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Kyo Kusanagi (Arcade Version)

Started by nilcam, October 27, 2010, 05:24:10 PM

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kyo is back to his powerfull 95 self, he doesnt need reckas like some weak ass punk kid. if shingo ever return id rather he incorperate them in his gameplan, along with those critical attacks (man i loved 97 back in the days, same for 95).
In the end, there can only be XIII.


Still mo sweet Chariots, keep on swingin'!


Quote from: MUSOLINI on August 10, 2011, 12:40:59 AM
kyo is back to his powerfull 95 self, he doesnt need reckas like some weak ass punk kid. if shingo ever return id rather he incorperate them in his gameplan, along with those critical attacks (man i loved 97 back in the days, same for 95).

There will be no blasphemy in THESE forums!

I reaaaalllyy miss his rekkas... first hit was always such a nice poke and they did nice damage.  Also miss r.e.d. kick, such nice stun and usually came out of nowhere.  The games that had the air version (ngbc) would confuse the crap out of people, jumping back then hitting them with it phoenix arrow style.

What I wish they would have done is just stuck with XI Kyo, if I remember correctly he had both his rekkas and fireball.


Well after the watching the Shen cross-up trick on STA stream , I was wondering how useful would the following setup would be:

...qcf+D, dash, cl. C, hcb+B

When C hits, Kyo can run direclty under the opponent and end up behind them.


Quote from: AmedoS310 on September 20, 2011, 12:26:26 AM
Well after the watching the Shen cross-up trick on STA stream , I was wondering how useful would the following setup would be:

...qcf+D, dash, cl. C, hcb+B

When C hits, Kyo can run direclty under the opponent and end up behind them.

It depends on where you end up after doing the hcb+B. I imagine it won't be half as useful as the one with Shen because Shen can choose to cross up or not. He also seems to recover before you even finish resetting from the cl.C


Quote from: AmedoS310 on September 20, 2011, 12:26:26 AM
Well after the watching the Shen cross-up trick on STA stream , I was wondering how useful would the following setup would be:

...qcf+D, dash, cl. C, hcb+B

When C hits, Kyo can run direclty under the opponent and end up behind them.

Lol, I should have done it earlier when Giby had more life because the mix up really only makes sense if your follow up (in Shen's case s.A, hcb~f+AC....) leads to big damage.  Otherwise, you're better off doing the full combo the correct direction.


Yo, Kane this combo in the wiki doesn't work for me:

III [cr.B×1~2, st.B], qcb hcf+P [258 = DMG]

I set them to 1 hit guard and they just guard the super. But the EX version of the super connects.
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."


Yea, I think that's only going to work if you tag a rdp+k before it.

The EX has one frame start-up and the hitstun from standing B is just too short where as the EX nails it just right. Also something I noticed that wasn't listed on the wiki is that Kyo can do cr.Bx1~2, st.B, rdp+B.

You can super cancel off the rdp+k and also do the fireball into command grab combo so I think it's relatively important to tell people about that.



If EX Kyo is real, that means that my entire classic KoF lineup is in the game (and at this point, I have no reason to believe he's not; the leaked images of EX Kyo and Mr. Karate match the silhouettes shown in Famitsu).

EX Kyo leading, flames Iori in the middle, K' on cleanup; just like old times.

Really, so long as he's not banned or anything, I think I'll just ride EX Kyo because I like the punches more than his '95 style. EX Kyo, slasher Iori (prefer him to Iori '98), and K'.

Violent Kain

I´ve recently seen this video
KOF XIII combo Kyo (5PHD) [5 Orochinagi]_v6

Does anyone know how to do what he does? I mean, running into HD mode?



That's a good question, I don't know how he does that.  BTW, first page has been updated with console changes.


- (shown in video) 88 Shiki (df+D) moves forward more. As a result, stand C, df+D, QCF+K now does the full four hits.
- Kototsuki You (HCB+K) has more lag on block
- (shown in video) B version of 75 Shiki Kai (QCF+K) can now be followed up with other attacks. On the ground you can only follow up with an uppercut, but on a mid-air hit you can do more interesting things.
- (shown in video) Added an EX version for his mid-air Orochinagi. It does 3 hits and 300 damage. Unlike the ground version it has no invincibility but is very fast, so you can use it in combos or in air-to-air battles.
- far D has less lag.

Yamamoto �" The air Orochinagi which he learned in KOF Sky Stage (laughs) and now the EX version on top of that has made him a master of the move. It’s now possible to do high damage combos off of a hit confirm with his df.HK>fb+HK {df.D > qcf+D}combo. Please try him out now that he has so many more attack options.


I think he did rdp. B+C. He cancelled his run into the rdp motion, but you see there's no pause between him doing the the flying kick, which is B, and his HD activation. It seems to happen at the same time.


On this cast you can see the many possibilities of kyo on KOFXIII with the console changes :
Follow me on Twitter for a lot of stuff on KoF XIII :


Ok so far, Kyo is the character which I most hate to fight, the guy can do big damaging combos if he touches yo without the need of meters. And with meters, he is worse

The juggles after he kicks you to the air is really insane

Waifu Material


look on the bright side you'll be seeing him a lot so you'll get used to the match-up.
psn: darkTown2
kof 13: kyo,iori,k'