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Duo Lon (Arcade Version)

Started by nilcam, October 27, 2010, 06:28:12 AM

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His forward A can be empty cancel into qcb B / D for keepaway and spacing.  You can use forward A and empty cancel into qcf B / D to close in your opponent and continue on the offense. But of course use it sparingly.   Or do fwd A and empty cancel to fwd+B , to make the opponent block. Mix up these tactics randomly to confuse your opponent.

But never do fwd A and empty cancel into qcb A / C smoke against any decent  player who knows how to play kof 13 , they will simply jump in and give you a big fat combo!


Quote from: ken_garou on December 18, 2010, 10:45:33 PM
His forward A can be empty cancel into qcb B / D for keepaway and spacing.  You can use forward A and empty cancel into qcf B / D to close in your opponent and continue on the offense. But of course use it sparingly.   Or do fwd A and empty cancel to fwd+B , to make the opponent block. Mix up these tactics randomly to confuse your opponent.

But never do fwd A and empty cancel into qcb A / C smoke against any decent  player who knows how to play kof 13 , they will simply jump in and give you a big fat combo!

Ken_garou, maybe you can help me out with this:  I see DuoLon doing Fwd A into Fwd B as a 2 hit combo all the time but when I tried last night, it just doesn't cancel.  Am I doing something wrong?  Should I cancel Fwd A into qcb+B into Fwd B?


Tested out some damages:

-s.C, f.A, Ex f.K, DM - 332
-s.C, f.A, DM - 288
-d.A, s.C, f.A, DM - 297
-s.C, f.A, Ex DM - 390
-d.A, s.C, f.A, Ex DM - 400
-qcf.A x3, qcf B, Ex DM - 367
-(Corner), qcf.A x3, [DC] qcb.A, DM - 296
-(Corner), qcf.A x3, [DC] Ex qcb P [1hit], qcf.A x3 [1st and 3rd hits only], qcf B, DM - 322


Sorry for late reply Kane, anyway that is correct , always cancel Fwd A into qcb+B into Fwd B in order for them to link . 100% percent confirm.  You can also cancel Fwd A into qcb+B into EX Fwd B+D too.


Quote from: ken_garou on December 27, 2010, 08:59:37 PM
Sorry for late reply Kane, anyway that is correct , always cancel Fwd A into qcb+B into Fwd B in order for them to link . 100% percent confirm.  You can also cancel Fwd A into qcb+B into EX Fwd B+D too.

Yup yup, I tested that out already, but thanks nonetheless ;)


Wait, I just noticed... his foot is still crooked? o_O



Quote from: marchefelix on January 03, 2011, 10:05:13 AM
Wait, I just noticed... his foot is still crooked? o_O

Is there a particular reason his foot would have straightened out?


I just checked, Duo Lon has the second lowest damage NeoMax in the game (WTF?).  To make matters worst for me (since I'm learning DL), the lowest NM in the game is Chin's lol, at 378dmg, although his does allow follow ups.  Does that mean DL's NM is technically the weakest in the game?  Why SNKP?!  I'm still crossing my fingers that there's something crazy about it that we haven't discovered which would explain the low damage. :/


Yeah that Neomax damage is little like crazy but it is the only  unblockable so called command grab of his. I see the experts use them sparingly  against block happy opponents once in a while a least to get some damage.

Other than that offensively, he has to resort  offensively(and abuse)  with his limited block strings in order to guard crush turtlers. But frankly to say his block strings do very little impact on the opponent's guard bar as it will take quite a while to guard crush  .  But he doesn't have much choices due to his limited moves and mixups, therefore if somehow or another if the clock is ticking a few seconds before time out  and your opponent is leading by a bit more health and starts blocking all the way ( even if his health is so much more depending on your judgement whether you want to conserve stocks or not for the next round) , just do it.  

You have no other choice cuz if you were to do block strings or walk towards and throw him , it doesn't have much effect since he is in blocking mode and he has way more health than you. So do the neomax!

If it is your last character with a few seconds on the clock , don't hesitate to do the NEOMAX  as this is the ONLY AVAILABLE option to do the maximum damage on a very short space of time against A VERY BLOCK HAPPY opponent .

Duolon is not a grappler nor he has a normal command grab of his own, yes you may complain that his NEOMAX is very useless on the damage scale,  but you will be surprise that even the experts will be caught  in it  once in a while or from time to time. 


Quote from: ken_garou on January 07, 2011, 05:31:36 AM
Yeah that Neomax damage is little like crazy but it is the only  unblockable so called command grab of his. I see the experts use them sparingly  against block happy opponents once in a while a least to get some damage.

Other than that offensively, he has to resort  offensively(and abuse)  with his limited block strings in order to guard crush turtlers. But frankly to say his block strings do very little impact on the opponent's guard bar as it will take quite a while to guard crush  .  But he doesn't have much choices due to his limited moves and mixups, therefore if somehow or another if the clock is ticking a few seconds before time out  and your opponent is leading by a bit more health and starts blocking all the way ( even if his health is so much more depending on your judgement whether you want to conserve stocks or not for the next round) , just do it. 

