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KOF2002UM Steam Release Party 3-1-2015

Started by desmond_kof, February 23, 2015, 02:41:15 AM

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To celebrate the release of King of Fighters 2002 Unlimited Match on steam, we will meet up and play together Sunday at 2pm Central time/3pm Eastern Standard Time!

We will meet in the group chat for the game steam://friends/joinchat/103582791433989595 (copy and paste)

This is will be the first Journey To Dream Cancel Cup online event to play for PlayKOF ranking points!


All players in attendance will play each other in a first to 3 wins set. Everyone will play at the same time. After you have finished playing with one person, move on to the next available player and so on (in the chat say "FREE" when you are available). When you are playing, please try to keep track of your score either through chat reminders or tally marks on pen and paper. Report your final score in the group chat. Each FT3 set win will receive 3 points. All players wins will be tallied, ranked and posted at the end. It is recommended you try to play as many different people as possible, but you are allowed to rematch with previous opponents once. Top 3 scoring players will PlayKOF points and will be added to the ranking board!

If you're playing someone you've never faced before, be sure to run a test match to make sure both of your connections feel playable to each other. If they don't, you can opt out and face another person with a better connection.

While you are playing in the session make sure your connection is free and isn't being used to stream video or upload or download files. Also make sure that your connection isn't being used or shared by anyone else on your network. No wireless connections, please!

See you then!

UPDATE: Check-in is 30 minutes before the session starts (1:30pm CST, 2:30pm EST) and we will stop collecting scores at 6pm CST/7pm EST.
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."


Great turnout! We had a maximum of 27 players in the KOF2002UM group chat, with a steady amount of 20 throughout the whole session. The results are below, the winner on the left side, and loser on the left. If I missed any scores, let me know.

emilkof vs helloM8

desmond_kof vs thec0re  

holdenTSF vs Macrobeast

JennyCage vs armokaiser

holdenTSF vs desmond_kof

emilkof vs thec0re

Moony Blues vs Macrobeast

JennyCage vs holdenTSF

HelloM8 vs thec0re

desmond_kof vs armokaiser

Moony Blues vs KCO Astro

Emilkof vs JennyCage

desmond_kof vs macrobeast

Emilkof vs KCO Astro

HelloM8 vs Koko

JennyCage vs thec0r3

armokaiser vs macrobeast

moony blues vs naxattacks

kco astro vs kco galaga

emilkof vs koko

holdenTSF vs HelloM8

Emilkof vs KCO-Galaga

KCO Astro vs sciJo

desmond_kof vs moonyblues

HelloM8 vs buckweet

KCO Astro vs JennyCage

armokaiser vs koko

JennyCage vs MoonyBlues

HoldenTSF vs Dynicksty

BodyRrgan vs urazien

armokaiser vs moony blues

JennyCage vs Uzu

JennyCage vs desmond_kof

KCO Astro vs HelloM8

HoldenTSF vs MoonyBlues

armokaiser vs ChRis

Koko vs Buckweet

Emilkof vs urazien

aroo vs apocalypsemeow

Uzu vs thec0re

holdenTSF vs ChRis

Emilkof vs tristian

BodyOrgan vs thec0r3

Uzu vs ApocalypseMeow

naxattacks vs thec0re
Moony Blues vs Aroo

desmond_kof vs apocalysemeow

Koko vs traistian48227

moony blues vs buckweet

Uzu vs n0thin89

Emilkof vs n0thin89

thec0re vs BodyOrgan

armokaiser vs Urazien

tristian48227 vs uraizen

Top Scores

1.) Emilkof: 9 wins (32 PlayKOF points)
2.) JennyCage,HoldenTSF: 6 wins (16 PlayKOF points)
3.) desmond_kof, MoonyBlues, armokaiser: 5 wins (8 PlayKOF points)
4.) KCO Astro: 4 wins (4 PlayKOF points)
5.) HelloM8, Uzu: 3 wins (2 PlayKOF points)
5.) BodyOrgan, Koko: 2 wins (2 PlayKOF points)
7.) thec0re, Aroo, tristian48227, naxattacks: 1 win (1 PlayKOF points)

Because of the number of ties of wins, PlayKOF points will be given to players who had the same amount of wins.
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."

