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Hey! From New Orleans

Started by sketchspace, September 02, 2013, 07:09:33 AM

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Hey, my username is Sketchspace and I'm from New Orleans.

I mainly play KOF13 on steam, but I play against Baton Rouge when they come down since there are much more people from there that play KOF.

Steam ID:


welcome to Dream Cancel. I'm selfReg on Steam; I've been running into you a lot in ranked haha, ggs btw. I hope we get more games in.
KOFXIII: N-Robert, Ryo, R2 Takuma


Hey man, my hometown is New Orleans (as well as this site's creator Nilcam).

How is the scene doing in Louisiana? I'd like to try to get some of you guys some exposure to the rest of the KOF scene here in USA and the rest of the world. If you guys have videos or tournaments coming up, post them here!

If I ever come down to visit family I hope I can play with y'all.
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."


Quote from: MezzoForte on September 02, 2013, 07:12:43 AM
welcome to Dream Cancel. I'm selfReg on Steam; I've been running into you a lot in ranked haha, ggs btw. I hope we get more games in.

Hey ggs.  I'm getting a bit better each day so I like to see how I do against people as I progress, so I'll find you soon online.  Ultimately I want to head out to Final Round next year and see how I do, so I gotta practice a lot to matchup with guys who have been playing this for years.

Quote from: Desmond DelaghettoHey man, my hometown is New Orleans (as well as this site's creator Nilcam).

How is the scene doing in Louisiana? I'd like to try to get some of you guys some exposure to the rest of the KOF scene here in USA and the rest of the world. If you guys have videos or tournaments coming up, post them here!

If I ever come down to visit family I hope I can play with y'all.

Cool, Dream Cancel's New Orleans grown :).  Most of the players are in Baton Rouge, but I'm trying to get more people in New Orleans to play but they feel intimidated by the game.  I'm hoping the Steam version at least sparks their curiosity, so I'm just gonna keep bringing my setup whenever I go to the meetups to let people try it out. 

You're always welcome to come out and play here.