B (close), B SAB.
J.A or B. B SAB.
CD (Blowback Attack), Dash cancel (toward + B and D), B SAB.
J.CD or J.A or J.B, Toward A or B (walk a little forward), B SAB (might have to delay by about half a second).
Empty Short Hop into B SAB will beat all low attacks.
Video example: Clark Tick Throw Autoguard SAB Setups KOF13
Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.


Why don't you add something about Clark's air throw setups? Like if someone jumps away after blocking his J.CD or j.A or j.B (thinking they may be ticked by a B SAB) that they can potentially be air thrown?

Plus some elaborations and details on his normals moves and specials, etc. would be great.

Thanks man.
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."


Added some new stuff:

*Added a note that the B SAB Tick throws could be used for Air Grab setups.

Mid Range
Clark's best pokes are s.D or s.C. S.D is a lot faster but harder to HyperDrive bypass into either Grab Super or EX Grab. S.C is a lot slower but is pretty much a guaranteed HyperDrive bypass into whatever. It's simple to setup and you can do it off of any of his normals but for me it works best with s.D/s.C/or c.B: Basically you hit them and then hit Hyperdrive (B and C) and at the same time either EX Grab (HCF+B/D) or either grab super (HCBx2 A/C) and follow through with your Neomax.
[edit]Close Range
On Opponent's Wakeup
In my opinion: Don't do B SAB on wakeup. Maybe try to tick into it, but don't be predicable. Pretty much every character has something they can do on wakeup to counter B SAB and a lot of players will counter once they catch on to you. Maybe try to bait them to do a wakeup attack and punish. Jumping C grab is an option. S.C or s.D or solid meaties to use on their wakeup.
Cornered Opponent
Alternate between CD pressure, and dash in c.B and c.A and combo into whatever. Jumping at them is probably not a great idea especially if they're sitting on meter. Using Clark's best pokes and going into Hyperdrive is a good option.

Best Jumping attacks
Clark's CD is really good but the problem is it's slow and will be beaten out, especially if you're predictable. His best overall jump ins are short hop B (counters a lot of Kyo/Iori's jumping normals) and jumping D will Anti Air to an extent but will not hit them if crouching, same with jumping B. Jumping C will crossup but it's difficult to setup, but Clark's jumping A will hit them if crouching, can be easily comboed into whatever, and can also be used to tick into B SAB.

***I noticed another section was set for combos but I deleted it because of its pointlessness. His combos are already listed in the combo section and it makes way more sense to have a section on his best/worst matchups and general advice.
Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.


Thanks for your contributions. Here is some feedback:

Is there a reason why you deleted the "With No Meter/No Drive" sections? Will you fill those out in the future? If that's what you are talking about "another section for combos", it isn't a combo section, it's for analysis on characters that have more options or has more or less advantages when they have a certain amount of meter for example: http://dreamcancel.com/wiki/index.php?title=Sie_Kensou_%28XIII%29#With_No_Meter.2FNo_Drive

Also, in the "best team position" you put:

"Any. Clark is a character that can work on any point." Is this just a placeholder for an explanation why? If it isn't please explain why you think he's good on any point.

Another thing is to try your best to stay away from 1st person references for example: http://dreamcancel.com/wiki/index.php?title=Clark_Still_%28XIII%29#Close_Range

Thanks again. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."


Personally I don't see a reason for a "With No Meter/No Drive" because it's covered in the combo section. If you're referring to strategies, honestly Clark is all about either Grabbing them, setting up Oki, nail them with Charge Punch or EX Charge, etc.

I think focusing on individual matchups is much more helpful.

I think it's a given that Clark works on any point. I think everyone who uses Clark can agree with that. I guess I could add another sentence explaining that.
Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.


Covering it in the combo section isn't really enough.  While Clark's strategy doesn't change too much with or without Drive/Meter, it does enough to make note of it.  Clark being loaded with meters will change how people play against him, as now his damage and punish potential becomes much higher, especially if he also has Drive there to possibly go into Super SAB (if he doesn't go into it to begin with).

As for individual matchups, I was avoiding adding those sections as there are still a few characters that don't even have THEIR OWN playstyles down, let alone how they deal with others.  Raiden players for example still seem to be at odds about how exactly to play him with the nerfing of his DKs.  But if you want the matchups, I'll add them to each wiki then.  Since you wanted it first, Clark's Matchup section will be added immediately.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.


Quote from: LouisCipher on April 04, 2012, 01:53:24 AM
Personally I don't see a reason for a "With No Meter/No Drive" because it's covered in the combo section. If you're referring to strategies, honestly Clark is all about either Grabbing them, setting up Oki, nail them with Charge Punch or EX Charge, etc.

I think focusing on individual matchups is much more helpful.

I think it's a given that Clark works on any point. I think everyone who uses Clark can agree with that. I guess I could add another sentence explaining that.

It's not about combos, as Saitsu just explained, its about how the match would be played under when Clark (or any other character) has meters or not. Certain characters when they have more meters, they either gain more rushdown options or a boost in defensive options (much faster reversals etc). It also increase their likelihood for more a higher damage output, or even if the character can benefit as much as other characters with more meters. There are some characters that do just fine without meters, while you should save them for character that would need them more. So it has nothing to do with actual combos.

And yes, I agree, Clark can do well on any spot on the team, there is not disputing that, but is there a reason why exactly over other characters? Is it because he doesn't need as much meter for his mixups? Is it because his able to gain momentum of the match quicker than most characters? There is a reason for everything.
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."


Anyway, Clark's Matchup Section (along with everyone else's) is up. 

Enjoy yourself.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.


Quote from: Desmond Delaghetto on April 04, 2012, 05:51:53 AM

It's not about combos, as Saitsu just explained, its about how the match would be played under when Clark (or any other character) has meters or not. Certain characters when they have more meters, they either gain more rushdown options or a boost in defensive options (much faster reversals etc). It also increase their likelihood for more a higher damage output, or even if the character can benefit as much as other characters with more meters. There are some characters that do just fine without meters, while you should save them for character that would need them more. So it has nothing to do with actual combos.

And yes, I agree, Clark can do well on any spot on the team, there is not disputing that, but is there a reason why exactly over other characters? Is it because he doesn't need as much meter for his mixups? Is it because his able to gain momentum of the match quicker than most characters? There is a reason for everything.

Okay, but matchups cover that. If not, than combos cover that. For example: If Clark has 2 bars and one DriveCancel available, what can you do? In which case I don't believe in going over every kind of action you can do because everyone plays differently. A lot of it is exploration and trying to figure out what works for you. Anyone who's reading the Clark wiki and wants to figure him out will know what he's capable of doing and what works best in certain matchups.

Does that make sense?

Thanks for putting in that Matchups saitsuku, I agree that some characters haven't been figured out yet but it's going to help. IMHO Clark's worst matchups are: Kyo/Iori (either original or EX), Beni, and Billy. In that order.
Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.