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KOF 98UM - EX Geese

Started by Remxi, October 07, 2010, 05:55:46 AM

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EX Geese

Tate Katate Nage:  ;bk/ ;fd;c/ ;d

Command Normals
Raikou Mawashi Geri:  ;fd + ;b
Raimei Gouha Nage:  ;df + ;c (on hard knocked down opponents)

Special Moves
Reppuken:  ;dn ;df ;fd + ;a
Double Reppuken:  ;dn ;df ;fd + ;c
Shippuken: air  ;dn ;db ;bk + ;a
Double Shippuken: air  ;dn ;db ;bk + ;c
Jaei Ken:  ;fd ;df ;dn ;db ;bk + ;a/ ;c
Joudan Atemi Nage:  ;fd ;df ;dn ;db ;bk + ;b
Chuudan Atemi Uchi:  ;fd ;df ;dn ;db ;bk + ;d
Shinkuu Nage:  ;fd ;df ;dn ;db ;bk, ;fd + ;a/ ;c

Desperation Moves:
Raging Storm:  ;db, ;fd ;df ;dn ;db ;bk, ;df + ;a/ ;c
Rashomon:  ;fd ;df ;dn ;db ;bk ;fd ;df ;dn ;db ;bk + ;a/ ;c

Tate Katate Nage - b/f+C/D - D version switches sides, both leave the opponent facing you with enough time to meaty on wakeup.

Command Normals
Raikou Mawashi Geri - f+B - doesn't combo from anything, not cancelable, disadvantage when blocked unless spaced perfectly where it will be neutral.
Raimei Gouha Nage - df+C on downed - OTG throw, not guaranteed from anything. Switches sides, poor recovery.

Special Moves
Reppuken - qcf+A - Combos from light/heavy attacks but only at close range. The hitbox is much smaller than it actually appears, most chars can hop over it (think of the hitbox more like Iori's fireball). Disadvantage at point blank, but from even a short distance away (e.g. s.C, qcf+A) you will be at advantage.
Double Reppuken - qcf+C - Combos from heavy attacks in the corner or when opponent is backturned. The first part can eat a projectile and the second wave will still come out. The hitbox for this move actually follows the sprite and cannot be hopped over. Frame advantage works similar to qcf+A.
Shippuken - air qcb+A - Can't be used on a hop, minimum height for using after a jump. Maintains jump direction during recovery. Possible to combo after if in the corner. Good frame advantage when blocked. Can be cancelled into from vertical j.C.
Double Shippuken - air qcb+C - Same as above but two projectiles, and worse recovery (can't combo after).
Jaei Ken - hcb+P - A version combos from lights, C version combos from heavy attacks and switches sides. Unsafe on block.
Joudan Atemi Nage - hcb+B - counters jumping attacks and physical specials/DMs.
Chuudan Atemi Uchi - hcb+D - counters mid-level normals/command normals. Can be used to beat CD counters.
Shinkuu Nage - hcb,f+P - instant command throw with horrible recovery after it connects. Switches sides. Don't use this when you are too close to the corner as the opponent can combo you before you recover.

Raging Storm - db,hcb,df+P - combos from lights. The cage absorbs normal and some DM projectiles. The hitbox is only infront of Geese, not behind him.
Rashomon - hcbx2+P - instant commmand throw. Horrible recovery, don't use it when the opponent is too close to the corner as they can combo you before you recover.

