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NorCal KOF!

Started by Tone, November 26, 2010, 03:26:13 AM

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Quote from: Reiki.Kito on October 03, 2011, 11:51:33 PM
Mhh, it's not exactly fair to participants who aren't aware of what they're getting into.

As long as you let them know before it begins, it should be fine.  Besides, it's roughly the same amount of matches the Finalist would have to play, all it does is really give more matches/experience to the people who would eliminated 0-2.  

If anything, the way you have it run right now where you have to play matches before getting into the tourney is more of a concern to some (versus making it a 16 man tourney plus buys or a 32 man tourney + buys how it's been ran in all of the double elimination tourneys I've seen).

Quote from: Reiki.Kito on October 03, 2011, 11:51:33 PM
It would mean a longer tournament and more fighting which isn't bad, but if we change the system mid-season, they might feel they're being given extra work to get where they're going.

Just set it so the pool matches are only single elimination or something, there's always a work around the time thing.

Quote from: Reiki.Kito on October 03, 2011, 11:51:33 PM
Not only that, I have no idea how the arcade would accept it.

It wouldn't be a detriment to the STA since you're still pay per match as far as I know right?  It'll only cut into their business if you set this on free play, which as far as I know, it isn't.

Quote from: Reiki.Kito on October 03, 2011, 11:51:33 PM
I could see Swiss working out into single elimination as that's what I'm used to running, but it just seems really...tough on the players. I'd have to think it over or possibly try that somewhere else if that's the case. With Friday nights at GameCenter gaining some traction, it might be a good opportunity to bring some competition that way. Maybe.

Thank you for the ideas!

Yup, just some food for thought.  If anything, just talk to Art and Simon about it and more importantly, talk to the players and see how they feel about it.  I can see it only helping people get more tourney experience and it's not really going to affect the people that "would have" won anyways.

EDIT:  I overlooked something incredibly important--the pool system works well when everyone can play their pools at once, meaning several setups, several consoles.  Oops.


I heard there were some questions regarding my whereabouts. I've been doing a lot of grinding and soul searching and I think I've finally come up with one of the lamest teams ever. I will debut this team either in two weeks or a month. Depends on how much I want to practice beforehand.


Quote from: Demoninja on October 04, 2011, 02:34:28 AM
I heard there were some questions regarding my whereabouts. I've been doing a lot of grinding and soul searching and I think I've finally come up with one of the lamest teams ever. I will debut this team either in two weeks or a month. Depends on how much I want to practice beforehand.

The team you beat me with last ranbat wasn't lame enough?!


Probably not. Hopefully, we'll see over the next weeks if more people show up and get the fight instilled back into them. Either way, good work, Hotpockets. All eyes are on you right now.


Nope. This new team of mine is incredibly lame, stupid, and overpowered. There's one surprise I think you guys will be pleased to see someone playing.


Couple things here . . . .

Good stuff to everyone this weekend. Hellpockets hold that win cause it won't happen next time!

As for doing stuff at gamecenter . . . Why would you put effort there when you already got something goin at southtown arcade. We can do a get together no problem at STA (Prob Easier for everyone anyways)

As for changing the tournament style for the ranbats . . . Well unless it is a special event or a big tourny like SCR, there is no reason in my mind to change it. IF you wanna do something at the get togetheron friday, like a doller tourny swiss style I be down for that. NO reason to change something that good and everyone is used to doing it.

But as far as trying to get something going at gamecenter . . . well lets say that SouthTown Arcade has been there supporting us all this time, So lets support them since they have been supporting us.


Round Robin would be interesting. Swiss looks like it takes too long though.
So hateful.


Quote from: Rogerdodger on October 04, 2011, 03:23:50 AM
As for doing stuff at gamecenter . . . Why would you put effort there when you already got something goin at southtown arcade. We can do a get together no problem at STA (Prob Easier for everyone anyways)

Why not? There's nothing wrong with GameCenter. Not only that, people are there that want to play the game that don't come to STA. Getting them on the level we play at or atleast getting people hype about the game isn't bad. It means they'll want to play in tournaments which means they won't feel intimidated to come down to STA. I'm not saying "Show's over folks, moving on to other things!". I'm saying there's another machine out there and other players that don't know the game, but want to, and have access to it and don't use it. This encourages them to use it.

