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Let's talk about sticks

Started by Shiranui_ninja, November 23, 2010, 04:42:05 PM

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Quote from: Kane317 on November 29, 2010, 08:28:57 PM
You mean lighter than expected?  Most people mod it to be heavier.
No, no. I mean heavier. Because I read the comlpaints, and I was expecting a very light stick but I found it heavier than what I expected. for me doesn't need any mod. But maybe you will prefer it heavier. It's realtive I guess to personal choice

Quote from: Kane317 on November 29, 2010, 08:28:57 PM
It can't be ambiguous because it's a corner, there's only one input to make it a diagonal.  In contrast, the back, forward, down, and up directions are on the "sides" of the square so one may be confused about the input.
Your argument is totaly logic, but I don't know why I don't find 4 gate comfortable. What I like from octogonal gates is "sense" every diagonal with the "click" sound and some moves like hcfx2, p.e, are easy for me with an octogonal. and the same for  ;bk ;dn ;db moves
PSN: Shiranui_ninja
KOF XIII main team: Mai/King/Mature


I'm saying this too late, and i'm pretty sure most people already know about the 2x1 Mad Catz TE special at :


It ends 12-01-2010.

These will be my first sticks, then i can finally have some knowledge about the topic :)


It's not a stick, but for those who loved NeoGeo CD and liked its d-pad:


Aviable on december 9th for PS3 and PC.
PSN: Shiranui_ninja
KOF XIII main team: Mai/King/Mature


Quote from: Shiranui_ninja on December 01, 2010, 07:51:35 PM
It's not a stick, but for those who loved NeoGeo CD and liked its d-pad:


Aviable on december 9th for PS3 and PC.

I have 2 preordered. My wife plays KoF better with these pads and I find them as good as a stick and more portable. I pray I'll be bringing one to EVO 2011.


Why can't us Xbox 360 players ever get something cool like that? :(


There's the monochrome 360 pad with the rotating dpad, the madcatz sf4 pads, and the lime green 360 pads they made for football(soccer) fans that has a smaller dpad (for PES 2010 I think)... I think there are some knock offs that work a bit-- not sure though...
I'm on FightCade!!!


None of those are like the NeoGeo pad. The NeoGeo pad has a small arcade stick complete with microswitches rather than a d-pad. It's sort of like a clicky analogue stick. If you've played a NeoGeo Pocket, it's that style of stick.


Oh I see... Yeah that does bring back memories... I've seen both the regular pad and the older one with the two red and two green buttons...
I'm on FightCade!!!


Quote from: FataCon on November 29, 2010, 05:29:47 PMT5 sticks are good for starters, especially if you're new to sticks. it's got a good solid base and it's really heavy duty. if you don't like the stick to be a little stiff, you might be put off (personally i like it better than loose sanwas). also, the buttons are a but mushy and less responsive than sanwa or seimitsu buttons (or any high quality parts). like i said though, good starter stick and better than anything else you can get for the price. you can generally find them second-hand online or sitting in a shop on clearance for $50 or less.

as nilcam stated, customizing that stick is a pain in the ass. everything in the stick is soldered onto a specialized PCB, so unless you're confident in your basic electronic skills, i'd be wary of fiddling around with it. of course, there are plenty of tutorials that would help you with that if you were looking to learn. if you want a stick for ps2 that's good as is, you'd be better off with an HRAP2 or a Virtua Stick High Grade. however, both are now completely out of production and will run you $100+ most of the time online for used conditions. it is a good investment though, since you can use them with a ps3 (if you have one + a converter).

in general, if anyone in this thread is starting out on learning how sticks work, http://slagcoin.com/joystick.html is a great resource for info or general know-how.

Cool, need to make me a new stick for KOF, I'll post up if I have any other questions.


T5 sticks are difficult to take apart, primarily because to unscrew the top you have to use a long pair of needle-nose pliers to reach inside the deep grooves. This is after unscrewing the bottom portion off, which is the easy part.

Best bet imo would be to get a Madcatz SE stick and mod that badboy up... Plus its smaller, making it easier to manage and is only 50-60 bucks vice 150...
I'm on FightCade!!!

Shinra Shiranui

Any of you guys know how to Dual Mod a fightstick? I dont wanna spend another $120 for a TE for PS3.
KOF XIII: EX Kyo,Mai,Saiki


Quote from: Shinra Shiranui on December 09, 2010, 05:20:36 PM
Any of you guys know how to Dual Mod a fightstick? I dont wanna spend another $120 for a TE for PS3.

to save myself the trouble of writing down steps from memory, here are two references:


if you have any specific questions that are not answered in the articles, just let me know and i'll see if i can clarify anything for you.

also, i hope you already own that fightstick. otherwise, fightstick + parts + pcb/cthulhu will be roughly close to buying a TE anyway.


I just changed the stick in my modded SE to a Seimitsu LS-32-01. I find it to be much better for KOF than the Sanwa JLF. The shorter throw and slightly tighter spring make hopping and hyper hopping so much easier. No more of that up then down quickly foolishness.


Quote from: nilcam on December 14, 2010, 04:02:17 PM
I just changed the stick in my modded SE to a Seimitsu LS-32-01. I find it to be much better for KOF than the Sanwa JLF. The shorter throw and slightly tighter spring make hopping and hyper hopping so much easier. No more of that up then down quickly foolishness.

i agree with using seimitsu sticks. the tighter spring helps me a lot as well, but that's only because i have bad execution lol. of course, if someone really likes sanwas, they could always just replace the spring to a stiffer one.

Dark Geist

Quote from: nilcam on December 01, 2010, 11:52:09 PM
Quote from: Shiranui_ninja on December 01, 2010, 07:51:35 PM
It's not a stick, but for those who loved NeoGeo CD and liked its d-pad:


Aviable on december 9th for PS3 and PC.

I have 2 preordered. My wife plays KoF better with these pads and I find them as good as a stick and more portable. I pray I'll be bringing one to EVO 2011.

I was curious as to where you ordered yours from.  I missed out on the ps2 one :(  But i wouldn't mind picking this up for the ps3.
PSN:  Geist_Hexenjager