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Question about a move motion

Started by Durzo, January 08, 2012, 08:08:23 PM

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Hey, I've been practicing on my ralf for quite some time now, and i've gotten a few basic combos down like down kick punch ex Vulcan Punch(i think thats the name) then into another Vulcan Punch ect, but one move that i see from online combo videos in the one where you do  ;bk Charge  ;fd Punch, now my question is wtf is the secret to that?! i cant ever seem to get it out on a whim and when i can sometimes do it its cus i've held back for a while, too long in fact to even use it into a combo, so im hoping someone could help me with this dilemma. Also, if someone could help me with my lon i cant seem to find good moves to link other then his  ;dn  ;df  ;fd  ;a  ;dn  ;df  ;fd  ;a  ;dn  ;df  ;fd  ;a  ;dn  ;df  ;fd  ;k ,  ;a
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