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KOFXIII:UM Character Wishlists

Started by choysauce, August 01, 2012, 03:15:43 AM

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Quote from: Running Wild on August 14, 2012, 10:27:40 PM
I'd rather EX Terry have a Power Wave that goes full screen, EX version is Round Wave and OTG's. Has Power Dunk+Break, along with Power Charge, he has the Double Blow command normal, Crackshot is always an Overhead, and he can use the Burning Knuckle Feint.

NeoMax is Power Stream.

Your idea for EX Terry is similar to mine, but I have a few changes in it that would make it more acceptable (and if you guys don't mind, I'd like to post my vision of EX Terry in its entirety).

First off, absolutely no to the Burning Knuckle feint. That alone would make regular Terry obsolete.

Double Blow command is good. Another command move I'd like to give him is his evasive ( ;a ;b) attack from Garou (the spin kick). It would be good for following up from the double blow command and then linking it up with another move or HD bypassing.

Full screen Power Wave and Round Wave as EX is good. One thing I'd like to add is to make EX Power Wave crumble (make opponent fall on their knees) like Raiden's EX Breath and Kula's EX Breath. I think that would be really cool for EX Terry to have. Not sure about it being OTG, though...

OK with overhead Crackshoot. EX should be a multi-hit move.

Burning Knuckle should be stronger but with slower startup. EX takes a bit more time to start up, but is completely invincible, does multiple hits, and juggles.

OK with Power Dunk w/ Break. It would be a sin for him not to have that. EX should be like Crash Dunk (his TOP move). Still debating whether this version should be able to be braked or not.

Power Charge will be the "rekka" version like in Garou. EX will be like his "'98" version. A cool way for him to have both versions of Power Charge.

As far as DMs go:

Power Geyser will be done as qcf x 2 + P like in Garou (I like it better that way). EX will be like P-Power Power Geyser (three individual geysers). All three geysers will hit in corner. Can be Max Cancelled, but if not done in the corner, it must be done after the second geyser or it'll miss.

Buster Wolf will also be Max Cancellable (and yes, it'll say "Are you okay?"). However, this one's gonna hurt, but I felt like it had to be done: he will not have an EX version for this DM. EX Terry's got a huge advantage over regular Terry with his version of Power Geyser.

And of course: Power Stream as NM. It's meant to be a combo ender instead of something you use to continue combos (like Terry's Trinity Geyser).

And one final tidbit: his win pose should be "Stand down!" instead of "Okay!" I think it suits Garou Terry better.

And as if I needed to mention this: normals and voice acting will be like in Garou.

What do you guys think?


Oh how could I forget Ron and Lin...? And, Duo Lon's female counterpart (I, unfortunately, forgot her name so if someone can correct me, please do so). Those characters are NICE and they deserve a place somewhere in the next update...


Terry's Neomax should just be his Dreamcancel from XI. They could even use the same animation, just replace the spfx from K's Neomax.

Man, playing a bit of 98 makes you realize how much SNKP fucked up Terry.
Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.

Running Wild

Terry has indeed seen better days.

Personally I miss the 2k2 Round Wave, which was free-cancelable into Burning Knuckle. That was amazing.

Also, Ryo needs more moves! He's so boring in XIII.


Quote from: Great_Dark_Hero on August 15, 2012, 11:31:25 PM
Oh how could I forget Ron and Lin...? And, Duo Lon's female counterpart (I, unfortunately, forgot her name so if someone can correct me, please do so).
Xiao Lon

Quote from: Great_Dark_Hero on August 15, 2012, 11:31:25 PMThose characters are NICE and they deserve a place somewhere in the next update...


Here's what I think should happen:

If SNKP doesn't announce Garou 2 at TGS or by the end of the year. Just give us a 14 with a little over half the Garou cast: Gato, Hotaru, Rock, Kane, Grant (maybe), Kim's Sons, Tizoc, and Kushnood. Give Claw Iori Freeman's outfit as an alt.

And have the focus be on Kane and Grant and whatever boss is brought in and give us Joe's apprentice and some disciple of Yamazaki or Eijii.

Release it as KOF 14: Rise of the Wolves. Done.
Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.


I think SNKP should release kof xiii or xiv first before starting anything new, FF MOW 2 sound like it could be a disaster especially coming from them. It,s bad enough that we had to wait 4 years plus for a good kof game, even then I feel this what we should have gotten back in 2009. It amazing that Arc System is leagues ahead of snkp, in term of effiency and releasing quality product. Arc did P4 arena and working on the next installment of BB. SNKP on the other hand  um...yeah...  should take half a year to a year to restructure and reorganized after kof xiv, I really don't want the next Fatal Fury to end up just as bad as kof 12 Samsho Sen, one more major slip-up like that I would rather they make pachislot instead.


I don't want Garou characters in KOF.I want Garou and KOF to have different styles and charms.


Quote from: a11111357 on August 22, 2012, 03:56:02 PM
I don't want Garou characters in KOF.I want Garou and KOF to have different styles and charms.
Quite agree



Quote from: marchefelix on August 15, 2012, 08:57:59 PM
However, this one's gonna hurt, but I felt like it had to be done: he will not have an EX version for this DM. EX Terry's got a huge advantage over regular Terry with his version of Power Geyser.
considering all the buffs everyones talking about, i dont think that would hurt any if it all. its a pretty lackluster EX DM imo. its already useless in HD combos, and in drive cancel combos, the dmg on it isnt so great. better off saving the drive and going straight into his current EX geyser  off of his normals for an almost neglible damage difference. i think its only good use is to throw it out raw to invulnerable through stuff, which people will be very wary of in a set after getting hit by it once or twice.

all this EX terry stuff everyones talking about really does make regular terry seem obsolete. i dont really have much to contribute on how to buff up terry since this is the only iteration of him ive played. one thing i think could help though is if anti air normals in general were buffed up, like people say they used to be in older games. terry can take off nearly half a life bar off of a counter hit df.C, but in all reality, any situation it does a real counterhit it will trade so he cant combo off it in an actual match. the only time it gets a clean hit is if its before the opponent even throws anything out, so no counterhit combo.

Running Wild said EX terry would be much more rush down oriented. what if it is was like that, with regular terry having a more buffed up defensive game? just my 2 cents, although i think keeping 1 version of terry in the game is best.


Regular Terry just needs priority for his Crackshoot, his Powerdunk to come back, and maybe the Real Bout Slide or Power Charge to come back and fix his Neomax in the corner. There, done.

Garou Terry would be fairly different. Been a while since I last played Garou but he'd have his Rekka' and maybe he can break his specials like Mr. Karate? And his Neomax would be his Dreamcancel from XI.
Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.

Running Wild

Here's how to buff up regular Terry

- Make weak Burning Knuckle safe on block
- Fix Crackshot like LouisCipher mentioned above.
- Give Rising Tackle slight autoguard (Like in 97/98)
- Give him his old jump CD


Well, his Neomax definitely needs to be fixed. By default he has the absolute worst Neomax in the entire game. That's really sad. That's a definite factor as to why there's not that many Terry players.
Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.

Running Wild

I thought King had the worst NeoMax.

Hmmm but yeah, it should be fixed... getting all the hits is a pain, even if you can potentially follow-up after it.

Should of just given him Power Stream from 2k3/XI. That was a good move.


Quote from: Running Wild on August 23, 2012, 09:35:52 AM
I thought King had the worst NeoMax.

Same here.

So no one has any thoughts on my version of EX Terry? I tried to make him so that regular Terry wasn't obsolete. Did I meet that goal?