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SNKP Sponsoring Oni-Con 2010 w/KOF XIII v1.1 | Possible Console News

Started by SAB-CA, October 27, 2010, 12:51:29 AM

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Via snk-capcom.com

QuoteSNK Playmore Inc (USA/JP) sponsors Oni-Con 2010.  This year, besides S-C.com and Arcadeshock sponsoring Big Bruno’s Oni-Cade at the Oni-Con Show, SNK Playmore USA (whom we met up with a few days ago) will be providing KOF XIII (King of Fighters XIII " latest revision) for the fans to come and experience their best product to date.   Those who are lucky enough to even find an arcade release nearby that even has this would have probably played the earlier version, which balanced out some characters betters (by eliminating some infinites) and fixed some bugs.   We thank SNK Playmore USA/JP once again for helping out the community (which they say fans will “know them better” in the upcoming months), so come and join us at Oni-Con 2010 for some great gaming action and play with the elusive KOF XIII Arcade Version (click on rest of article to get more info on the console versions " PS3/Xbox 360).

Entire Blog Article HERE.

Sounds promising...


Quote from: SAB-CA on October 27, 2010, 12:51:29 AM
We thank SNK Playmore USA/JP once again for helping out the community (which they say fans will “know them better” in the upcoming months)

I like this part, SNKP should try to get closer to their fans, specially outside Asia. The closest thing i can think of it is the Ignition forums, with MadMax posting there.

Can't wait to hear more news about this


This is some good news. I just hope that they can at least capture some more players from the USa side of things because we all know it's their weakest area when it comes to their fighters right now.

I'm looking forward to seeing what kind of actions they take when it comes to participating within the tournament scene and wish them luck.


i really hope they never let kof lose it's japanese flavour. other than that, yeah, bring kof to everyone; let any with eyes see it.
KoF XIII... Needs more Angel, Vanessa and Blue Mary! ^^


Great news. A proactive SNK is a better one. Hopefully more praise and anticipation will follow Oni-Con 2010.
"You had guts kid; now clean them up off the pavement"
-Terry Bogard, 1995


It seems like we may have some good news coming to us in a couple of days. I just hope they take the two 80 ton Elephants in the room (Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 and Mortal Kombat 9) into account when announcing their release date. KoF XIII needs as much time in the center spotlight as it can get, and a well-timed release date is the first step.

I'll assume that they understand the need for a meaty port, especially an excellent training mode. I would love it if they came as close to Virtua Fighter IV Evolution as much as possible.


I hope that they don't delay the console port in order to satisfy those greedy fans that want 6 console characters, stages, specific voice actors and shit like that. They should use that money and effort to support the current game and promote it properly. Current roster size is really satisfying and stages as well. Just create a nice online code and add many online elements like for example 3 real ppl vs 3 real ppl. I mean invite your friends and create a group of three and each one playing one character and things like that.


Perhaps the release date of XIII also factors in international competition, meaning it still might be smart to release it in '11 Q1 for whatever reason it was intended (Arcade owners can see profit etc) because, internationally, MK9 means squat and for all intents and purpose, neither does MvC3 since it's only popular in the US.


Quote from: JohnCrawley on October 27, 2010, 10:48:04 PM
I hope that they don't delay the console port in order to satisfy those greedy fans that want 6 console characters, stages, specific voice actors and shit like that. They should use that money and effort to support the current game and promote it properly. Current roster size is really satisfying and stages as well. Just create a nice online code and add many online elements like for example 3 real ppl vs 3 real ppl. I mean invite your friends and create a group of three and each one playing one character and things like that.

Yeah, even though I would LOVE to see this stuff, I don't need to have it. A meaty port to me would mean these things.

- Netcode that works
- A Training mode that helps you to practice specific scenarios
- A BlazBlue CS type Tutorial Mode so people can learn the game
- A Challenge mode that is rewarding to play.
- The ability to record your matches so you can understand your trends in battle.
- A Tournament and even a RanBat Mode. (The former is probably more possible than the latter.)
- A 3 People Vs. 3 People Team mode like you said

I would personally love an expanded story mode, as well, but I don't need it. Just like the rest of the stuff you mentioned at first.

Quote from: Kane317Perhaps the release date of XIII also factors in international competition, meaning it still might be smart to release it in '11 Q1 for whatever reason it was intended (Arcade owners can see profit etc) because, internationally, MK9 means squat and for all intents and purpose, neither does MvC3 since it's only popular in the US.]

This a very good point, to be honest. I'm just thinking with the mindset that with the Western Market's size, it would be a great idea to gear a release to get the most people buying the game as possible to build the community. At the same time, SNK does have to worry about feeding those mouths.

Homies Over Shotos

you're thinking too small.  Cunt Continuum Shift (Trying to grow a scene while insulting others isn't the way to go -Kane317) has raised the bar for idiots with stupid extras which SNK used to do in the past.  What you need for a great console release is this.

1.  Great online gameplay.  Netcode that works, but with the KOF XII stuff that was added like Clan battles, 3 v 3 people with each person controlling one of the characters, a 1 v 1 mode for people who want to play specific characters, online saving of replays and uploading them where each character has their own section for highlights and wins, Clan Wars where you can fight for specific stuff and so on and on.  KOF 12 had the best feature set IF it worked, but I'd like to see SNK expand on this.  Also online Ratio mode.

2.  Training mode for each individual character, moves, concepts, simples, DMS, combos and neomaxes along with all the other stuff.  Let everyone have the chance to have an in depth learning experience with each character so more then six people get chosen.

3.  A gallery that gives art, music, voices, and creator vision and opinions and all that stuff as a bonus for playing.  Unlock this stuff with points from online battles, doing challenges, beating the game, online clan fights.

4.  Needs stupid things like Capcom's SF4 where you get icons or titles.  Have those also unlocked online and so forth.

5.  Mixed up with older music as a sort of thank you to older fans.

6.  Full storyline like Blazblue for each individual character.  People eat this shit up individual character storylines to go with the team storylines to flesh it out a lot more.



replay saving like in ssf4

view friends last replay like sf4 vanilla

training mode

gonna copy paste this in the other post lol