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Business Picking Up? KOF XIII getting updates on XBL?

Started by Mr Bakaboy, July 20, 2013, 05:23:57 PM

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Mr Bakaboy

I've been keeping track of this for a bit now. I've been a little cautious to say anything unless I am pretty sure of what's going on. I believe Playmore is once again testing their netcode for their upcoming title and KOF XIII on XBL has been nominated.

To start with the netcode we have been playing on is a variable lag style netcode. Meaning the game can change the variables (Speed of match, input delay, etc) any time they want to. Now the better netcodes that use this like Capcom have limitations on how and when it should be changing variables. KOF XIII, from what I can tell never did. So what you get is a netcode that you can never feel comfortable on cause the variables are in a constant state of flux.

I noticed at the beginning of June everything seemed calmer to play. I could actually read jumps and distancing really well compared to how I usually do. I thought maybe I am just getting used to the lag. However when I play the PS3 version I find I have the same problems as before. I tried 3 different joysticks to make sure of this.

From what I could tell Playmore was experimenting with a Capcomesque type netcode where it wasn't changing variables at will but had certain stipulations to when it can change them. The feeling I got from it was similar to 3rd Strike OE. Not to sound crazy I wanted to test more and every time I played on the 360 it felt stable. Every time I played on the PS3 it was unstable no matter the bars.

Now just this past weekend (EVO weekend) I saw another change. This time is feels like a static netcode (meaning it will not change variables unless it positively has to causing a type of slowdown when it does since it has to fix the problem quickly). The new change I saw a 4 different players in about 30 or so matches was when there was a significant change the game would slow down like a 2 bar match (I was playing 1 4 bar matchup and 3 3 bar matchups) this lasts for about 10 seconds, then the netcode would stabilize. This happened on two separate days the exact same way every time.

Now I am not 100% saying this is an update, but seeing that I am seeing updates for KOF XIII more frequently (this could be a random xbox netcode update) and I am experiencing a significant change of game experience on the 360 while having the same experience on the PS3 I am leaning toward the idea that Playmore is at work on the netcode.

Before you ask why wouldn't say anything about it I think it has more to do with testing netcode for the next game rather then helping KOF XIII out. On top of this I believe they have no intention of updating the PS3 version and saying hey we're fixing KOF XIII might piss off half your fanbase if you're not fixing the other system. This happened before with KOF 02UM testing the netcode for KOF XIII.

Just thought people might want to know about this.
Say it with me now: "Variable input lag BAAAAAAD!!!"


I don't know about any of that stuff, updates cost a lot of money which SNKP doesn't have. You've been saying for months and months that you were getting updates for 02UM while everyone else hasn't. I think that you are just getting used to the lag, and whatever updates you're getting for your XBL is making you believe they are patching it somehow.
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."

Mr Bakaboy

I kinda knew you would say that. If I am used to the lag, why am I not used to the PS3? I actually used the exact same controller and setup for both systems btw. The updates happened on 02UM and KOF XII for that matter. P.S. I didn't even know about the updates on XII till someone on here pointed them out.

Also if Playmore didn't have money how are they working with programmers from 4-5 different countries and rushing to make the next KOF come out next year for the 20th anniv?

I did not want to come out and say this lightly. I have been watching this for a while before saying anything. If people want to ignore this that's up to them.  A bunch of people wanted to know when updates were happening. Thought I might say something.
Say it with me now: "Variable input lag BAAAAAAD!!!"


They are using money they do have for whatever they are working on rather than spending it on an netcode update or patch that needs to go through Microsoft that takes time to approve and costs thousands of dollars...and which everyone (on which ever system) will get. Plus, Atlus would know about it too.
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."

Mr Bakaboy

So what you're saying is just because the 360 version plays completely different then the PS3 version it's still the same netcode right? Oh and Atlus is supposed to tell us btw Playmore is messing with the netcode, but only the 360 version and they're not trying to fix it. Just doing tests. Yeah that might work out for them.

If Playmore gave a crap about improving the game experience of KOF XIII I would imagine they would say something, but that's not the case. So how does a small company like Playmore test a netcode properly with plenty of people online to simulate how it will supposed to play rather then a netcode a few people are playing on? Beta test? They aren't going to let us play the new KOF game early. This is Playmore. Plus if they screw up the netcode again I think that might kill their sales. How forgiving do you think the community is to have a game that you can't play online again. To me that might be important enough to sink money into to get it right.
Say it with me now: "Variable input lag BAAAAAAD!!!"


I didn't say anything about PS3 and 360 about being different. You did.

You do understand even if they did try to test their netcode, you know they wouldn't listen to anyone outside Japan about it? If they REALLY wanted some good results they would reach outside their country for they can get some good feedback on how to improve but of course they won't do that.

If they wanted a public test, they would've reached out.
They did test the KOFXIII netcode privately from JPN to California. There is a video that the Atlus manager explains that.

Plus, would it be a better idea to test their netcode on the game they are already working rather than the previous game? 02UM and KOFXIII feel very different and have different frame buffers.

"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."


Are you implying they are testing a new net code on Xbox?


They are not doing anything. Don't get your hopes up.
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."


What you're seeing happens by pure luck.  You connected with someone who's got a smoother connection, that's it.

PS3 in general are worse than xbox for netplay because most ppl on ps3 play wireless.

Updates to the netcode are done on the client side - you will receive a patch on your end.  It can't be done on the server side.  I assume you didn't get reveive an actual update from xbl?

Mr Bakaboy

The update a week ago was a 4mb. I actually got it 2 days in a row.  Now was it an update or Microsoft screwing with something?  The amount of matches involved since June is at least around 100. During that time I haven't had issues on xbox the same as PS3. Since a week ago the lag is now jittery when bad. Though it's quite possible, having jittery lag on the variable lag system is not very often. That's the whole point in switching to it. To make the lag smooth. Now I might be the luckiest man on XBL and the least luckiest on PS3 but I might think something is up.

Chessmaster "if" I am right it's just a test working on their next game. It really has no intention in fixing KOF XIII. If it does wonderful, but that's not the point.
Say it with me now: "Variable input lag BAAAAAAD!!!"