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The NEW 50% Character Thread (Tables and Voting on Page 1)

Started by BioBooster, February 02, 2012, 07:56:36 AM

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Which 3 chrs do you feel are most effective at 50%?

Andy Bogard
3 (5.1%)
Ash Crimson
2 (3.4%)
Athena Asamiya
3 (5.1%)
Benimaru Nikaido
7 (11.9%)
Billy Kane
0 (0%)
Chin Gentsai
6 (10.2%)
Clark Still
1 (1.7%)
Duo Lon
1 (1.7%)
Elisabeth Branctorche
2 (3.4%)
Goro Daimon
3 (5.1%)
Hwa Jai
20 (33.9%)
Iori Yagami
7 (11.9%)
Joe Higashi
2 (3.4%)
4 (6.8%)
Kim Kaphwan
2 (3.4%)
2 (3.4%)
Kula Diamond
3 (5.1%)
Kyo Kusanagi
11 (18.6%)
Leona Heidern
1 (1.7%)
Mai Shiranui
1 (1.7%)
4 (6.8%)
2 (3.4%)
4 (6.8%)
Ralf Jones
2 (3.4%)
Robert Garcia
0 (0%)
Ryo Sakazaki
1 (1.7%)
2 (3.4%)
Shen Woo
6 (10.2%)
Sie Kensou
0 (0%)
Takuma Sakazaki
26 (44.1%)
Terry Bogard
1 (1.7%)
5 (8.5%)
Yuri Sakazaki
2 (3.4%)
Flame Iori
3 (5.1%)
4 (6.8%)
Mr. Karate
21 (35.6%)

Total Members Voted: 59


@LAB Falken, have upped Athena on the first page. Props for the first Athena entry and for the fact that it was the butt loop :D

@DarKaoZ, likewise, muchas gracias for more extensive contributions for K' and Beni.
I'll have to digest it properly in order to represent everything correctly on page 1 - lol


I'm sorry Bio, I'm just spending too much time in the lab recently. Since I will have a tournament soon, which I hope I can attend, I'm checking what I can do with 1 HD bar max.

Here are some new ones for Leona:


Quote0 HD 2 Stock (Anywhere)

j.HP > c.HP > ;dn ;db ;bk+KK (EX) > ;dn ;db ;bk ;db ;dn ;df ;fd+K = 425 dmg

1 HD 2 Stock (Anywhere)

j.HP > c.HP > ;dn ;db ;bk+KK (EX) > (;db~ ;fd)+LK > HD Cancel > ;dn ;db ;bk ;db ;dn ;df ;fd+K = 477 dmg

0 HD 2 Stock (Anywhere)

j.HP > c.HP > ;dn ;db ;bk+KK (EX) > ;dn ;df ;fd ;uf ;dn ;db ;bk+HP= 433 dmg

0 HD 3 Stock (Anywhere)

j.HP > c.HP > ;dn ;db ;bk+KK (EX) > ;dn ;df ;fd ;uf ;dn ;db ;bk+PP (EX) = 535 dmg

Quote1 HD 1 Stock (Corner)

j.HP > c.HP > ;dn ;db ;bk+KK (EX) > (;db~ ;ub)+HP > HD Cancel > (;ub~ ;fd)+HK > hop CD = 430 dmg

1 HD 2 Stock (Corner)

j.HP > c.HP > ;dn ;db ;bk+KK (EX) > (;db~ ;ub)+HP > HD Cancel > (;ub~ ;fd)+HK >  ;dn ;db ;bk ;db ;dn ;df ;fd+K or ;dn ;df ;fd ;uf ;df ;dn ;db ;bk+P = 535 dmg

1 HD 3 Stock (Corner)

j.HP > c.HP > ;dn ;db ;bk+KK (EX) > (;db~ ;ub)+HP > HD Cancel > (;ub~ ;fd)+HK > ;dn ;df ;fd ;uf ;df ;dn ;db ;bk+PP (EX) > (;dn~ ;up)+HP = 664 dmg


Ash 1 Stock 50% Drive(Corner)

j.;d, cl.;d,  ;dn ;db ;bk+ ;a ;c,  ;bk~ ;fd+ ;a,  ;bk~ ;fd+ ;a,  ;bk~ ;fd+ ;a,  ;dn~ ;up+ ;b (DC)  ;bk~ ;fd+ ;a,  ;bk~ ;fd+ ;a, ;dn~ ;up+ ;d= 516 dmg                                                  

Gets the job done easily if you want damage. You can sacrifice a fireball or two from the end of the combo so you can hit with CD for the Genee oki setup as well.


Couple of Ralf corner combos.

1 Stock, 1 Drive Gauge
Video version:
(Corner)  j.C st.D qcf+C st.C (AC)x4 dc qcb+C qcb+A b~f+A b~f+A st.C = 611dmg, 73stun

Examples of practical/match versions:
(Corner)  hop.D st.C df.A qcf+C st.C (AC)x4 dc qcb+C qcb+A b~f+A b~f+A st.C = 600dmg, 82stun
(Corner)  hop.D cr.B st.C qcf+C st.C (AC)x4 dc qcb+C qcb+A b~f+A b~f+A st.C = 568dmg, 77stun

2 Stock, 1 Drive Gauge
Video version:
(Corner)  j.C st.D qcf+C st.C (AC)x4 dc qcb+C qcb+A qcbhcf+K = 699dmg,45stun

Examples of practical/match versions:
(Corner)  hop.D st.C df.A qcf+C st.C (AC)x4 dc qcb+C qcb+A qcbhcf+K = 688dmg,54stun
(Corner)  hop.D cr.B st.C qcf+C st.C (AC)x4 dc qcb+C qcb+A qcbhcf+K = 656dmg,49stun


Ohhh nice Ralf combos there, I think one of my friends will like these.