Crazy Li

I think you missed my win against tristian48227 (3-0) or at least I didn't see it in the list


Quote from: Crazy Li on March 02, 2015, 02:59:48 AM
I think you missed my win against tristian48227 (3-0) or at least I didn't see it in the list

I got it, thank you. I actually missed a few scores, they should be up now.
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."


i had one win - thec0re vs naxattacks 2-3


Quote from: nax on March 02, 2015, 03:29:45 AM
i had one win - thec0re vs naxattacks 2-3

Thanks man. There were so many people and matches going on, it was easy to miss a few, lol.
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."


One thing that felt like a recurring problem for players I fought is that people generally weren't making an attempt to block. I understand some people's blocking not being good but there wasn't much of an attempt to even try. People are getting way too impatient and hitting buttons at the first opportunities.

Sometimes it works but mostly it is because of lag messing up my frametrap pressure. Regardless, a lot of the time opponents are counterhit. I understand getting hit by frametraps here and there but when it's a recurring thing...something is wrong.

Players have to accept that it isn't their turn to attack and might not be their turn for some time...have to wait things out until the opening is visible.

I spoke to some people and the usually response was something like "I'm new" or "I don't know anything about Jhun/Hinako/insert character and not sure where to attack". If you aren't sure, this is actually more reason to be blocking a lot, so you can understand what the opponent can do, what is a high/low/unblockable, what moves look safe and what look punishable. There's *some* players...after 10 matches against my Jhun, they might still not know what hits high or low, because there's no attempt to block.


I appreciate your feedback, Emil. It's helping me improve. My question is how should someone practice defensive patience while playing alone in training mode for example? In practice mode, I usually grind out combos, and sometimes use command record to practice against certain moves either to evade them or punish them or to decide to respect them. What should someone do to practice good blocking when they aren't playing against another person?
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."

Crazy Li

I know all of the friends I got into KoF are like this as well. It seems like they never block anything, too greedy and focused on doing damage. There isn't a lot of patience among newer players. It's not rewarding to stand there and hold back. It's rewarding to take life off your enemy.

I'm not a patient person myself and I actually don't block very well anyway... but I probably look like a turtler compared to my friends xp

I at least TRY... especially when someone's being super aggressive and pinning me in a corner. I just tend to be too slow in reaction and don't adjust my block accordingly.

After you keep getting hit over and over while trying to block, you kinda get tired of trying to block. That's not working, so you need to find something else. Or at least this is how it is for me. I'll start trying to AA and hope to beat their attack or if my character can counter, hope to shoot that out and make them attack into it. Realistically though, most specials are going to get stuffed by good pokes so this doesn't work either, but in the moment, I'm not thinking about that. I'm just thinking about doing ANYTHING to get the opponent out of my face


Quote from: desmond_kof on March 03, 2015, 06:44:06 PM
I appreciate your feedback, Emil. It's helping me improve. My question is how should someone practice defensive patience while playing alone in training mode for example? In practice mode, I usually grind out combos, and sometimes use command record to practice against certain moves either to evade them or punish them or to decide to respect them. What should someone do to practice good blocking when they aren't playing against another person?

I don't think this is something that can be practiced in training. I suppose if there is a specific string/frametrap that is bothering you, you can try the record feature (though they didn't exactly make recording actions easy). However, I don't think that will help much when it comes to the state of mind of the player with regards to blocking.

I just think, if you don't know how something works, it just makes sense to me to attempt to find out, by blocking. Blocking allows whatever they are doing, to actually execute, so you can see what it is and get some kind of understanding of it. I've seen people that claim they've never fought Jhun, Hinako or whoever and on the VERY first knockdown, they do reversal dp. I'd really like to understand the mentality behind that...

Anyway, I'm not saying never reversal and never hit buttons. I'm saying it probably shouldn't be the first thing you should consider and in particular, if you don't know what's going on, blocking will give you a better idea of what you're facing as opposed to mashing buttons during strings.


Hey Desmond, you left out our match on the scores... I should have 6 wins, not 5.

Emil, I think character ignorance is going to play a part in people's struggles for a while.
Kick, punch, it's all in the method. Not mother approved but totally kid tested.


Quote from: JennyCage on March 05, 2015, 02:39:40 PM
Hey Desmond, you left out our match on the scores... I should have 6 wins, not 5.

Thanks, the results and points have changed.
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."