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KOF XIII 7th General Thread: Evo 2012 countdown edition

Started by Kane317, March 04, 2012, 02:20:46 AM

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Running Wild


That was amazing. At least Bala went out like a champ. He pulled out every thing he had and went completely back in forth with Mad KOF. That was some hero vs final boss type shit. That was Domon vs Master! Heero vs Zechs! Goku vs Frieza! Aang vs The Fire Lord! Soooooooooo hype! That match was just pure epic man. Simply Beautiful.


Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.

Hyun Sai

This game better be in 2013 lineup (no pun intended).


Most interesting how all the considered top tiers were a non factor in general, especially Mr. Karate.

MAD Kof was on another level, just in general. His movement, spacing and bating were nothing short of incredible. I have never seen anyone play like this before.

One of the commentators described his Duo Lon perfectly "A Ghost".

His Chin too was just... wow.

He was definitely sandbagging and collecting data in the 5v5. In the 5v5 Bala destroyed him and OCV'd him with Billy. In the grand final Bala's Billy wasn't able to win a single round.

So much respect for these two players, don't think we could have ended up with a better grand final.

The top 8 and the crowd chanting KOF at the end was so heart warming.


Question guys, after seen this EVO Finals, do you think KOFXIII needs a small (really small) balance patch? Or did Mad KOF proved that this game is as balance as it can get?


Quote from: DarKaoZ on July 09, 2012, 05:14:11 AM
Question guys, after seen this EVO Finals, do you think KOFXIII needs a small (really small) balance patch? Or did Mad KOF proved that this game is as balance as it can get?

This Evo made me think this game is still too young to bug SNK for a patch.

That's if it needs it at all.


QuoteQuestion guys, after seen this EVO Finals, do you think KOFXIII needs a small (really small) balance patch? Or did Mad KOF proved that this game is as balance as it can get?

MadKof proved that tiers don't matter.  Its the players skill that matters.


Quote from: DarKaoZ on July 09, 2012, 05:14:11 AM
Question guys, after seen this EVO Finals, do you think KOFXIII needs a small (really small) balance patch? Or did Mad KOF proved that this game is as balance as it can get?

No it doesn't need. The finals did prove that the tier lists do not matter in this game. Every region in the world play the game differently. There are different styles to play in KoF and every region have their own tier list so the tier list will not matter at the end. There are still alot of things to learn from this game it has too many variables (reminds me of older KoF games and 3rdStrike); that's what happens if you have an open game rather than having a closed game e.g. SSFIV.

What I observed is that the japanese style is similar to the players from the US so the US players didnt have a problem dealing with them and they got out early but the koreans were so different, it was hard dealing with them especially the "Surgical" Mad_KoF, even though Reynald had a strong chance against him (DAMN!).

Sibarezz (sorry if I misspelled your name) Zero Black was really good, really liked his style but did he have to eliminate MR.KOF :P.


Quote from: DarKaoZ on July 09, 2012, 05:14:11 AM
Question guys, after seen this EVO Finals, do you think KOFXIII needs a small (really small) balance patch? Or did Mad KOF proved that this game is as balance as it can get?

If that didn't prove that a balance patch isn't needed, NOTHING will.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.


It truly sucks that I had to get play-by-play info on KOF finals from a website versus the stream, but I would've lost my mind watching all of that at work.

I knew, but never expected KOF to be THAT good at EVO. 90K viewers, 1000+ entrants (shirts or not), and at least half the roster used has to be one of the best results for a new (yet legendary) fighting series entering EVO I think.

Sad BALA, Reynald, or no one else from NA could take the trophy, but I'll admit I wanted a surprise, and we all got one. Online over here, it'll be interesting to see MadKOF on everyone's hitlist. I hope there are just as many surprises and underdogs from everywhere and new places, that get Top 8. I'm quite happy that it's practically a guarantee that there will be a next year for KOF at EVO. I know I'm thinking ahead of myself, but the damn hype won't go away.

Quote from: DarKaoZ on July 09, 2012, 05:14:11 AM
Question guys, after seen this EVO Finals, do you think KOFXIII needs a small (really small) balance patch? Or did Mad KOF proved that this game is as balance as it can get?

Got to point out how funny it is how Karou's tier list and claim that "the game isn't balanced" was shitted on so thuroughly. I can almost say with certainly that NO ONE would thought Duo Lon and Chin Gentsai would've shown up, let alone dominated in GF at EVO. I can only wonder how XIII tier lists will be looked at after today.

The only thing we could ask for is the Climax patch with changes virtually nothing for most of us, and hopefully does work on the netcode for most. Other than that, we're set.
"You had guts kid; now clean them up off the pavement"
-Terry Bogard, 1995


Quote from: DarKaoZ on July 09, 2012, 05:14:11 AM
Question guys, after seen this EVO Finals, do you think KOFXIII needs a small (really small) balance patch? Or did Mad KOF proved that this game is as balance as it can get?

I think they just need to bring over the Climax changes to console. That is all. Maybe, just maybe a slight Beni nerf (remove invincible SRK and super on wakeup) and possibly Takuma's TOD, maybe Drunk Hwa damage nerf and Mr.Karate slight damage nerf, but that's just me. These are little things.

Whatever happened to that Maxima player who did amazingly well on Friday and I didn't see him at all on Stream?

And whatever happened to that Romance vs Kauro match? It was supposedly recorded but has still yet to turn up.
Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.


Need stream archive asap ._. I miss the finals.... fucked time zone :(


I want a cafeID t-shirt.

Congrats to MADKOF. Bala fought a good fight. Very hype battle.

Dou Lon is a monster...I expect to see a million Dou Lon players after this, lol...
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."


Quote from: Mazinkaiser on July 09, 2012, 08:03:15 AM
Need stream archive asap ._. I miss the finals.... fucked time zone :(

Same here Mazin. Even though I already know what happens, I love how apparently I'll still be pumped watching everything. Bring on all EVO KOF XIII footage.

Quote from: Desmond Delaghetto on July 09, 2012, 08:07:58 AM
I want a cafeID t-shirt.

Congrats to MADKOF. Bala fought a good fight. Very hype battle.

Dou Lon is a monster...I expect to see a million Dou Lon players after this, lol...

I suggest Atlus get to work on a new shirt for EVO next year. Yellow, with Duo Lon on front, and Chin on back. Somewhere on it would be "U Mad(KOF)?"
"You had guts kid; now clean them up off the pavement"
-Terry Bogard, 1995