As for changing the tournament style for the ranbats . . . Well unless it is a special event or a big tourny like SCR, there is no reason in my mind to change it. IF you wanna do something at the get togetheron friday, like a doller tourny swiss style I be down for that. NO reason to change something that good and everyone is used to doing it.

Wouldn't mind doing that. That sounds like a pretty good way to get matches in while holding the tournament setting.

But as far as trying to get something going at gamecenter . . . well lets say that SouthTown Arcade has been there supporting us all this time, So lets support them since they have been supporting us.

Again, this is what I do not understand. KOF has exposure from only one source, Iplaywinner. Iplaywinner only streams KoF at Southtown Arcade at competitive events. Why? It's the ONLY KoF competitive event in the Bay Area. If there are more events, that means more exposure and gives access to the game. Are we saying not to play at other places or teach other people how to play this game? I don't see the sense in an embargo of information and organization, especially when someone asks me for help to do it. It is a WASTE when the machine does not get the play it deserves, when the game does not get the exposure it deserves. For me, I am thankful Southtown Arcade exists and allows me to organize the tournament for KoF. I want nothing more than to see the business grow. I do not see how getting something going at GameCenter impedes that success, but I will be more than happy if someone explains that to me.

Until then, with clarity, KoF is going to grow everywhere in the Bay Area and I'll make sure that happens.

Quote from: N4Us on October 04, 2011, 03:34:21 AM
Round Robin would be interesting. Swiss looks like it takes too long though.

Round Robin can take a while too. Swiss is actually pretty easy if you lower the amount of pods. However, for Swiss, to be efficient, you need multiple machines and that's not going to work well.


Quote from: Reiki.Kito on October 04, 2011, 09:04:50 AM
Why not? There's nothing wrong with GameCenter. Not only that, people are there that want to play the game that don't come to STA. Getting them on the level we play at or atleast getting people hype about the game isn't bad. It means they'll want to play in tournaments which means they won't feel intimidated to come down to STA. I'm not saying "Show's over folks, moving on to other things!". I'm saying there's another machine out there and other players that don't know the game, but want to, and have access to it and don't use it. This encourages them to use it.

Ok cool there is another machine out there, Same with at state? So if you wanna get another place poppin might as well get something there also. There are plenty of people on campus that I am sure you can lure into there and get to play KOF.

Basically people will come to the arcade and play what they want, it is just how it is. As for people feeling intimidated for coming to southtown, I say fuck yea to that. Southtown is the home for the best of the best for KOF for NorCal. If you think you are good enough to come around and play us and put your quarter on the line, be my guest and attempt to blow me up. It is just how it is. People don't just change their minds. If you wanna start a friday night thing at gamecenter be my guest, blow up the scrubs there. If you wanna get better and learn from asking question to people who know the game more, Southtown is the place to be.

Real talk, most of the people will play a couple matches and claim they wanna learn . . but we all know they are waiting for console. For those who still wanna learn and everything will play arcade.

Wouldn't mind doing that. That sounds like a pretty good way to get matches in while holding the tournament setting.

You can play casuals 13 days out of 14 days. No reason to change it. Period. I don't care about getting more matches in and such. I want to have my 2 chances in a tournament to be #1. Of course there are a couple people in there that would love to get more in but that is how a tournament goes. No reason to change it. If you would like more matches come any other day that they are open and lets get some casuals in.

I was seeing people like tasty and freedom come in and get some casuals in, I made sure to help them out because they are at southtown learning and getting better. I want them to get better to help me get better. You are only as good as the people you play!

