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On which title (fighting) should SNKp work after they finish XIII?

Started by Eripio69, October 21, 2010, 12:13:05 PM

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On which title (fighting) should SNKp work after they finish XIII?

The king of fighters XIV
11 (16.4%)
Neo Geo battle coliseum 2
9 (13.4%)
25 (37.3%)
Maximum impact 3
4 (6%)
SVC Chaos 2
4 (6%)
New Samurai Shodown
9 (13.4%)
5 (7.5%)

Total Members Voted: 67


Quote from: MUSOLINI on May 24, 2011, 04:33:05 AM
rage of the dragons didnt look too bad, but the game was still pretty mediocre.

Rage of the Dragons was developed by another company independent of SNK if I'm not mistaken. I think it was Atlus.
Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.

Running Wild

The Gentleman

Honestly, as odd as it sounds, after KOFXIII, I'd simply love to see Garou Mark of the Wolves, and the Last Blade games released on PSN. I don't have a 360 yet, but handheld Garou would be a dream come true. Mainly, I'd like to get the NeoGeo Station filled with games I'm more familiar with.


Speaking of Garou I remember reading that the sequel was supposedly well into development when it was cut. I can't see why they wouldn't just dust that off and complete the damn thing. Is there any information about this floating on the net?


Quote from: Running Wild on May 26, 2011, 10:20:35 AM
Real Bout Fatal Fury 3.

agreed. next to a new ss in hd this is my bigfest wish. a new ff game, id like it more if it resembled rb instead of motw personally (motw is too much like kof imo, but way more boring and with just defending and universal overheads for everybody).
In the end, there can only be XIII.


Still mo sweet Chariots, keep on swingin'!

Running Wild

Yeah, when it comes to high level play, I think MOTW is more annoying because you can't poke at all because one JD and Guard Cancel is all it takes to ruin your day. In RB2 at least Guard Cancels used meter, and your meter constantly drained when full, so you had to be quick with it's usage and make it count. But then sometimes RB2 could turn into a turtle fest because of the lack of Guard Crush, which MOTW has. On the other had, most characters can do rapid feint cancel chains or brake moves and break you quickly, it's BS.

lol I dunno.

Garou 2 or a new RB would be fine either way to me. If they did a new RB, I'd want them to add Jubei Yamada and Big Bear/Raiden, since the RB games kinda lacked a true grappler.


Quote from: Running Wild on August 12, 2011, 09:48:21 PM
Yeah, when it comes to high level play, I think MOTW is more annoying because you can't poke at all because one JD and Guard Cancel is all it takes to ruin your day. In RB2 at least Guard Cancels used meter, and your meter constantly drained when full, so you had to be quick with it's usage and make it count. But then sometimes RB2 could turn into a turtle fest because of the lack of Guard Crush, which MOTW has. On the other had, most characters can do rapid feint cancel chains or brake moves and break you quickly, it's BS.

That's pretty much my complaint against MOTW too, plus it's really hard to get a regular throw in sometimes and it's impossible to get a tick throw. I remember many, many times in MOTW where I empty jump, I land and holding toward for at least 2 seconds, I'm literally pushing the other guy, and I hit C or D and I still don't get a throw but a standing C or D. That's bs.

RB2 just feels like the better game, even if Rick is broken. ;)
Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.


lol if you think tickthrowing is bad in motw, wait till you try that shit in rb2. many times ive said this before and a lot of people that play the game seriously do agree, games needs tick throws and guard break.
In the end, there can only be XIII.


Still mo sweet Chariots, keep on swingin'!


I've played RB2 with the guys here. The throw system is entirely different and I accept that. The problem is that MOTW tries to model itself after KOF in some ways, but the throw system is nothing like KOF.

Not to be nasty to any fans of MOTW but I think of the game as a dumbed down 3rd Strike. I respect MOTW and it was one of those games that got me into fighters, but when you play that for a long while, then play 3S, it's pretty clear which is the better game.
Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.

Running Wild

MOTW also has that notorious throw bug, which just ruins Tizoc's day. MOTW's throw system is kinda similar to KOF in concept, but I think it's a bit more loose, particularly on wake-up and empty jump ins. Too easy to get a free throw on wake up if you're opponent is anywhere near you. In Street Fighter, it was the opposite, you could easily get thrown during wake-up frames.

Honestly, I don't think RB2 needs tick throws. There are is so many mix-up tactics and tricks many characters can do to break open a turtling opponent (See Franco and Mary), the game doesn't need it. Especially characters with good kara-cancelable moves like Geese and Terry.

I will say though, if it's one thing I liked about both RB2 and Garou is the amount of kara-cancelable moves there are in the games.