- c.B, c.A, c.A, far s.B
- c.B, c.A, hcb,f+P or hcb+A
- j.C/j.B, s.C, hcb+P (C version does more damage, but A version might be better if you want to keep them in the corner)

- c.B, c.A, (c.A/s.A), db,hcb,df+P (S)DM
- c.B, c.A, hcbx2+P (S)DM
- j.C/j.B, s.C/c.C, either (S)DM
- s.D [1 hit], AB, hcbx2+P (S)DM or hcb,f+P

Quick Max
- c.B, c.A, QM, walk s.C/c.C, hcb+A or (S)DM (omit the c.A and you don't need to walk)
- c.B, c.A, c.A/s.A, QM, far s.C/c.D

Quick Dodge
- f+B, QD, hcb+A or db,hcb,df+P (S)DM
- j.C/j.B, s.D [2 hit], QD, hcb+A or db,hcb,df+P (S)DM

- s.CD counterhit, s.C (corner only)

- j.B is a crossup (j.A will work on some chars but j.B is just a better move). j.B and vertical j.C are instant overheads (j.C only on large crouchers).
- s.A and far s.A whiff on crouchers. close s.C will whiff on small crouchers like Choi/Chin.
- s.CD is neutral on block.
- c.D is cancellable, but not to command normals.
- Only the first hitbox of c.C is cancellable, the part where his arm is fully raised is not.
- His counters have startup and will not work as reversals in meaty situations.


I just started picking up on EX Geese lately, and man he is so freaking cheap! Just spam his fireballs, and pick with standing C all day. He's definitely going to be in my money team. Anyone knows if any bad match ups he has? Because I think he's just too damn strong.
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."

Dark Geese

Quote from: Desmond Delaghetto on March 18, 2011, 01:58:23 AM
I just started picking up on EX Geese lately, and man he is so freaking cheap! Just spam his fireballs, and pick with standing C all day. He's definitely going to be in my money team. Anyone knows if any bad match ups he has? Because I think he's just too damn strong.

Krauser...eats him alive..


I'm guessing its because Krauser has better poking reach than EX Geese, and he can probably jump over his reppukens with his dp + K?
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."


Doesn't Eiji give him a good bit of trouble?

Dark Geese

Krauser's dp+k goes over a single reppuken, but its Kaiser Wave that is truly why Krauser has the advantage over EX Geese, it shuts his game down completely, so when Krauser has meter EX Geese is in trouble.

Eiji gives EX Geese trouble too, since his game relies on fireballs, Eiji when he has meter or not can shut EX Geese down completely.


Quote from: Dark Geese on March 18, 2011, 11:11:06 AM
Krauser's dp+k goes over a single reppuken, but its Kaiser Wave that is truly why Krauser has the advantage over EX Geese, it shuts his game down completely, so when Krauser has meter EX Geese is in trouble.

Eiji gives EX Geese trouble too, since his game relies on fireballs, Eiji when he has meter or not can shut EX Geese down completely.

What do you do against Krausers and Eiji's with EX Geese?
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."

Dark Geese

Quote from: Desmond Delaghetto on March 19, 2011, 12:27:21 AM
Quote from: Dark Geese on March 18, 2011, 11:11:06 AM
Krauser's dp+k goes over a single reppuken, but its Kaiser Wave that is truly why Krauser has the advantage over EX Geese, it shuts his game down completely, so when Krauser has meter EX Geese is in trouble.

Eiji gives EX Geese trouble too, since his game relies on fireballs, Eiji when he has meter or not can shut EX Geese down completely.

What do you do against Krausers and Eiji's with EX Geese?

vs. Krauser- No fireballs when he has meter, just don't do it...no air fireballs or ground ones. I basically rely on pokes and trying to bait Krauser to use his meter..so it becomes an up close battle with Krauser..

vs. Eiji same thing...no fireballs until Eiji uses his meter, so it becomes trying to bait him to use his meter and get close on him, now EX Geese can lock Eiji down outside of the corner, Eiji doesn't have many good options when locked down..so EX Geese can get him if locked down.

Dojo Destroyer

From my experience, EX Geese is definitely fun to play with. It's almost like a guilty pleasure using him. However I still prefer regular Geese. For one, EX Geese's reppuken and shippuken are more projectile like and effective, but it can also leave you wide open for attack. Regular Geese's reppukens are short ranged, but hard to counter. You can also combo his reppukens from any distance where you can only combo EX Geese's reppukens in the corner.

