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KOF XIII 8th General Thread: KOF EVOlving 2012

Started by solidshark, July 24, 2012, 12:37:13 PM

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Quote from: Saitsuofleaves on July 25, 2012, 10:19:12 AM
Quote from: LouisCipher on July 25, 2012, 08:14:09 AM
I'm not really looking forward to a CVS3. There's a chance Capcom won't fuck it up and enforce comeback mechanics, gems, and on-disc DLC but that's pretty slim. The only good that could come of that would be an SVC2 that hopefully won't be broken as fuck.

I respect CVS2 but the negative edge window really took me out of that game.

There's a chance ANY game can be completely fucked up like that.  KOFXIII also has On-Disc DLC, and the whole debate on extra meter + HD being a comeback factor.

If everyone should be afraid of any game being fucked up if made, then not a single game should come out ever again.

Thats true but Crapcom ruined every title they have, not just their fighting games. Their development quality is shit compared to their previous titles and compared to other companies. So chances are that they will ruin CvS3 as they did with all of their titles.

For me I'd prefer a next KoF or a dream match for the next game. Now that they have this cast they can add to it and add more details in the game (details which have been in KoF 98). Diverting from KoF would be hard right now for SNK.

I'll add you Eripio but I doubt that I'll have a good connection with you. The thing is people who are close to me, I dont connect very well with them. I have constant delay.


Yeah, and you know what happens if they made CvS3?  They rerelease CvS2, so even if CvS3 is shit, guess what?  You can now play CvS2 without having to jump through ten hoops.

Who gives a shit if they ruin CvS3 or not?  The notion that one game sucking ruins a franchise's memory is completely fucking stupid and is childish.  SNKP can do whatever they want while CvS3 is being made, nothing's saying they have to do a SvC as well, or that they can't use different development teams.  If nothing else, SNKP gets more money and exposure out the deal, and the players get a rerelease of CvS2.

And besides, you want to throw track records into this, how about SNK and SNKP's?    It takes them three really meh games just to make one good one.  The only time that changed was the Ash Saga where we got XI and XIII, but in between was the most god awful game to ever call itself KOF.  They have the shittiest netcode of nearly every FG out in existence right now as well, and are just as prone to On-Disc DLC as the next company.

I'm not a fan of Capcom as much as the next person, but let's not fucking act like SNK and SNKP are the pinnacle of FG development right now.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.


Quote from: Saitsuofleaves on July 25, 2012, 08:21:17 PM

And besides, you want to throw track records into this, how about SNK and SNKP's?    It takes them three really meh games just to make one good one.  The only time that changed was the Ash Saga where we got XI and XIII, but in between was the most god awful game to ever call itself KOF.  They have the shittiest netcode of nearly every FG out in existence right now as well, and are just as prone to On-Disc DLC as the next company.

I'm not a fan of Capcom as much as the next person, but let's not fucking act like SNK and SNKP are the pinnacle of FG development right now.

Meh, more like every other game. Every 2nd game by SNK(P) is really good. From 98 2000 2002 XI and 13. Not a bad track record considering. I heard Neowave was decent. And the Maximum Impact were well received by those who actually played them. And before they released 12 they did release NGBC, Samurai Shodown 6, and KOFXI. All great fighters that came out before the mainstream rebirth of fighters.

Cool your jets Mr. porcupine.
Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.

The Light

Is there even any incentive for SNKP to allow Capcom to re-release cvs2 or do a cvs3?
If you doubt me I'll show you the light.


Quote from: Saitsuofleaves on July 25, 2012, 08:21:17 PM
Yeah, and you know what happens if they made CvS3?  They rerelease CvS2, so even if CvS3 is shit, guess what?  You can now play CvS2 without having to jump through ten hoops.

Who gives a shit if they ruin CvS3 or not?  The notion that one game sucking ruins a franchise's memory is completely fucking stupid and is childish.  SNKP can do whatever they want while CvS3 is being made, nothing's saying they have to do a SvC as well, or that they can't use different development teams.  If nothing else, SNKP gets more money and exposure out the deal, and the players get a rerelease of CvS2.