Alucard DX


Quote from: Running Wild on August 13, 2011, 06:10:28 AM
MOTW also has that notorious throw bug, which just ruins Tizoc's day. MOTW's throw system is kinda similar to KOF in concept, but I think it's a bit more loose, particularly on wake-up and empty jump ins. Too easy to get a free throw on wake up if you're opponent is anywhere near you. In Street Fighter, it was the opposite, you could easily get thrown during wake-up frames.

Honestly, I don't think RB2 needs tick throws. There are is so many mix-up tactics and tricks many characters can do to break open a turtling opponent (See Franco and Mary), the game doesn't need it. Especially characters with good kara-cancelable moves like Geese and Terry.

I will say though, if it's one thing I liked about both RB2 and Garou is the amount of kara-cancelable moves there are in the games.

those tactics go only so far against a good opponent that can trutle effectivelly andf bait out your attacks and breakshot you. game is great but flawed, it needed only 2 things and thats guard break and tick throws.
In the end, there can only be XIII.


Still mo sweet Chariots, keep on swingin'!


I don't think a Real Bout 3 or a Garou 2 is a good idea at this point. I mean what does the SNK community outside of Japan want to do? Bring new gamers in. We have an influx of new people due to SFIV, Blazblue, etc...and while maybe to some people, story and character development doesn't matter? It seems to matter to some people since its still present in games. That being said...Real Bout 1 is the only RB game that HAD a story, which was a continuation heavily dependent upon the story of Fatal Fury 1-3. RBS and RB2 have no story, and there's not much reason to make it "Real Bout 3" if its got a story. And most people wouldn't get why its called "Real Bout 3". it'd be a Street Fighter II situation where people didn't think there WAS a Street Fighter 1 lol.

Garou 2 would make sense, but at the same time...its been over ten years, and while the plot and setting behind the Fatal Fury series has a style that one could argue is more appealing to a western audience (American protagonists, American setting, etc...), I think Garou's heavy dependance upon the previous FF stories kind of kills it and makes it difficult for new comers to jump in. Not as many people played this series as they did with SFII, and the way the series is set up it'd be really hard to do a "SFIV" style game that can bring back the old and bring in new.

So my proposition? Completely reboot Fatal Fury. Start over from the beginning. Completely remake Fatal Fury 1 with 3D polygons on 2D plane with the line-shift system from RB2 so there's only two planes. Implement some Real Bout mechanics and maybe even a few from Garou, maybe something new (as long as it isn't botched) and there ya go. Include a few new fighters into the mix as well. If SNKP could pull all that off ontop of heavy marketing, I think they could have a heavy contender for SFIV/SFxT. They would just need to make sure the characters feel COMPLETE this time and do thorough balance tests with real players. Balance patches of course need to be implemented in some way. And for a finishing touch, GGPO for the console version. I think that entire package right there could re-ignite SNK and Fatal Fury in the western world and really make them a viable contender in today's market (Which all SNK fans SHOULD want btw).

If not this, then I'd have to say do a new Samurai Shodown in the same style as SFIV, with bringing in mostly returning guys from the core series and a few new faces, but make it so the story is easy for old fans and new ones alike to jump into. And of course, balanced gameplay with GGPO on the console version. And 3D polygons. I love 2D games, don't get me wrong, but Seth Killian himself said it: "3D sells". Sales figures back him up here I'm afraid.

Mr Bakaboy

I think the major problem with what you said is the company itself. It's a 2d fighting game company 1st and foremost. Playmore tried Samurai Shodown Sen, King of Fighters Maximum Impact, Metal Slug 3d and found limited success. I could definitely understand how 2.5d could work in the line shifting world of Fatal Fury, but Playmore kinda backed themselves in a corner with their business structure right now.

Their 3d products for the most part failed to get the sales they wanted. the future of their company is hinging upon the success of KOF XIII (the last great true 2d fighting game). If it fails then that's probably it for Playmore. Maybe they would throw out old titles, but I am pretty sure they would stop all new titles for the future. If it succeeds, you now have a demand to bring out more titles with the 2d style they have already thrown in so much money on.

Now they could start from scratch again cause as we all know the development costs for 2.5d is far less then 2d, however it wouldn't make much business sense to move away from the style they already sunk so much money into. It would make more sense to work around new titles having that same style. Maybe when they have gotten themselves out of the red, it would be a good time to venture into the 2.5d realm, but we all know Playmore is far from that.
Say it with me now: "Variable input lag BAAAAAAD!!!"


I'd like KoF IV. I just don't know if it will ever see the light of day.