And I'll take the Deadly Rave over the Rashomon any day just because it's easier to use in 98 UM, plus it's easier hit someone with compared to Rashomon. Plus there's a variety of ways to combo into the Deadly Rave where there's probably a few for Rashomon. His HCB+P move gives more damage than EX Geese's and you can always follow through with DF+P in the corner (if your opponents hits the ground).

And finally the Raging Storm. I think they're both have the same effect, the only difference is that EX Geese's is more vertical where regular Geese's is wider. EX Geese is good, but for more of a variety of combos and flurries, I like regular Geese better. 


Quote from: Dark Geese on March 18, 2011, 03:17:08 AM
Quote from: Desmond Delaghetto on March 18, 2011, 01:58:23 AM
I just started picking up on EX Geese lately, and man he is so freaking cheap! Just spam his fireballs, and pick with standing C all day. He's definitely going to be in my money team. Anyone knows if any bad match ups he has? Because I think he's just too damn strong.

Krauser...eats him alive..

I think it's debatable. Geese has quite a few moves to deal with certain situations. A smart Geese player isn't going to allow you to kaiser kick over a reppuken either.
Just Don't look in the trunk...

Dark Geese

Quote from: necronomiCRON on May 05, 2011, 04:57:07 AM
Quote from: Dark Geese on March 18, 2011, 03:17:08 AM
Quote from: Desmond Delaghetto on March 18, 2011, 01:58:23 AM
I just started picking up on EX Geese lately, and man he is so freaking cheap! Just spam his fireballs, and pick with standing C all day. He's definitely going to be in my money team. Anyone knows if any bad match ups he has? Because I think he's just too damn strong.

Krauser...eats him alive..

I think it's debatable. Geese has quite a few moves to deal with certain situations. A smart Geese player isn't going to allow you to kaiser kick over a reppuken either.

But EX Geese cannot use reppukens at all when Krauser has Kaiser Wave, and again remember, anytime you throw a regular repukken, Krauser also gets free Kaiser Kick, so that basically shuts down EX Geese's game completely. No Shippukens either, Kaiser Wave eats that alive. Then when Krauser gets in close on EX Geese, Krauser has the advantage.

Dojo- Regular Geese has problems against EX Geese though ironically, because it is hard for him to close in on EX Geese due to zoning. If Geese can get in on EX then yes he can corner him, but otherwise it's a tough battle.

I save Regular Geese for matchups, people may know how to fight EX Geese, so then I throw Regular Geese at them, they both have their advantages and disadvantages.


I play EX Geese and I don't even incorporate reppukens into my game. His normals are pretty okay and I stick to throwing special moves into combos. He has advantages to stop advancing opponents. It just depends on how you play the character.
Just Don't look in the trunk...

Dark Geese

Quote from: necronomiCRON on May 05, 2011, 08:22:16 PM
I play EX Geese and I don't even incorporate reppukens into my game. His normals are pretty okay and I stick to throwing special moves into combos. He has advantages to stop advancing opponents. It just depends on how you play the character.

I play him that way too but I have some pretty good experience vs. a very very strong Krauser (Kula-probably the strongest Krauser in the USA, Canada, and Mexico!!!), and his normals are good don't get me wrong, but if a Krauser plays the way Kula plays you then realize just how helpless EX Geese is in this situation.

Desmond asked me how you face Krauser with EX Geese and I told him to the best you can you rely on his normals, but it also depends on the Krauser player how strong he is, is he fireball happy, is he a cookie cutter Krauser, does he know when to be patient all of that plays a major portion into a lot of this.

For example if the Krauser is cookie cutter and abuses cr.Cxxrdp+D then you can interrupt with EX Geese with a command grab in the middle of all of that blocking, so again it all depends on how GOOD the Krauser player is..


I just wanna say that far C is a great poke, you can even stop some hop attacks by throwing it out preemptively.
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."


I usually throw it out to avoid anyone running up on me. For instance, stuffing a Benimaru grab mix up attempt.
Just Don't look in the trunk...