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Terry Bogard (Arcade Version)

Started by nilcam, July 27, 2010, 03:47:00 AM

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man i wonder if terry can combo into his ex geyser when the opponent is in the air during drive cancels or during hd mode, and juggle on with a special into another dm? ive seen him juggle after the exgeyser, so i do wonder whats possible.
In the end, there can only be XIII.


Still mo sweet Chariots, keep on swingin'!


actually in hd mode he can combo into ex geyser then straight into either regular, or ex buster wolf  Mr. KOF was the first that I've seen do it, I could never remember the sequence he did tho before he got to that, but to answer your question yes he can, It's probably on one of the AI videos too since I saw them record it when i was there
" you fight well in the old style"


Quote from: metaphysics on October 07, 2010, 09:08:11 AM
actually in hd mode he can combo into ex geyser then straight into either regular, or ex buster wolf  Mr. KOF was the first that I've seen do it, I could never remember the sequence he did tho before he got to that, but to answer your question yes he can, It's probably on one of the AI videos too since I saw them record it when i was there

I think I didn't end up uploading that one, but goto YouTube and check out the official Terry combo from SNK Hong Kong and you'll see it.


i know about that one, but he does it in the corner making only 1 of the 3 geysers hit. i wondered if it could be done outside the corner to make all 3 hit, then follow up with a bk or cs or just got straight for the bw.
In the end, there can only be XIII.


Still mo sweet Chariots, keep on swingin'!

Rex Dart

Earlier tonight I saw the most amazing Terry combo ever, and possibly the coolest in the game. (Disclaimer: This is the opinion of a Terry fan.)

I watched a guy do it three times in practice mode, and he had the AI opponent crouching. I'm not sure how necessary this is to the combo, but I wanted to mention it. Also, I'm not certain of the strengths of the moves, so keep in mind that when I saw weak Crack Shoot, it could be strong Crack Shoot. Same for all the others ones. I'm 70% sure of the input, though...

Cross-up jump ;d -> close  ;d ->  ;df ;c -> HD ACTIVATE -> close  ;d ->  ;df ;c ->  ;dn ;db ;bk ;a -(HC)->  ;dn _ ;up ;c (one hit) -(HC)->  ;dn ;db ;bk ;c ->  ;dn _ ;up ;c (one hit) -(HC)->  ;dn ;db ;bk ;c ->  ;dn ;db ;bk ;d  ->  ;dn ;df ;fd ;dn ;df ;fd ;b -((MC))->  ;dn ;df ;fd ;dn ;df ;fd ;a ;c  (opponent in corner) ->  ;dn ;db ;bk ;a  ->  ;dn _ ;up ;a ;c   (Strengths of the specials have been corrected -Kane317)

Did you get all that? The spacing looks pretty specific. He began the combo all three times with the opponent close to (about two characters sizes away from) the corner. And crouching, as I mentioned before. Terry does a cross-up jumping D, and does a typical HD combo starter into weak Burn Knuckle. He cancels that into a one-hit Rising Tackle, just to juggle them higher, and then uses a strong Burn Knuckle to pass under his opponent. He then does another Rising Tackle -> Burn Knuckle cancel to pass under his opponent a second time. At this point, they're about mid-screen. Terry does a strong Crack Shoot (three hits) to get his opponent a bit higher in the air, and goes into his Buster Wolf -> Trinity Geyser max cancel. The NeoMax hits the opponent into the corner (the opposite corner they started from) and Terry does another weak Burn Knuckle. I think this is where the spacing becomes incredibly important, since Terry is far enough away from the opponent that only the very end of the Burn Knuckle hits him. This means that Terry recovers quickly enough to add an EX Rising Tackle to the end.

The end result of all that work and all five gauges? 1023 damage. This makes it the first 100% combo for Terry, at least as far as I know.

Impractical? Yes. Awesome? Very yes.

CORRECTIONS: I can't believe it's taken someone so long to mention this, but the first post lists Rising Tackle with kick instead of punch.

UPDATE Kane317: Thank Mr. Kof for performing the combo for you guys.


I really want to see that combo, sounds really cool, and I always love when combos had moves that are not used to hit the opponent, but just to use them to move

Waifu Material


Quote from: Rex Dart on October 23, 2010, 07:03:23 PMCORRECTIONS: I can't believe it's taken someone so long to mention this, but the first post lists Rising Tackle with kick instead of punch.

Yeah I just noticed that too, thanks for the info btw


Correction made. Thanks for pointing that out.

Rex Dart

Quote from: sibarraz on October 23, 2010, 07:15:13 PM
I really want to see that combo, sounds really cool, and I always love when combos had moves that are not used to hit the opponent, but just to use them to move
Sorry, I phrased that poorly. All the Burn Knuckles DO connect, but Terry ends up on the other side of the opponent after the two in the middle.


Wow I really wanna see that too, I'm with you Rex Terry is a total badass.

Well I guess my icon signifies that already.


finally somebody smart enough to handle terry and his combos. thing is if this was already released on console wed be seeing all those combos in the first days of release. since it ain't, im happy somebody with the right mindstate bothered to waste tha quarter in practice mode on everyone's favourite pizzaboy.

also the cs in the combo might actually be the hard one, since it hits 3x. lets hope somebody records this combo soon.
In the end, there can only be XIII.


Still mo sweet Chariots, keep on swingin'!


So, how hits is this combo? Can it be done in an actual match?


Quote from: JT_Chill on October 25, 2010, 06:25:15 AM
So, how hits is this combo? Can it be done in an actual match?

It's 40hits.  It's a tiny bit situational but still feasible in a real match.  You just need to cross them up when they're near the corner and that opening happens more than you think.

Quote from: Chowdizzle on October 24, 2010, 01:58:46 AM
Wow I really wanna see that too, I'm with you Rex Terry is a total badass.

Well I guess my icon signifies that already.

Thank Mr. KoF for doing the combo for you guys, and credit goes to Rex Dart of course (I just helped with the recording as usual).

Rex Dart


That's such an awesome combo. Thanks so much for the video.


Quote from: Rex Dart on October 31, 2010, 11:45:27 AM

That's such an awesome combo. Thanks so much for the video.

No thank you, if you didn't bring it up we wouldn't have be able to do it.  Crazy internet days we live in.  Keep your eyes peeled and ears close to the ground for any more cool combos. =)