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Samurai Shodown Sen

Started by sibarraz, October 25, 2010, 10:07:46 PM

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Quote from: nilcam on February 18, 2011, 07:10:22 AM
Bought the game tonight solely to get some online games in.

Wish I saw this sooner... Hit me up when your on next time...
I'm on FightCade!!!



Quote from: 409 on April 07, 2011, 04:13:53 AM
somebody play me in this

I'll play you... Post up your GT and I'll get matches in with ya... I don't see you in the Online Player Listing, so you might want to post up in that thread as well to get yourself added on...

I'm on FightCade!!!


friends dont let friends use bosses


So yeah,  a friend of here will buy the game, so I will play it again

I'm training and had tons of troubles pulling just inputs, I will love to see all the moveset from some characters in video form but nobody played this lol

Waifu Material


Quote from: sibarraz on August 13, 2011, 07:24:29 AM
So yeah,  a friend of here will buy the game, so I will play it again

I'm training and had tons of troubles pulling just inputs, I will love to see all the moveset from some characters in video form but nobody played this lol

I'll probably start putting vids up. Hopefully I can get some comp again in this... The j/f inputs aren't that hard either. It's just a "rhythmic" pattern... I'll post up some info on that, too...
I'm on FightCade!!!


Cool, nobody wants to play?

Waifu Material


Hey Sibarraz, which characters are you practicing the j/fs for??? I can make a video for their j/f moves.

In all honesty, the majority of the moves have a "We Will Rock You" tempo for the inputs. For the first button input, you have to press both direction and button together, but press the button slightly before the direction, a la Tekken's ewgf. It's the exact same timing as Kazuya's ewgf as a matter o' fact. Hanzo and Galford have moves just like that:

;dn ;df + ;d --- If you press it as ;dn ;d ~ ;df , the move comes out and you'll know because of the blue sparks, again a la Tekken.

Oh, real quick-- For the button layout, I use the ;a ;b ;c ;d in the traditional NeoGeo format. The only difference is that I use ;a for the special button, and ;b ;c ;d are my HA, VA, and K respectively. Lemme know if your layout is different or whatnot.

Well, Genjyuro has a j/f string: ;db ;c , ;b , ;c , that if you follow the "We Will Rock You" pattern, the moves will have the blue flash. You can screw the 2nd and 3rd inputs even if you do the 1st one right, so you have to follow that pattern. I realized again that most of those inputs follow that rhythm.

If you don't know the song "We Will Rock You" by Queen, its on YouTube and iTunes. The pattern will be easily recognizable.
I'm on FightCade!!!


I'm trying with kim wannabe #3 and haohmaru

Maybe Nakoruru one day

Waifu Material


Quote from: sibarraz on August 29, 2011, 06:30:31 AM
I'm trying with kim wannabe #3 and haohmaru

Maybe Nakoruru one day

Ok, I'll try to come up with some stuff this week for both chars. Haohmaru's wavedash is the best thing they ever gave to him imo...
I'm on FightCade!!!


Oh, know I get the we will rock you ''to this point I will be amazed if somebody doesn't know this song, or we're the champions if we're talking about queen''

And an interesting fact when you said that you must press the button before the input

Waifu Material


I've come across people who didn't know that song or the group (/facepalm)...

Oh about the jf inputs, I know it seems really weird, but it actually works. I think Kazuya's ewgf is listed as that on TZ as well. It takes about maybe 1-3 tries before actually getting the timing down. It doesn't feel like you're doing those inputs in that order, but that's what it ends up being when you write it down.

So I put a gangload of time into both Haohmaru and Kim Hae-Ryeong. Here's my inputs thus far. Also, note that the arcade version annotates the buttons as this:


That (R) is the "special" button used for parrying, throwing, and for some special stances/cancels. I'll use ;sp to represent that, since on the actual console version its labeled as that. For hit confirm jf links that don't require ;dp I'll use : a la Tekken Zaibatsu to signify that its a jf move. Ok, here we go:

Here's some pointers that I came across while playing:

- jf moves that require hit confirm into a 2-button input (i.e.- Kim's ;fd ;fd + ;b : ;a + ;b ), you can hold a button, and tap the other one and the jf move will connect. This technique can also be done using the "piano" method, and I'll explain that one later on.

- if you attempt to do a "launcher" move (i.e. - ;df ;b ) while the opponent is still in the air, you'll make the opponent launch higher into a flip, but the distance the opponent travels prevents you from comboing. This effect can be beneficial if the opponent is near a wall. Doing a string that ends in some sort of launcher will allow you to get closer while sending the opponent to the wall. The only real downside is that there are times in which the opponent will wall splat and there's no guaranteed wall finisher. Moves will just whiff depending on the height at which the opponent hit the wall before sliding down, so keep that in mind.

- there are no real followups to sweeps or sweep-like moves that KD, or throws towards the wall. There are some setups, but chances are the opponent can block. I think they can get caught in a tech roll setup, but I'm not sure-- I'll test that one today.


Yeah his style says "Power" on the select screen, and it shows in his combos. It doesn't matter how you launch your opponent, just do his BnB combo, and you're halfway there to winning, no tigerblood required.

