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Vice (Arcade Version)

Started by nilcam, July 27, 2010, 03:46:41 AM

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Quote from: SAB-CA on August 25, 2011, 10:31:36 PM
If I'm not mistaken, the only surefire follow-ups off a normal Decide are Gorefest, and ;a Mayhem.

It's done in such a way, where she doesn't have an infinite, or over-extended normal combos without using EX.
Thanks alot bro.
That makes perfect sense :)

So basically im looking for the max damage I can get off of cr.B.
because a noob like me finds it impossible to hitconfirm a st.D lolol

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Quote from: milesw on August 25, 2011, 10:10:54 PM
Thanks for the above help.
Okay I want to clarify some stuff...

firstly can you guys tell me the properties of EX decide in combos.

Are you able to combo off of a normal decide or does it have to be EX?

if you can
why dont people do stuff like...

* B version Decide (hcf B) can be comboed into however the only thing you can combo out of are command throws (including her DM version)
* D version Decide cannot be combo into but you can combo out of it with an A Mayhem (qcb+A) along with command throws
* Ex version Decide can be combo into and out of and can even be followed up with a s.D.  The Ex Decide also have "anywhere juggle" properties so you can do silly stuff like j.CD (no counter) and do Ex Decide when you land.

Quote from: milesw on August 25, 2011, 10:10:54 PM
The properties of her overhead slam thingy?

Are you talking about her Splash (dp+P) because it's not an overhead per se, it's just an unblockable command throw (only for grounded opponents).  Ex version goes farther but has some slight startup.

Quote from: milesw on August 25, 2011, 10:10:54 PM
I had trouble previously landing
s.D>f.A>Ex mayhem>ST.D>EX DECIDE
outside of the corner.
I always got a far D
Do I have to dash a lil bit or something?

You don't need to dash in, if you're having difficulty try replacing it with s.B since the Ex Decide is an anywhere juggle.


Love you guys
no homo lol...


Can I use the qcb x2~f+AC shortcut for Vice's neomax?

Avoid double posting -Kane317

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Quote from: milesw on August 26, 2011, 03:58:40 PM
Can I use the qcb x2~f+AC shortcut for Vice's neomax?

Yes, all qcb~hcf+button motions can be shorcutted to qcb x2~f+button as discussed in the Gameplay thread.


thanks also
Having trouble consistently getting gorfest without splash coming out. I believe my inputs may not be 100% but do you know if theres a way I can avoid the splash?
I do know dp can be input as hcb f but I really want the reverse lol


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Quote from: milesw on September 06, 2011, 04:04:08 PM
thanks also
Having trouble consistently getting gorfest without splash coming out. I believe my inputs may not be 100% but do you know if theres a way I can avoid the splash?
I do know dp can be input as hcb f but I really want the reverse lol

Do hcb~ub~up~uf+P  (pretty fast so that you won't jump).  That way you wont' get the Splash.


Thanks kane.
Looks like I might have to be protecting Russia's skies...to some degree :D

My youtube


sorry if this is old info, but i found that you can kara vice's EX command grab by whiff canceling her CD. the range is really slim, because if you're too close the CD will hit or be blocked, and the opponent can't be grabbed either way. but if you space it just right, you can land EX command grab from like almost midscreen lol it just looks hella cool. from what i've tested, this doesn't work with normal command grab because their range is too short.
In it to win it!


Quote from: davidkong07 on October 04, 2011, 03:59:20 AM
sorry if this is old info, but i found that you can kara vice's EX command grab by whiff canceling her CD. the range is really slim, because if you're too close the CD will hit or be blocked, and the opponent can't be grabbed either way. but if you space it just right, you can land EX command grab from like almost midscreen lol it just looks hella cool.

Pretty sweet! A nice thought. Can't think of many other characters in XIII that such a thing could work for, either. Maybe someone like Shen or Kyo? Don't think any of the other grapplers have CDs with enough forward movement..


Interesting "claim" for Vice according to Gunsmith of Orochinagi.com, he's reporting some more changes to Vice.

*Mayhem into the Splash follow up can be now be [SC]'ed after she slams them to the ground.  Previously you can only do if after you input the Splash but before they hit the ground which is when she inflicts the Splash damage (pardon the pun).
*D version Deicide (hcf D) now stuns the opponent long enough to do a C Mayhem (qcb C). 


C Mayhem does 30 more damage than A Mayhem which may not seem a lot, but if you're looping it 3~5 times that's 90-150 more damage which is significant couple that with the extra Splash damage of 100, that's a good little bump in damage (minus damage scaling of course).  Now if we can only get the numbers for s.D x2 vs s.D, f+A we can see if that helps her as well...


So, I suppose that means she can SC Splash's slam into Negative Gain, eh? Or is it into Overkill?

This idea fits in with Yuri and Shen's Grab-cancelling. Could we assume every grappler to have 1 new cancel trick (save for maybe Maxima and Raiden)? Would be quite funny for Maxima to cancel AA grab into Air Vapor Cannon, lol. Maybe Goro could cancel AA Throw into OTG throw? And that Clark Flashing Elbow Cancel! ;)

Anyway, would the modified ;D Decide now give longer hitstun? Or maybe it's treated as something like a sneaky derived throw ender? Either way, really like the fact that this should buff her HD combo damage output nicely.


Quote from: SAB-CA on October 04, 2011, 11:39:00 PM
So, I suppose that means she can SC Splash's slam into Negative Gain, eh? Or is it into Overkill?

I guess that would depend on whether it's canceled on the ground or as she's bouncing off.  I don't think we can know unless we see some footage.

EDIT: According to this post from Gunny she can now [MC] from both DMs!  Very cool!


wow that sounds great! hahaha my team is getting so buff for console! lolol
In it to win it!


Here's a clip of a decent Vice user from the console event in Paris going on now from last weekend.


Quote from: Kane317 on October 05, 2011, 10:14:36 PM
Here's a clip of a decent Vice user from the console event in Paris going on now from last weekend.

Very nice, I see lots of videos where people drop that combo at 1:25 Nice seeing that connect, great execution. Looks like a Good Kula will give Vice some trouble but he did well, got a little greedy at 2:16 lol. Great gameplay by Pharaon. Nice Vids from Paris.