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Positive Edge

Started by Hungry Color, July 11, 2012, 07:57:40 PM

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Hungry Color

Who else has heard of this?

I think I heard someone mention it during the Evo stream, it's when you hold the button down longer than normal and it does something funny with the frames. I guess Bala coined the the term because he considered it the opposite of Negative Edge.

I tried it the other day with Daimon, and it worked surprisingly well with his dp command grab into qcb roll shown in Trial 6. This could be especially useful for HD combos.

I digress, who uses this, and for who and what tactics?

The Fluke

holding down a button for special and super activation will cause the button to buffer for a short amount of time and activate on first possible frame while still buffering. I use it to make sure things come out asap during some combos. I get why it would be called positive edge because it is similar to negative edge except it's actually good.


Ok, let me get this straight, I input a motion and then hold the corresponding attack button, then in the first available frame, the move will come out?

I'm a bit confused on this, I know Negative Edge you hold the button and you can release it and the move will come out, so in this the move will come out without releasing the button?


Quote from: DarKaoZ on July 12, 2012, 12:43:37 AM
Ok, let me get this straight, I input a motion and then hold the corresponding attack button, then in the first available frame, the move will come out?

Pretty much, once you hold the button the game stores the motion for about 5 frames.

Hungry Color

Quote from: Diavle on July 12, 2012, 12:50:32 AM
Quote from: DarKaoZ on July 12, 2012, 12:43:37 AM
Ok, let me get this straight, I input a motion and then hold the corresponding attack button, then in the first available frame, the move will come out?

Pretty much, once you hold the button the game stores the motion for about 5 frames.

Yeah it's pretty damn cool.


Oh and it's not a term coined by Bala, buffering the move longer has been done since...I dunno '96?


And I've been doing it for months (just with a long-winded answer to what it is).  Makes EX Kyo's HD combos a breeze.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.


So does it work with normal links or does it only work when you input a motion (Which doesn't matter, just means you have to be holding a motion for it work >.>)

Also, I'm really having trouble seeing the effects! I've tried it, but it just feels like I've pressed it at the right time each time I've gotten it to work rather than when I press it early. Is it in feel only?


Quote from: Reiki.Kito on July 13, 2012, 09:36:39 PM
So does it work with normal links or does it only work when you input a motion (Which doesn't matter, just means you have to be holding a motion for it work >.>)

Also, I'm really having trouble seeing the effects! I've tried it, but it just feels like I've pressed it at the right time each time I've gotten it to work rather than when I press it early. Is it in feel only?

Doesn't work with links (iirc since they have no buffer).

You aren't doing it early enough I think (probably used to timing it properly), you can input stuff surprisingly early and have it come out.

For example, with K's dp into qcb+K HD loop I enter the dp motion sometime at the end of the slide (he's still doing the slide on the screen visually) and the dp still comes out after it. Same with Takuma's db fwd+B into fireball loop.


yeah if you're not seeing the effects then perhaps you are actually just too spot on with your timing, which would kind of defeat the purpose of positive edge. Another example for Takuma would be with Zanretsuken. Canceling quick punches into command grab can be kind of annoying if you try to time in perfectly to the last hit, especially if you can't anticipate when that will be. If you kind of know around when it will hit though, you can buffer the motion a little earlier and hold K. When the systems says you can DC, it will happen at the first frame.
KOFXIII: N-Robert, Ryo, R2 Takuma

Hungry Color

Quote from: Diavle on July 13, 2012, 09:49:21 PM
Quote from: Reiki.Kito on July 13, 2012, 09:36:39 PM
So does it work with normal links or does it only work when you input a motion (Which doesn't matter, just means you have to be holding a motion for it work >.>)

Also, I'm really having trouble seeing the effects! I've tried it, but it just feels like I've pressed it at the right time each time I've gotten it to work rather than when I press it early. Is it in feel only?

Doesn't work with links (iirc since they have no buffer).

You aren't doing it early enough I think (probably used to timing it properly), you can input stuff surprisingly early and have it come out.

For example, with K's dp into qcb+K HD loop I enter the dp motion sometime at the end of the slide (he's still doing the slide on the screen visually) and the dp still comes out after it. Same with Takuma's db fwd+B into fireball loop.

....That would actually greatly explain why I couldn't to jack with K', will try immediately.


I thought this is well known knowledge for KOF players.  Clark's hcb x2+P grab is another perfect example of buffering, just start circling in the air and hold down the P right before you land.


I thought this was well known too.  I mean, I knew it...and I'm not exactly the paragon of KOF knowledge.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.

The Fluke

Quote from: Saitsuofleaves on July 14, 2012, 01:17:53 AM
I thought this was well known too.  I mean, I knew it...and I'm not exactly the paragon of KOF knowledge.

Long since it first popped up in one of the general kof threads i think, but new people (to this site) probably don't read through it all.

Matt Alder

To be fair, XIII is the first KOF game that many people have taken seriously since... 2k2? So anyone that's only started seriously playing KOF in the last decade might not know. XI was great, but less than popular.