You have no other choice cuz if you were to do block strings or walk towards and throw him , it doesn't have much effect since he is in blocking mode and he has way more health than you. So do the neomax!

If it is your last character with a few seconds on the clock , don't hesitate to do the NEOMAX  as this is the ONLY AVAILABLE option to do the maximum damage on a very short space of time against A VERY BLOCK HAPPY opponent .

Duolon is not a grappler nor he has a normal command grab of his own, yes you may complain that his NEOMAX is very useless on the damage scale,  but you will be surprise that even the experts will be caught  in it  once in a while or from time to time. 

I'm just bitter than Ash's NM is 480 at least.  DL's should be 450 like EVERYONE else.  On a side note, I know that you can follow up his NM, at least in the corner, with a j.f.AC but the timing is tight and the damage is crap for 4stocks total (air.f.AC does only 80 lol).


Quote from: Kane317 on January 03, 2011, 10:45:33 PM
Quote from: marchefelix on January 03, 2011, 10:05:13 AM
Wait, I just noticed... his foot is still crooked? o_O

Is there a particular reason his foot would have straightened out?

Yeah. I thought that him having a crooked foot in 2003 was a glitch or something...


cmon guys, are you serious? duo foot is like that cause thAS HIS STYLE. same way takumas neck isnt broekn, thats the way he just looks damnit.
In the end, there can only be XIII.


Still mo sweet Chariots, keep on swingin'!


For those learning Duo Lon like myself (and Fatacon), I found this video helpful to setup the BnB combo we always see. The trick is he takes a step forward after the juggled s.A before hop B-->air f.B, I could never get the distance right until I payed attention to him stepping forward.

I should also make a note, the Duo Lon in the video is most definitely the same one from the page before and he's ON POINT throughout the match.


Quote from: Kane317 on January 15, 2011, 02:06:34 AM
For those learning Duo Lon like myself (and Fatacon), I found this video helpful to setup the BnB combo we always see. The trick is he takes a step forward after the juggled s.A before hop B-->air f.B, I could never get the distance right until I payed attention to him stepping forward.

I should also make a note, the Duo Lon in the video is most definitely the same one from the page before and he's ON POINT throughout the match.

i should try that setup next time. i also noticed in that same video (too lazy to timestamp it), during the round with shen, i never knew you could could go straight into EX super off a teleport after rekkas. pretty cool. i never used it outside of a corner combo lol

edit: i just realized a few posts up that Kane listed it lol


Quote from: FataCon on January 28, 2011, 12:44:55 AM
Quote from: Kane317 on January 15, 2011, 02:06:34 AM
For those learning Duo Lon like myself (and Fatacon), I found this video helpful to setup the BnB combo we always see. The trick is he takes a step forward after the juggled s.A before hop B-->air f.B, I could never get the distance right until I payed attention to him stepping forward.

I should also make a note, the Duo Lon in the video is most definitely the same one from the page before and he's ON POINT throughout the match.

i should try that setup next time. i also noticed in that same video (too lazy to timestamp it), during the round with shen, i never knew you could could go straight into EX super off a teleport after rekkas. pretty cool. i never used it outside of a corner combo lol

Quote from: Kane317 on December 19, 2010, 02:34:01 AM
-qcf.A x3, qcf B, Ex DM - 367dmg

From above, =)

As for the aforementioned setup, I've found that it's more circumstantial I would like.  Take last night's session for example, every time I teleported (B version) after connecting his rekkas, my s.A placed me on the same side whereas some days it would leave me crossing them up to the other side (I could have sworn I use qcf B everytime but I could be wrong).  Also, when I do get the crossup, sometimes a hop would be just enough, and sometimes you'll need take a step being doing the hop b --> air.f.B which leads me to admire that Duo Lon player even more.

Admitingly I've never used DL in the older ones (outside of random selections) so maybe I just need to adjust better, but I'm slowly getting the hang of it although I still do the rekkas too fast lol (noob)--strangely I never had that problem with Kyo's old rekkas and '98 Iori's ones.


Quote from: Kane317 on January 28, 2011, 01:13:07 AM
every time I teleported (B version) after connecting his rekkas, my s.A placed me on the same side whereas some days it would leave me crossing them up to the other side (I could have sworn I use qcf+B everytime but I could be wrong).  

i actually know exactly what you mean. i always use B teleport after rekkas and sometimes i can't tell what side i'm going to end up on. even if i do a jump-in followup after the s.A/c.A, i don't even know if it'll crossup or not until i see it. it's like i'm mixing myself up lol.

i also wish he had better air-to-air normals (i feel like his j.f+A isn't too reliable, maybe it's just me). he tends to lose air battles unless he's above the opponent.