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Raiden (Arcade Version)

Started by nilcam, July 27, 2010, 03:49:38 AM

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So can you use his Shoulder to counter a one hit move or does it go through the multi-hitters?
Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.


multiple i believe and i wanna say the timing of it too cause it may not have auto guard all the way through


So does GCCD into D dropkick still work in console?


The only properties of the dropkick that are changing are that the super drop kick's charge time is increased and it will push people away. You should be able to GCCD Dropkick still, you just won't be able to combo it out of the corner anymore.


Quote from: Reiki.Kito on October 04, 2011, 11:22:47 AM
The only properties of the dropkick that are changing are that the super drop kick's charge time is increased and it will push people away. You should be able to GCCD Dropkick still, you just won't be able to combo it out of the corner anymore.

If I remember correctly, No. 17 asked Yamamoto-San and he said they removed that ability (GCCD --> DK).


Might wanna put that up in the changes cause that'd be important for people to know too.

As far as I knew, it was just the Super Drop Kick that changed, not his normals.


First page has been updated with console changes.

- (shown in video) Weak Poison Breath has less lag. When it hits you can followup with his command throw
- Adjustments to Super Drop Kick (lol)
* Charge times have been increased.
* Invincibility removed
* Guard crush ability has been reduced
* Can no longer be connected after a guard cancel attack
* Knocks the opponent away.
- Jump D’s hitbox has been strengthened to hit downwards. It should whiff less often on short opponents
- (shown in video) Giant Bomb (feint) has less recovery
- EX Raiden Bomb’s forward travel distance has been reduced.
- (shown in video) Raiden Bomber now has complete invincibility.

Yamamoto â€" Although Super Dropkick has been weakened, shorter recovery on Giant Bomb Feint allows him to be played more trickily. With the improvement to his jump HK {j.D}, he has reliable attacks from the air leading to greater attack possibilities. Worthy of special mention, complete invincibility on Raiden Bomber means no more awkward looking trades.


So just checking but Super Drop Kick is now almost completely pointless, right?
Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.


Quote from: LouisCipher on November 01, 2011, 04:05:25 PM
So just checking but Super Drop Kick is now almost completely pointless, right?

I'd say it's a completly viable, super-damaging option, ESPECIALLY to charge up a single one. But the amount of time it takes to charge up 2 will take away SO many other solid options from Raiden now, that praying for a corner to get the double-drop on the opponent is probably actually worthless, yup.

Reminds me of Kushnood / Marco. If you charged up his Ultra-punch or ultra-kick, and which you should pick, by which options you wanted available to you over the match.

I like the kick not being Braindead-derpy now, lol. It'll now be a suprise to see an actual DK used, but with his other options being strengthened so much, I think it's still a VERY powerful took to have, on a character that would be 100% solid without it.

Rex Dart

Combos in XIII are still pretty long, to the point that the console version is trying to encourage shorter combos. And if you're getting hit with a 12 second long combo, may as well charge those DKs! I think they'll be pretty useful as punishers.


Using any of his command grabs as a follow up to the poison mist is really easy to hit confirm, with one bar, you can do 313 of damage which is not bad

Overall, his dropkick now only works in the corner, I don't know if will be worth it to wait 32 seconds to do it, but oh well, he is still a beast imo

Waifu Material


Did someone mentioned that charge time can be carried over each round?


No, but you can charge as at the beginning of the next round. Like when the announcer is saying "Ready" and stuff, you can charge then.

Tofu Warrior

Quote from: sibarraz on November 19, 2011, 05:42:52 PM
Using any of his command grabs as a follow up to the poison mist is really easy to hit confirm, with one bar, you can do 313 of damage which is not bad

Overall, his dropkick now only works in the corner, I don't know if will be worth it to wait 32 seconds to do it, but oh well, he is still a beast imo

The charge time for a Level 4 DK has been increased to 32 seconds? I don't have the game yet, so pardon my ignorance. It seems like Atlus really wants to discourage players from using this move. Considering follow ups are corner only, I'm not sure if it's worth going half a round without one of your buttons, but only time will tell. The buffs he received are substantial though.


Yep, 32s for lv 4. They wanted to curb the abuse. Although it's at 32 you still get most of the arcade the benefits, and since kicks have to be held down for double the time, it encourages players to leave one of the kicks free which allows Raiden to deepen his grappler play. That said, the lower levels of DK have plenty of utility and are still a great asset.

In exchange, they improved some of his normals like his j.D and made it so that he can combo off of poison breath.

I think they did a pretty good job in fixing what was broke. What's great is that his NM is actually worth doing now damage/cost wise and imo looks awesome. Just flipping a guy in the air off of a lariat with all the cool dust effects -DAAAAAAAH!!!