His wavedash is pretty dope!!! It's a bit harder to execute at times, but once you get the timing, you can pretty much close in on anyone Mishima style. You can also go straight in from wavedashing and instantly cancel that into a grab, or a special (for grabs its almost like a 0f grab, it comes out that friggin fast!!!).

The only real jf moves to worry about are ;dp + ;a and ;dp + ;b . Neither jf moves can be delayed like the ones in Tekken, but they do provide great bonuses. The regular version of ;dp ;a just launches, whereas the jf version is shown with a tornado effect, and it does slightly more damage and launches higher. The ;dp ;b does one swooping uppercut, but doing the jf version makes Haohmaru do 2 classic uppercuts, albeit with a slight delay. I personally don't use the jf ;dp ;b primarily because of the delay, and it can't be used in combos, and if it could, I think he'd be broken.

Remember these strings:

;bk + ;a , ;b
;db + ;b , ;a , ;b
;df + ;a , ;c

After the first hit on the first 2 strings, you can press ;df to cancel into a wavedash. This means more combo potential, and this is the strength of Haohmaru. The last string is merely a wall finisher, and at times can serve as a followup after a sweep or knockdown.

These are his launchers:
;dp + ;a
jf ;dp + ;a
ws ;b
any string that can cancel into ;df ~ ;a (this is the same as ;dp + ;a )

(note that jf ;dp + ;a can be subbed with ws :b in many situations)

jf ;dp + ;a , ;a ;a , ;bk + ;a ~ ;df + ;b (This damn near does close to half life on NH)

jf ;dp + ;a , ;a ;a , ;bk + ;a ;b , (wall), ;df ;a ;c

;dp + ;a , ;dp + ;a , ;a ;a , ;df + ;a (Yeah you can ;dp ;a twice!!!)

I had some more combos, but I can't remember them, and I'm not in front of the tv now... I'll post up some Kim Hae-Yeong stuff later today.

UPDATE: Ok, didn't get a chance to play yesterday, but I remeber some Kim Hae-Yeong stuff. Here we go:

Let's start with his wavedash. Well, it sucks imo, and I simply say that because it doesn't cover much ground, nor does it truly allow for a rapid succession of dashes-- sorta... Quick sidestepping and then wavedashing helps, but its still slow, and for some characters like him, advanced movements other than box stepping aren't really in his repertoire.

He's got alot of mixups, and a bunch of launchers. One move that needs to be lived by if you wanna be good with this character is ;bk ;fd ;b . This move parries both high and mid attacks of any type, including kicks (I remembering parrying a standing ;c )!!! Not only does it parry, but it follows up with an attack that leaves you up close for more mixup options.

His ws ;c is a somewhat lunging knee attack that can be followed by ;hcf + ;c . The ws ;c has a slight delay, so I have a feeling it could be used as oki after a combo. I'm not sure what the frames are for this move, but I can test that out soon.

This guy has quite a few jf moves, but I'm only gonna mention the ones that really matter. This part will be updated as I take a closer look at his moves.

Kim's ;fd ;fd + ;b : ;a + ;b is his staff stab to follow up. You can either hit ;a + ;b on hit, or you can use the piano buffer technique I mentioned earlier by holding ;b then pressing ;a on hit. They both work.

;bk + ;c : ;a + ;b can definitely be used in combos, and does some good damage. This one's kinda tricky, so it can take a few tries to get it down. You definitely have to make sure that Michael Jackson kick ( ;bk + ;c ) hits before continuing. When you practice this move, put the opponent on "always block". You can get the jf to execute on whiff and on block.

;db + ;b : ;c : ;a + ;b is a good combo ender, but takes some time to get used to. This pattern is totally different than the typical input. I'll try to come up with something to figure out the timing because its not hit confirm, its a straight up jf. Correction: while it is jf, you have to still do some form of hit confirm.

ws ;b
;bk ;bk + ;b
;qcf + ;c
;df + ;b launchers on CH
;qcf + ;b

ws + ;b , ;a ;a , ;bk + ;b ;b ;b ;b (wall) ;b ;b
;bk ;bk + ;b , ;bk + ;a ;a , ;bk + ;c : ;a + ;b
;qcf + ;c , ;df + ;c ;b
;qcf + ;c , ;bk + ;c , ;bk + ;c : ;a + ;b

I'll update this portion later today.
I'm on FightCade!!!


I also forgot, for Haohmaru, he can cancel his ;b ;b with ;bk ;bk . Fake to grab, or sidestep to wavedash in to bait a whiff, and punish. The slight delay isn't noticable, and you have enough time to do whatever after that cancel. It's not as fast as the string to ;df cancel, but its still worth mentioning.

I know the game has moves that are fastest input, and j/f, but in all honesty, they just feel the same imo. It's just some moves are "easier" j/fs and some harder ones.

If anyone is interested in learning some characters, or want matches online/offline, lemme know. I'll try my best to break these characters and the game down.
I'm on FightCade!!!


Quick Update: Rimururu's combos are so boring and easy to do... All you need is a launcher, then ;fd ;fd + ;b til you get to the wall... The sad part is that this actually does damage, as in about 4 or 5 of these (3 or 4 on CH), and the match is over.
I'm on FightCade!!!


I hope that this doesn't became the last entry of sam sho, it will be sad

Waifu Material