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[Sat, Feb 16] GameClucks Saturday Slugfest VIII (Seattle, WA)

Started by Loz, February 15, 2013, 04:07:33 PM

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GameClucks Saturday Slugfest VIII - February 16, 2012
Part of the Pacific Northwest Road to EVO 2013
Organized by Chris Anderson and GameClucks
Streamed by Khaos Gaming on Twitch.tv
Community: Facebook Event / Facebook Group

Saturday Slugfest is currently the Pacific Northwest's largest monthly fighting game tournament series. It is organized by GameClucks in Lynnwood, WA (just 25m north of Seattle) and sponsored by Another Castle Video Games, NOS Energy Drink, Plantronic Gamecom, and Eightarc.

Since March of 2009, GameClucks has been involved in the FGC with events ranging from weeklies to monthlies to our region's yearly event, Northwest Majors. Most of the region's top players have come to GameClucks events to compete or hang out including former EVO champions such as Jason "AfroCole" Cole ('02 ST), Spark ('11 BB), and coL|Filipino Champ ('12 UMvC3). We have run KOF XIII since its launch on console with players who have attended in the past including CCG|Air (4th NCRX/3rd NWM4), Duncan (9th NCRX/1st NWM4), and Mechanica (4th NWM4).

Players of all skill levels can be found at our events and we're very welcoming to new attendees. This is also the best way to get to know your local scene and we can easily let you know where to find casuals or tournaments near you.

Who's Coming?
Most of the online discussion for this event happens on Facebook. There you can see a list of people who have RSVPed. There are currently 67 players marked as attending with the number rising as we get closer to the event.
Notable players include: SRKUW|Darryn (top 16 Canada Cup), Hiipower (formerly DrDoomKills, 33rd UMvC3 EVO '12/1st UMvC3 Saturday Slugfest VII), BG|Rattana (3rd SeattleVersus EOS 2012, sponsored by Blight Gaming), Cam (top 8 UMvC3 NWM4/1st SCV Saturday Slugfest VII), Finelikewine49 (1st AE 2012 Slugfest VII/SFxT 2013 Secret Boss), Sam B (1st AE 2012 Best Bout Beatdown), SRKUW|Fawwaz (1st AE 2012 SeattleVersus Pot Bonus Battles), R_Panda (9th VF5FS EVO '12), STB|Shujinkydink (2nd MK9 NWM4), Psylence (1st TTT2 Saturday Slugfest VII), SRKUW|Shaka (1st Saturday Slugfest VII), and more!
For KOF XIII: Sam B (1st Slugfest VII), Mechanica (2nd Slugfest VII), tLoz|Duggish (3rd Slugfest VII), and The Show (2nd GCT41).

Address: 3333 184th St SW, Lynnwood, WA
Date: Saturday, February 16th
Time: 1:00pm until 12:00am
Venue Fee: $5 (includes casuals and tournaments)
VIP Fee: $10 (includes the $5 venue fee, ask at the venue for details)
Entry Fee: $10 for AE 2012, UMvC3, and VF5FS. $5 for SFxT 2013, P4U, KOF XIII, SCV, TTT2, and MK9

7:00pm - $10 Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition ver. 2012 (360)
5:00pm - $10 Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 (360)
3:00pm - $5 Street Fighter X Tekken ver. 2013 (360)
3:00pm - $5 Tekken Tag Tournament 2 (PS3)
5:00pm - $5 The King of Fighters XIII (PS3/360)
7:00pm - $5 Persona 4 Arena (PS3/360)
5:00pm - $10 Virtua Fighter 5: Final Showdown (360)
3:00pm - $5 Mortal Kombat (PS3)
3:00pm - $5 Soulcalibur V (PS3/360)

Note: Registration goes until 30m before the start time of each event at which point "late registration" opens. We DO take registration by phone or Facebook.
1:00pm: Doors open
3:00pm: SFxT 2013, MK9, SCV, TTT2
5:00pm: UMvC3, KOF XIII, VF5FS
7:00pm: AE 2012, P4U

Other Notes:
BYOC is strongly encouraged, however, players may be able to lend equipment if needed.
Players typically show up an hour before their event starts. We highly recommend you do the same. This would be 4:00pm for KOF XIII.

