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The House of Chaos Presents - The OverDrive Series [June 8, 2014]

Started by Malik, May 22, 2014, 12:14:36 AM

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"Welcome to another Hoc/Overdrive Tournament. You've been watching us stream our sessions for a long time.

We will be hosting at my HOUSE.

Changes have been done to assure a better tournament experience.

As soon as you enter the venue, please pay both venue fee and entry fee so I can sign you up.

Also people tend to have a habit of putting that their going to the tournament and don't show up. I don't need people to put that they going when they know they not going to.

You can put maybe if you not sure that you're going. This allows me to adjust to how many people is coming. Even when I have a legit venue, I would still rather have people not put that they going when they know they not.

Bronx, NY 955 e163rd st Apt 5j 10459

King of Fighters 13
Xbox 360: 2 out of 3 including Winner finals and Loser finals. Grand finals is 3 out of 5

70/20/10 pot split (1st, 2nd, 3rd)

$8 Entry fee and spectating fee
$7 Tournament entry for each game

Registration start - 5pm
Tournament start - 7pm

Take the 2 or the 5 train to Intervale ave and walk up 2 blocks on 163rd st and tiffany. Call me if you need directions to get here- 1-718-607-0321


1. Please sign up as soon as you enter the venue.
2. No fighting of any sort
3. Any stealing done to me or another will result in calling the cops.
4. No casual stations until you are told so"
"I used to be a christian then I met anime.. now i practice witchcraft and dark magics."
-Anony on Sankaku