And besides, you want to throw track records into this, how about SNK and SNKP's?    It takes them three really meh games just to make one good one.  The only time that changed was the Ash Saga where we got XI and XIII, but in between was the most god awful game to ever call itself KOF.  They have the shittiest netcode of nearly every FG out in existence right now as well, and are just as prone to On-Disc DLC as the next company.

I'm not a fan of Capcom as much as the next person, but let's not fucking act like SNK and SNKP are the pinnacle of FG development right now.

Who said that "if" CvS3 sucked it will ruin the whole franchise?! CvS2 is a great and it'll stay like that. 3rd strike is the second best for me even though SSFiV is shit compared to it and btw I didnt praise SNK or SNKP. I am salty because Crapcom here used to make one of the best franchises out there and in an over night decided ohh well why make quality while our shit just sells out there. I was a fan of capcom until they fucked up shit; just look at there previous games and compare them with their recent ones and whats their recent fighting game they made? SFxT! Besides capcom is way bigger company than SNK just keep that in mind.

Quote from: The Light on July 25, 2012, 09:28:55 PM
Is there even any incentive for SNKP to allow Capcom to re-release cvs2 or do a cvs3?
Yeah' why wont they. They will get exposure and revenue from it.


So what if Capcom is bigger?  That's no excuse for SNKP to have the same problems year round. 

I don't really believe too hard in being a fan of a company because all companies are capable of great games just as much as they're capable of shitting the bed.  Everything should be looked at a game to game basis.  Otherwise, Capcom was never good and SNK and SNKP has WAY more bad than good.

What's important are the singular games.  People always lose sight of that.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.


Quote from: Saitsuofleaves on July 26, 2012, 12:59:46 AM
So what if Capcom is bigger?  That's no excuse for SNKP to have the same problems year round. 

I don't really believe too hard in being a fan of a company because all companies are capable of great games just as much as they're capable of shitting the bed.  Everything should be looked at a game to game basis.  Otherwise, Capcom was never good and SNK and SNKP has WAY more bad than good.

What's important are the singular games.  People always lose sight of that.

Yes' your right but being a fan of a company that means your giving it your support and you are willing to make it bigger by buying their products so the company can give you more and better products. If a company is bigger it has more liquidity and resources to make better stuff not make shitty stuff; that being said, focusing on singular games is more important for us as consumers.


Sometimes it is a matter of taste. I know most of you will shoot me for saying this but I love KOF MI RA so much. Me and my friends played it for more than a year before my PS2 decided not to start again. I would really love to see a PSN port. I don't like recent Capcom games as well but there are people out there who love them including SFxT and nothing that you guys say will change that. I am just happy that FGs are popular again and whatever the future brings it is welcomed.


Quote from: Eripio69 on July 26, 2012, 03:23:26 AM
Sometimes it is a matter of taste. I know most of you will shoot me for saying this but I love KOF MI RA so much. Me and my friends played it for more than a year before my PS2 decided not to start again. I would really love to see a PSN port. I don't like recent Capcom games as well but there are people out there who love them including SFxT and nothing that you guys say will change that. I am just happy that FGs are popular again and whatever the future brings it is welcomed.

Mostly agree with this, particularly loving MI RA, still my favorite 2D gone 3D fighter attempt yet.
"You had guts kid; now clean them up off the pavement"
-Terry Bogard, 1995


Quote from: Eripio69 on July 26, 2012, 03:23:26 AM
Sometimes it is a matter of taste. I know most of you will shoot me for saying this but I love KOF MI RA so much. Me and my friends played it for more than a year before my PS2 decided not to start again. I would really love to see a PSN port. I don't like recent Capcom games as well but there are people out there who love them including SFxT and nothing that you guys say will change that. I am just happy that FGs are popular again and whatever the future brings it is welcomed.

Nothing to dispute here bru. People can like whatever they want but the fact is that capcom's games were much better in quality than now; compare previous SFighters with SSFIV, Marvel2 and marvel3, look at CvS2 how good that game was, there is no game that capcom has now that could compare in quality to CvS2 now; heck even compare previous resident evils with the current ones. There is just no comparison.

