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Started by davidkong07, February 07, 2012, 06:00:41 AM

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Furious Fandango

Hi im new at KoF, im play Kof in past but is long time ago, dont know about HD mode and Neo Max,just know Super aka DM
im big fan of Art Of Fighting Team, what best formation, what put first Ryo or Robert, I Think takuma the last because He is Sensei.
and Ryo doesnt have target combo to special,like Robert and Takuma Crazy flying kick loop
who is master Ryo or good high level player Ryo so i can see in Yutube

Thanks for help :)


Quote from: Furious Fandango on November 29, 2012, 07:24:06 PM

Hi im new at KoF, im play Kof in past but is long time ago, dont know about HD mode and Neo Max,just know Super aka DM
im big fan of Art Of Fighting Team, what best formation, what put first Ryo or Robert, I Think takuma the last because He is Sensei.
and Ryo doesnt have target combo to special,like Robert and Takuma Crazy flying kick loop
who is master Ryo or good high level player Ryo so i can see in Yutube

Thanks for help :)

Hello and welcome! Check out the video below, featuring Kaoru. Kaoru is considered to be one of the best Ryo players in the world. This is a first to 5 set between him and Mr. KoF of SoCal.

In it to win it!

Furious Fandango

Quote from: davidkong07 on November 30, 2012, 02:17:47 AM

Hello and welcome! Check out the video below, featuring Kaoru. Kaoru is considered to be one of the best Ryo players in the world. This is a first to 5 set between him and Mr. KoF of SoCal.


Thanks for tip

want to ask again, in previous Kof,Kof XII you can do blowback(launcher)  to Ryuko Ranbu or Flying kick in this current Kof can do it again ?

is there different with normal Blowback and counter hit blowback ?


The Fluke

Quote from: Furious Fandango on December 01, 2012, 05:38:07 PM
want to ask again, in previous Kof,Kof XII you can do blowback(launcher)  to Ryuko Ranbu or Flying kick in this current Kof can do it again ?

is there different with normal Blowback and counter hit blowback ?


In kofxii most characters used s.C chained into C+D (blowback) as a hitconfirm. In this game C+D can't be chained into or out of, only canceled into special or super moves. C+D only puts the opponent into a juggle state on counter hit so unless you have a special move with anywhere juggle properties you have to counter hit with C+D in order to be able to combo off of it.

Most C+D's are good stand alone moves, they may for example evade lows or have alot of active frames and block stun.


Are normal moves the same amount of negative/positive frames on hit as they are on  block?

Ex: I poke with far C. It is -6 on block. Is it -6 on hit too?


Moves cause more hitstun then they do blockstun, so assuming the move doesn't blow them back or cause some other effect on hit, a hit will always be more positive than a blocked hit. Most moves will be positive on hit (though in some games there are exceptions) so you'll be at a frame advantage for applying pressure. Also the extra frame advantage is that reason you can combo in most cases.

Also keep this in mind if you are attempting a tick throw, because the added hitstun will cause the throw attempt to fail.

(Hope I'm not stepping on anyone's toes answering this)