Very nice to everyone.

Promise to have the table updated this wk (and damn have some of my own that should be up here too).

You guys have given me like an hr of work hahah (>_<)

~but it is a labor of love - more combo goodness!


Take your sweet time Bio, no pressure.

I'm planning on doing a video with all the combos I have posted recently. Well I have the footage already, but it looks horrible, need to borrow a HD camera that way the footage will look good. Man, sucks not to have a HD camera or a HD capture card. =/


Awesome man, looks like you wanting to take it to the next level :)

We do have some vids people took (or some people posted from vids - both valid) which is pretty nice.

I have to break down and get a cap card at some point myself >_<


Aiite foos...

You'll probably all be amused by this, but had to evict leona, mai, maxima to the 2nd table bc we broke the 20k chr limit on the backend for a single post.


keep it coming....

EDIT: oh right, of course we're all up to date. Damn this thing is a crazy resource....


0|1 (almost full scrn)
j.C, s.C, {qcb+A}x3, [DC]qcb+D, qcb+B, qcb+B, s.C = 385

A bit like the Terrastorm one.

DC late on the 3rd rekka - if too late qcb+D won't hit. It's possible to to get a third qcb+B, but this is more realistic. The timing on the DC can be tricky to get used to and maybe not reliable in matches.

The stable thing I would do in matches is:
1|1 (almost full scrn)
j.C, s.C, {qcb+A}x3, [DC]qcb+BD, qcb+B, {qcb+A}x3, s.C = 400

Where the DC is easy to time and hit with. The rekkas at the end should be done slowly so as not to whiff the juggle.

@Terra, how the hell'd you get j.C, s.C, qcb+BD to hit? don't think that combos although the rest of it does @_@


Quote from: BioBooster on May 24, 2012, 03:48:05 PM
0|1 (almost full scrn)
j.C, s.C, {qcb+A}x3, [DC]qcb+D, qcb+B, qcb+B, s.C = 385

A bit like the Terrastorm one.

DC late on the 3rd rekka - if too late qcb+D won't hit. It's possible to to get a third qcb+B, but this is more realistic. The timing on the DC can be tricky to get used to and maybe not reliable in matches.

The stable thing I would do in matches is:
1|1 (almost full scrn)
j.C, s.C, {qcb+A}x3, [DC]qcb+BD, qcb+B, {qcb+A}x3, s.C = 400

Where the DC is easy to time and hit with. The rekkas at the end should be done slowly so as not to whiff the juggle.

@Terra, how the hell'd you get j.C, s.C, qcb+BD to hit? don't think that combos although the rest of it does @_@

You are talking about Mature right? What part of the combo are you having trouble with? Btw, you do mean close c instead of standing c, right?

For the Rekkas to qcb+d DC, try canceling as you see the second yellow slash mark of the last Rekka string.

Before I forget, here's another Mature combo, 1 Bar, 1 drive.

j.c, cl.c, EX rekkas(4),[DC] qcb+d, cl.c, Rekkas.

Can also be done with cr.b, st.b into EX Rekkas
This the combo RyRy uses.

Can also be done this way for a little more damage. 1 bar, 1 drive(thanks to Shart)
j.c, cl.c, EX Rekkas(5), [DC] qcb+d, qcb+b, qcb+b, cl.c.


Hey man, thanks for the tip in timing the qcb+D, thought it was the last slash of it so the opponent would get aired?

was talking about this one:

Quote from: Terrastorm on January 30, 2012, 12:35:28 PM

1 Stock, 1 Drive

j.c, cl.c, qcb+BD, cl.c, rekkas, [DC] qcb+d, qcb+b, qcb+b, cl.c  - 503 damage.

qcb+BD to cl.c is a link.

Rekkas to qcb+d is a rather late DC, done as the last hit causes a KD.

I haven't really tested if the two qcb+b needs the corner to work, most of the time you are at the corner by the time to get to that point anyways.

Don't see how j.c, cl.c, qcb+BD bit can combo. There some method to it? (I would abuse the hell out of that)


Quote from: BioBooster on May 24, 2012, 06:32:10 PM
Hey man, thanks for the tip in timing the qcb+D, thought it was the last slash of it so the opponent would get aired?

was talking about this one:

Quote from: Terrastorm on January 30, 2012, 12:35:28 PM

1 Stock, 1 Drive

j.c, cl.c, qcb+BD, cl.c, rekkas, [DC] qcb+d, qcb+b, qcb+b, cl.c  - 503 damage.

qcb+BD to cl.c is a link.

Rekkas to qcb+d is a rather late DC, done as the last hit causes a KD.

I haven't really tested if the two qcb+b needs the corner to work, most of the time you are at the corner by the time to get to that point anyways.

Don't see how j.c, cl.c, qcb+BD bit can combo. There some method to it? (I would abuse the hell out of that)
Have you tried it? It works fine for me.

Also, I changed my wording of the timing to be a little more specific.


yeah, damn, I must be missing something.

so by the time you are at j.c, cl.c, qcb+BD you have 8 hits on your combo counter?


lol I didn't have it on one-hit guard and I had thought for some reason that qcb+BD was 6 hits by itself.

Damn, gotta lay off the drink :P