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KOF XIII at EVO 2011 Side tournament NEW POLL!

Started by THE ANSWER, November 01, 2010, 05:47:41 PM

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If there's a KOF XIII side tournament at EVO 2011, would you?

Be there four sure!!!!
I would try to make an effort to attend.
If I'm there, I'll join.
I don't give a rats ass about a side tournament


Quote from: Nikolai VolKOF on November 02, 2010, 10:47:37 AM
i'd like to see emil show up.  i'd also like to see mm's from mr kof, DG

No disrespect to (DG) but that wouldn't be a fair match, Mr KoF would win in all match ups IMO.  For XIII and even XII Reynald vs Mr Kof would be close matches.


If XIII is there then you will be seeing Seattle's top KOF players in full force, but me personally I only want to play 4 people The Answer,Mr.KOF,Reynold and Kane317 or whoever is a really good player cause I want to test myself against the best.  -In that case, fixed Kane317
KOF XIII: Iori/King/Yuri


i am down for EVO for KOF 13 if it makes it on the line up. If you can't get me . i'm sure Reynald my counter part/ who is part of Team Deadly Duo)will take care of the rest and put on a good show. I'm down for Money matches...but please make it worth my trip to vegas. The gas and boarding doesn't pay itself.



Melty blood had 150 participants last year so we should be shooting for a number close to that if we want to participate.

Also VF5 had 40 participants about 7years ago I remember really well cause I was there and was the first year I hosted the KOF side tournaments, it was back when EVO was starting so 40 people was consider a decent number. Now days there's no way a game with that turnout would even be consider. An easier way would be if SNKP/Ignition sponsor a spot, but then again how easy it's to get ahold of them?

Offtopic question, is Ignition picking up XIII?


Quote from: THE ANSWER on November 02, 2010, 04:38:33 PMOfftopic question, is Ignition picking up XIII?

Mad Max over at Ignition implies that he still has connects with people with SNKP so....maybe? possibly? likely?


Funny story I went to E3 this year and at the Ignition booth there was some of the KOF XII tournamnet organizers and when asked about Ignition picking up KOF again, they denied all knowledge of the game or ever having something to do with it. lol Master Giby from SC.com had the same response.

Sorry off topic again.

Dark Geese

Like nilcam said, if 13 is at EVO I'll go, otherwise I can get better competition South of the border. As Mr. KOF says, make it worth my while, I'm not gonna fly to EVO for nothing and it not be worth my while just because people wanna play me, make it worth my while to come there, or I can just go level up in Mexico.

With all due respect- Also Kane I would love to play John again in all KOFs, you do remember I put John in Losers Bracket in KOFXII in El Paso in 2009 right, so it may not be as free as you think.

I also want my rematch against Reynald in 98UM/XII!

I'd like to MM John in KOFXI, 98UM, 2002 UM, KOFXII, 13, 2000, NeoWave, 2001, KOF 1999, I'm sure it'd be fun.

I mean after all I don't travel to Mexico every 3 months just so I can stay at the same skill level or be what you guys remembered me last time you played against me, if people aren't playing the game that much anymore or have stopped they need to know I have not stopped playing the games.

Emil will never show up, so stop even dropping his name in these threads, it's pointless, as I said on the #snkplaymore chat, I play against people in Mexico that show up and would destroy Emil with little to no effort, so why does Emil even deserve the time of day when there are others I can bring that would be better than Emil anyways (Kula, Esteban, Alexis, Kane9999, Luis Cha, Abraham, Ivan, the list goes on and on.).


He who has no physical form must not be mentioned on these threads.

Homies Over Shotos

I heard Emil is Japanese for SHUT IN.

Homies Over Shotos

Quote from: THE ANSWER on November 02, 2010, 06:02:31 PM
Funny story I went to E3 this year and at the Ignition booth there was some of the KOF XII tournamnet organizers and when asked about Ignition picking up KOF again, they denied all knowledge of the game or ever having something to do with it. lol Master Giby from SC.com had the same response.

Sorry off topic again.

Actually there was a post on Ignition by MadMax himself over this and he promptly deleted it.  Basically something along the lines of if SNKP fixes their netcode then they'd be willing to pick it up again, but if they don't then Ignition is giving them the Goro Toss. 

I'd like to see Ignition get a great product though after the shitty online product of 12.

Dark Geese

Quote from: THE ANSWER on November 02, 2010, 06:28:10 PM
He who has no physical form must not be mentioned on these threads.



you motherfuckers are real lucky with your tournaments and shit, making me jealous. i hope the game has some following in the netherlands so we can actually hold a tourney. the organizer from the last sf game, 1 of them is a friend of mine. he also played kof back in the days, waiting for 13. we might actually be able to do something for the people around this hemesphere.
In the end, there can only be XIII.


Still mo sweet Chariots, keep on swingin'!



and if a dutch one won't happen then maybe a benelux one (that's BElgium, NEtherlands and LUXemburg for the rest of you). worst case scenario? a trip to paris(who am i kidding? i do anything to go there XD)
KoF XIII... Needs more Angel, Vanessa and Blue Mary! ^^

Dark Geese

Super Versus Battle the tournament they hold in the UK I am sure they will hold something when 13 hits, I mean I told them about Bata being in the UK this year and they held a 2k2UM tournament to which Bata won, SvB, so it is possible.


What about that French tournament? I think Canes or something like that???? they always have KOF there and the payouts are pretty good.

Hmm this might be the excuse I needed to finally go to Europe =D