11 or less (top 2): 75%, 25%
12 or more (top 3): 70%, 20%, 10%

Pacific Northwest Road to Evo 2013
Current Standings: AE 2012 / UMvC3
This event is part of our PNWR2E where we are sponsoring 3 players (flight, hotel, and registration) to attend EVO 2013. Two of these sponsorships will be awarded to the winner of an invitational 8-man tournament for both AE 2012 and UMvC3. The final sponsorship will be decided by raffle. All attendees earn raffle tickets (1 for our weeklies, 4 for our monthlies) that will earn them a shot at winning the final sponsorship.

Another Castle Video Games
NOS Energy Drink
Plantronic Gamecom

Feel free to ask here, through Facebook, or twitter!


Previous Events
[Sat, Jan 12] Saturday Slugfest VII | KOF XIII: Sam B (10) | UMvC3: SRKUW|Darryn (32) | AE 2012: Finelikewine49 (28) | MK9: HangNail (10) | TTT2: Psylence (8) | SCV: Cam (8) | P4A: Shaka (8)
[Sat, Dec 15] Saturday Slugfest VI | KOF XIII: Sam B (8) | AE 2012: AfroCole (27) | UMvC3: BG|Rattana (16) | SCV: Heaton (10) | TTT2: Psylence (6) | MK9: McNasty (4) | VF5FS: R_Panda (4)
[Sat, Nov 17] Saturday Slugfest V | KOF XIII: Mechanica (8) | AE 2012: AfroCole (28) | UMvC3: DrDoomKills (11) | TTT2: Colton (10) | VF5FS: Mike B (7) | MK9: Kevin 7 (5) | P4A: WANG (5)
[Sat, Oct 20] Saturday Slugfest IV | KOF XIII: Mechanica (8) | AE 2012: Joyfull78 (14) | P4A: Kaigu (14) | UMvC3: Cam (13) | TTT2: Seattlebadboy (11) | SCV: Cam (8) | MK9: Mofuzz (7) | VF5FS: Zass (4)
[Sat, Sep 15] Saturday Slugfest III | KOF XIII: Mechanica (8) | AE 2012: Duncan (14) | TTT2: Colton (8) | VF5FS: MasaRED (7) | UMvC3: Rattana (6)
[Sat, Aug 4] Saturday Slugfest II | AE 2012: Finelikewine49 (14) | UMvC3: Rattana (12) | VF5FS: MasaRED (9) | MK9: Duncan (6)
[Sat, Jul 14] Saturday Slugfest | AE 2012: Bokkin (9) | UMvC3: Rattana (8) | VF5FS: AfroCole (6)

Sam B (10): SS7
Sam B (8): SS6
Mechanica (8): SS5
Mechanica (8): SS4
Mechanica (8): SS3

[spoiler=Other Games]UMvC3
SRKUW|Darryn (32): SS7
BG|Rattana (16): SS6
DrDoomKills (11): SS5
Cam (13): SS4
Rattana (6): SS3
Rattana (12): SS2
Rattana (8): SS1

AE 2012
Finelikewine49 (28): SS7
AfroCole (27): SS6
AfroCole (28): SS5
Joyfull78 (14): SS4
Duncan (14): SS3
Finelikewine49 (14): SS2
Bokkin (9): SS1

HangNail (10): SS7
McNasty (4): SS6
Kevin 7 (5): SS5
Mofuzz (7): SS4
Duncan (6): SS2

Psylence (8): SS7
Psylence (6): SS6
Colton (10): SS5
Seattlebadboy (11): SS4
Colton (8): SS3

Cam (8): SS7
Heaton (10): SS6
Cam (8): SS4

Shaka (8): SS7
WANG (5): SS5
Kaigu (14): SS4

R_Panda (4): SS6
Mike B (7): SS5
Zass (4): SS4
MasaRED (7): SS3
MasaRED (9): SS2
AfroCole (6): SS1[/spoiler]