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East Coast Throwdown V Results

Started by Malik, April 15, 2014, 04:40:13 PM

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Yes I'm very aware that these are old results but having history recorded is better than not having it at all

1. AGE|Romance (King, Benimaru, Yuri)
2. Real Game PachuKOF (Kim, Takuma, Shen)
3. KaneBlueRiverCL (Raiden, Takuma, Vice)
4. Real Game MarcoPolo (EX Kyo, Yuri, Benimaru)
5. TSB|SS Malik
5. GU|Flocker
7. Merkilo
7. SS Zeal

Only Top 4 was on Sp00ky's stream, the matches from Top 8 leading up to Top 4 were not recorded due to time restraints because Top 8 was originally scheduled to be done on Sunday.
Loser's Semis
Winner's Finals
Loser's Finals
Grand Finals

The entrants were somewhere between 48-56, can't recall an exact # right now
"I used to be a christian then I met anime.. now i practice witchcraft and dark magics."
-Anony on Sankaku