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A fighting game stereotype that bothers me

Started by marchefelix, October 18, 2012, 02:36:35 AM

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"I only play as female characters because I'm a girl."

I haven't ran into a lot of female FG players, but the few ones that I've seen have either told me this or demonstrated it to me in a match. My question is: why do girls feel they have to play characters that are the same gender as they?

I'd like it if some of the female FG players could come in this thread and answer this for me, but I know DreamCancel doesn't have a lot of female members (and none of them are active posters). So I guess I'll ask you guys: why do you think female FG players think that way?


Because they just feel comfortable and someone to associate with


Quote from: PureYeti on October 18, 2012, 02:59:17 AM
Because they just feel comfortable and someone to associate with
pretty much this

and this topic generally applies to gaming in general


Well I can't exactly speak for the female population but I think it sometimes has to do with playing as a strong female character like Chun Li opposed to just any female charater and it's not just "I only play as female characters because I'm a girl." cause from my impression at least girls will play a character like Chun Li but not a character like Ivy who is clearly just there cause of her tits and stuff like that.

Also i've met and know of male players who only play as male characters and won't play as female characters so this isn't just a "girl thing" (for lack of a better term) and applies to everyone.

"simply learning does not make one learned there are those who have knowledge and those who have understanding".


If it makes you feel any better, I know a few female gamers who play male characters because they're cute/hot.

Especially a close friend of mine. >_>


Quote from: baccano1932 on October 18, 2012, 03:52:05 AM
Well I can't exactly speak for the female population but I think it sometimes has to do with playing as a strong female character like Chun Li opposed to just any female charater and it's not just "I only play as female characters because I'm a girl." cause from my impression at least girls will play a character like Chun Li but not a character like Ivy who is clearly just there cause of her tits and stuff like that.

Also i've met and know of male players who only play as male characters and won't play as female characters so this isn't just a "girl thing" (for lack of a better term) and applies to everyone.

I'm kind of in this category too, but for the most part, if the players got as much out of who they were playing, like a female being the best in her scene at using any female in XIII, I can stand that. I know people play to what appeals to them most as we all do, but I hope someone tells/shows them what other characters can do.

Wonder if any girls have ever played as Shion or Ash thinking they were picking girls.
"You had guts kid; now clean them up off the pavement"
-Terry Bogard, 1995

Mr Bakaboy

A lot of female friends I played with like female fighting game characters cause of the speed. In saying that they also gravitated towards faster characters even if they were male. Maybe cause it's what they are used to since most women are not big and burly.

This might not be the case and personally I go with the opposite of who I am like. I am a big scary strong white boy, but I like the faster characters usually. To me it's not psychological, but just I have more fun usually cause I rely on my hand eye coordination  which is pretty good. Slow characters tend to make me feel sluggish. Is this something women feel as well, or maybe even they don't want to control a character they find ugly (just a thought)? The reason is beyond me.
Say it with me now: "Variable input lag BAAAAAAD!!!"


When I was a kid I used to pick females because they were a novelty to see in video games, especially FGs.  Most of my childhood I had to play male heroes in games so when the chance to play as a woman was available it was like "oh kewl ^____^!"  As an adult I gravitate toward rushdowns and command grabbers regardless of gender, but I have an aesthetic preference for freaky/disturbed characters or characters with unique gameplay mechanics.

One of the reasons KOF initially appealed to me was the large ratio of females to males.  In most FGs, especially oldschool ones, you'd have 1 female and 10+ dudes.  In KOF it's almost an even split depending on the game.  Not only that, they don't look like a bunch of whores.  Respect.

Kick, punch, it's all in the method. Not mother approved but totally kid tested.


Quote from: Aenthin on October 18, 2012, 09:58:34 AM
If it makes you feel any better, I know a few female gamers who play male characters because they're cute/hot.

Especially a close friend of mine. >_>

See, I wish I knew girls like that. It would actually be kinda comforting to know one.

Quote from: JennyCage on October 20, 2012, 12:45:52 AM
When I was a kid I used to pick females because they were a novelty to see in video games, especially FGs.  Most of my childhood I had to play male heroes in games so when the chance to play as a woman was available it was like "oh kewl ^____^!"  As an adult I gravitate toward rushdowns and command grabbers regardless of gender, but I have an aesthetic preference for freaky/disturbed characters or characters with unique gameplay mechanics.

One of the reasons KOF initially appealed to me was the large ratio of females to males.  In most FGs, especially oldschool ones, you'd have 1 female and 10+ dudes.  In KOF it's almost an even split depending on the game.  Not only that, they don't look like a bunch of whores.  Respect.

Wait... so are you a girl?

Just wondering because of your username.

Also because girls on the Internet is rare in itself (social networking sites don't count) =P


no, jenny is infact a martian, and martians have no gender.



^Why are you answering for him/her/it?

Quote from: Mr Bakaboy on October 18, 2012, 12:57:27 PM
I am a big scary strong white boy

...Why did I imagine a skinhead when you said that? =O