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Joe Higashi Wiki Building Thread

Started by desmond_kof, December 12, 2011, 03:44:08 AM

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Quote from: BioBooster on December 30, 2011, 01:57:59 AM
Yep that was supposed to be HD Bypass. How should we notate that, just HDB? or will the buttons be self explanatory?

Thanks for the reference to the format, will use it going forward.

We might have to note that to the wiki, and I would also have to switch around the hcf+BC with (HDB) next to it like so: j.D, s.C, f.B, hcf+BC (HDB), (HDC) (dp+B, qcb+D)x5, dp+B, [A] 1~2 - qcb+P, j.D = 608 damage
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."


Gotcha man, that looks consisten, thx.

Just picked up on a search and replace typo I had.

hcf+BD was being shown as BD-hcf+B so I edited the combo post to fix that for 2 combos.



A few things I talked about with Hotpockets and Metaphysics concerning Joe Higashi that I felt should be noted in the wiki.

1. It should be important to learn Joe's midscreen and corner HD combos. Midscreen, he's capable of doing 60% without using any meter to speak of and can make people respect your space when you have full meter.

2. Joe's basic frame trap is timing a slash kick so that you're farther away and you're safe on block. You can time it after a Hurricane upper to keep people from jumping or rolling through the fireball. This sets you up for a knockdown and crossup possibility.

Also note, his fireballs are fairly tricky. You can hop over them, but not many people are aware of it. The different speeds though make it a bit more difficult to react to. His EX fireball is great fore mid range pressure as it eats most EX fireballs in a fireball war.

3. A well-spaced Golden Heel can be safe on block, but it's still fairly safe except for command throws. You can use D Golden Heel to apply pressure, but it's always best to space it and be at a distance to keep applying pressure than to forfeit pressure completely at the end of a special. NOTE: The opponent must be blocking. Df+B is special cancellable so you can do it from that.

4. Bakuretsu punch is safe on block if the minimal amount of presses (4 punches) was pressed. It's a nice tool to bait out a GC roll because of how safe it is. Inversely, you should be aware that st.C, f+B string can be guard rolled so being aware of someone who is prone to do that is important.

5. Far D is a nice neutral poke that's meaty as well as long range. You can also delay the f+B after a hit to set up a small trap for someone to fall into and confirm into a special for safety. This could make people weary of throwing out specials or guard cancel rolling the Far D.


Thanks very much for upping the wiki des, looks good.

Reiki, awesome write-up by u guys.


The wiki has been updated, with Reiki's tips and some links to you guys posts for credit.

"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."


Huzzah! and our Joe wiki is mostly flushed out in all of its sections :)


@Des, realized I had posted to the wrong thread.

Could we add the following to the wiki? Thx!

Quote from: BioBooster on January 07, 2012, 02:20:58 PM

So just tried this which is pretty cool:
1 Stock, No Drive Gauge
(corner)j.D, s.D, (delay) f.B, hcf+A, [AC], qcb+D, dp+B, [A](2~3hits), qcb+A, j.D = 465

@Desmond, could we add this to the wiki? I think it's great damage for 1 meter and no drive and looks cool.


Could not cause death in an orthodox HD, but this is crazy easy for 934 dmg. Or 984 dmg using an extra stock for EX on the first tiger kick.

j.D, s.C, f.B, [HD]s.C, f.B, hcf+B, [HDC]{dp+B, [HDC]qcb+B}x3, dp+B, [HDC]qcfx2+AC, [MC]qcfx2+BD = 934 dmg

Will add to wiki....damn no death!

The Fluke

It's really nice to have the option, if you do the same basic combo but with the standard reset instead of super/neomax at the end you get pretty sweet damage, that's what i usually go for, or tack a neomax on to get some good cost effective damage. For whatever reason i guess i just didn't try to max it out hehe.


Heheh, know what you mean. Next time I'm on the con, I'll try it with EX slash at the beginning as that does more dmg and see how close we get.


Added the following to the Tips Section:

"Frame Traps and Links

(L)= Link

1. st. A, cl. C

2. st. A, cr. C

3. cr. A, cl. C

4. cr. A, cr. C

5. cl. A/C(x3 to 4), cl. C (L)

6. cl. A/C(x3 to 4), cr. C (L)

7. cl. A/C(x3 to 4), st. A (L) "


I found this in the wiki:

1 Stock, No Drive Gauge
(corner)j.D, s.D, (delay) f.B, hcf+A, [AC], qcb+D, dp+B, [A](2~3hits), qcb+A, j.D = 465

This isnt working. Seems like a typo somewhere.
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."

The Fluke

It's slightly off. As the post stun launcher string in the stun combo you use j.C instead of j.D for the extra damage but that's minor. Typically it would be

j.C s.D f.B hcf.A A+C*3 qcb.D P*3.qcb.P(same punch) srk.B P*3.qcb.P(same punch) then mash punch to get the two (can get a third though i believe it only adds 1 damage and stun and it does make the timing much stricter) juggle hits followed by qcb.P(same punch) j.D 488 damage i believe.

The variation you posted should work fine but it is for some reason missing a bakuretsuken+finish and notes the last "instant" bakuretsuken+finish as the juggling bakuretsuken that you are supposed to follow up on it with wich just results in free damage lost to nothing.

Unless you are doing this combo as the post stun follow up to the stun combo though you should just go with his typical EX slash kick corner stuff. Wich is ofcourse, the start of the stun combo.


OHH, the [AC] meant to A+C as in light punch and heavy punch mashed together. My bad, I thought someone meant to put in a drive cancel (which wouldn't make sense cause the combo isn't in the drive cancel combos section) but wrote an A instead of a D.
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."


I didn't see this anywhere so hopefully I'm not duplicating information.

Joe's Bakuretsuken (Px4) is +5 on hit. Means you can link the following commands after hitting someone:
1.st.A -5F
2.cr.A -4F
3.cr.B- 4F
4.cl.C - 5F
5.cr.C -5F
6.qcf,hcb+P -4F

For the sake of doing maximum damage, I will just use st.C and cr.C, but st.A works too.
A sample combos:

1. st.C, PPPP, qcf,hcb+P = 268 dmg, 1 bar
Links naturally, do the motion and hold punch to make it link

2. st.C, PPPP, st.C, f+B, qcf, hcb+P =348 dmg, 1 bar
(1F link, easier if you map two HP/C buttons)

3. st.C, PPPP, cr.C, df+B = 197 dmg, no bar
(1F link, no bar knockdown combo)