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Question About KOF 2000 *console releases*

Started by sibarraz, September 12, 2010, 08:06:19 PM

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I always had this doubt, somewhere I read that the DC has some extra stages from previos neo geo games, like real bout, kof 95, etc

My question is, those stages appear in the PS2 port?

Also, where could I find a video of this stages? also, which is the best port?

Waifu Material

Rex Dart

I've only played the DC version and the Japanese NESTS collection on PS2. Both of those feature the extra backgrounds, so I can't imagine any of the versions would lack them.

The special stages only appear in versus mode and are triggered by strikers. For example, the normal roster of strikers gets you normal 2000 stages. If you or your opponent choose Kaede, you get a Last Blade background. King Lion gets you a Kizuna background. Fio results in a Metal Slug background. It's a bit random, though. It's sometimes based on player 1 and sometimes on player 2.

Don't know of any videos of these stages, since most KOF2000 videos are from either arcades or emulators.

I'd recommend getting the PS2 collection if you can play Japanese games. The US version was apparently censored, although I'm sure it plays fine. Also, the collection has color edit, if you enjoy that.


Thanks for the answer
Too bad that the stages are related to strikers though, I hate when in versus you can't select stages

Waifu Material


Waifu Material

Dark Geese

Yes Rex Dart is right, the game does have extra stages and they are related to the strikers only. I also do not like when you cannot select the stages. It also means in order to get a stage, you may have to get a striker that is not that good.


I've heard that the DC port of KOF2000 (as well as the DC ports of 99 and 2001) is the best version.  Any reasons why that is the case?


Well, you learn something new everyday. I didn't even know about this until just now. Of course, not much opportunity to play VS. mode, so never noticed.

Also would like to know the answer to sibarraz's question.
PSN: NoisyPanther
Not on often, but I'll be glad to play against anyone.

Mr Bakaboy

Sounds like "You can get power within yourself let it flow ready to roll."

DC version might be considered better cause of the puzzle mode that's on it. Not sure if the PS2 has it since I only played it when it first came out briefly.
Say it with me now: "Variable input lag BAAAAAAD!!!"


Quote from: Mr Bakaboy on March 18, 2012, 09:20:00 PM
Sounds like "You can get power within yourself let it flow ready to roll."

DC version might be considered better cause of the puzzle mode that's on it. Not sure if the PS2 has it since I only played it when it first came out briefly.

Yep, sounds like that

And the next verse?

Waifu Material