Mr Bakaboy

I wouldn't say the quality of fighting games was better in the past. I would say the business model of today is to lure people who play rpg's and other games that always see constant results with the more time spent in game and to have a path laid out for them on how to improve always there. FG's in the past never really had that and there was always a difference between people who naturally have skills in fighters (I.e. hand eye coordination) and people who don't no matter how long they played. Now the line is skewed so the public can feel there is a so called reason to play.

Compared to older games FG's now get insanely more updates and companies are fixing the bugs that in the past we would just have to deal with. Personally though I prefer the older titles cause to me the companies caused the titles now to have less paths to how you want to play that game. There is now a specfic way to play FG's and to me it's disappointing that the old style of playing, of making a style that is your very own, is obselete.
Say it with me now: "Variable input lag BAAAAAAD!!!"


Quote from: Mr Bakaboy on July 26, 2012, 05:23:35 AM
I wouldn't say the quality of fighting games was better in the past. I would say the business model of today is to lure people who play rpg's and other games that always see constant results with the more time spent in game and to have a path laid out for them on how to improve always there. FG's in the past never really had that and there was always a difference between people who naturally have skills in fighters (I.e. hand eye coordination) and people who don't no matter how long they played. Now the line is skewed so the public can feel there is a so called reason to play.

Compared to older games FG's now get insanely more updates and companies are fixing the bugs that in the past we would just have to deal with. Personally though I prefer the older titles cause to me the companies caused the titles now to have less paths to how you want to play that game. There is now a specfic way to play FG's and to me it's disappointing that the old style of playing, of making a style that is your very own, is obselete.

I am not talking about fighting games in general I am only talking about capcom.  Capcoms quality in their games is gone; I brought few examples of comparison to their titles in my previous reply.

About the natural skill and picking up the game. Some people really do have natural skill but some people are hard workers who obtained their skill by hard work; it just needs time. Making a style of your own is still there, in KoF XIII, so hopefully more games will go the same direction that KoF XIII did.

Mr Bakaboy

What I was referring to was mostly Capcom. Playmore never lost the idea of how fighting games should be. The quality of Capcom is not gone. Just misplaced. SF x TK aside (cause that is a giant mess) the public mostly likes what Capcom has done (I am not one of them). Capcom only got a limited amount of gamers to buy 3rd Strike and CVS2 during the DC release AND the PS2 and Xbox releases. It's not like the media wasn't there either. They rereleased SFII Movie, made SFII V crazy affordable on DVD, and had 2 Alpha movies during that time. The public only wanted to play it so much. SFIV is what the public who turned to other genres wanted and it got a crazy amount of people to play it. I am on your side in saying CVS2 is a superior product to SFIV hands down, but Capcom made the smart business decision and didn't listen to me and you and made games that played well online and other types of gamers would want to come back to and play.

Skill can be attained through hard work, but it was harder to figure out where to start many times. The hard work you speak of was a lot harder when you have to come up with your own style from scratch. Testing out what works and what doesn't. Some people took the combo route, some footsies, some turtle, some bulldog, but everyone really had to put in time to get to the higher level. There was no shortcut to get better and it separated the gamers quickly.

Nowadays (even KOF XIII) it really comes down to knowing the biggest high damage combo and when to use it.  I think KOF XIII does a better job at giving you alternative ways to approach it, but it still comes down to big damage wins games. Since I am a footsies player it can be frustrating, but I still appreciate how the games work. I just wish I could get more offline matches..... well any offline matches for that matter.
Say it with me now: "Variable input lag BAAAAAAD!!!"

Running Wild

Quote from: Mr Bakaboy on July 26, 2012, 09:18:09 AMbut it still comes down to big damage wins games.

Those fancy HD combo's weren't what won mad_kof Evo.


Quote from: Running Wild on July 26, 2012, 09:55:17 AM
Quote from: Mr Bakaboy on July 26, 2012, 09:18:09 AMbut it still comes down to big damage wins games.

Those fancy HD combo's weren't what won mad_kof Evo.

Swoosh, swush, swush, Swoooooooooooooooooosh.
KoF XIII... Needs more Angel, Vanessa and Blue Mary! ^^