Again, this is what I do not understand. KOF has exposure from only one source, Iplaywinner. Iplaywinner only streams KoF at Southtown Arcade at competitive events. Why? It's the ONLY KoF competitive event in the Bay Area. If there are more events, that means more exposure and gives access to the game. Are we saying not to play at other places or teach other people how to play this game? I don't see the sense in an embargo of information and organization, especially when someone asks me for help to do it. It is a WASTE when the machine does not get the play it deserves, when the game does not get the exposure it deserves. For me, I am thankful Southtown Arcade exists and allows me to organize the tournament for KoF. I want nothing more than to see the business grow. I do not see how getting something going at GameCenter impedes that success, but I will be more than happy if someone explains that to me.

Until then, with clarity, KoF is going to grow everywhere in the Bay Area and I'll make sure that happens.

People watch streams for tournaments. Have you watched a stream for just casual play? Cause I have done it before and it is booooorrrring. If you like to do it rock on. There is a certain unspoken dedication that people get when playing at a arcade for months. Ask any of the socal crew on what arcade they would rep, Most of them would say arcade infinity (I think) They would be a ride or die for it. It is just how it is.

I know you wanna do good for the scene and everything(witch is awesome) but sometimes you gotta look where you are making a difference. Are you really getting that many more players playing KOF at gamecenter or you just beating up some people who play it once or twice and wait for console? Of course we all wish EVERYONE played KOF, but not everyone does. That goes for every game that is out on the market. There is a reason why IPW is working soo hard to expose the game out to the public.

Don't get the wrong msg from this about me not wanting other players to play the game. Of course I would love KOF13 to be numero  uno fighting game out there. Just since Southtown has been soo fucking amazingly awesome to us and the NorCal scene, why try to bring other buisness to another place when home has always been there. Why not try to get something goin on friday at southtown? Have you tried? You don't need to put the machine on free play to get people to come to a spot, just gotta spread the word and people will come.


look dont get me wrong its fine people can play wherever they want. GC has a good scene i hear for sf4, starbase is great for marvel, STA is good for kof. each place is doing its thing and people can play what they want at every arcade. its a good "problem" to have tbh. norcal is pretty blessed to have all these spots esp when jsut a few months ago it was hard to even find a session.

but reiki both you and I need to step our game up big time. we want you there to practice with us, and when you say you are going somewhere else ofc we are going to give you shit for not coming and taking some Ls like the rest of us. LOL.


@RD: I've paid for games, I've given people my training mode, and thensome at SFSU. Wherever I am, if anyone is interested in the game, I've always been forthcoming in helping. I understand how you feel in numerous ways, but I'm going to do what I've felt is what I want to do. There's nothing wrong with helping people in something you're passionate about. STA doesn't need me to be successful, but it's always my joint.

@Haunts: I'm also a player. I practice the game like everyone else. I might not learn as quickly, but I put in the hard work. I don't feel I'm the best player, but I know what I'm talking about when it comes to KoF. I know enough to teach people how to play and what to practice. I feel like more KoF is good and that's why I'm doing this. Doesn't mean I'm not at STA or hanging out with friends there. Doesn't mean I'm going to stop coming so don't make it into a thing. It's not.

Lets just not make this a thing.


Mmmn~ after reading all of this, I'm kind of on the fence, on one hand I believe a scene needs to build itself. If the interest isn't already there and not enough to encourage players to learn a game, then there isn't much you can do about it.

On the other hand, I feel Reiki on the thought that KOFXIII going unplayed at GC is a travesty. I'd like to see them build up like we are, but they've got to have that drive already. We had it, starting from SFSU with just 5 or 6 people. That's pretty much how these things begin anyway.

As for showing love to STA, I agree we should support them for doing everything they can for us, but we should also support growth in other areas. That may be as simple as showing up on Fridays 9-12 am to get in on the freeplay which I think is the best idea for the GC scene, if they can't make something out of that alone then they're just not feeling it or they're waiting for console.


Yo NorCal Bro's!! well this is an interesting topic, to be honest Reiki one of the best things that can be done for your scene right now is for the STA's scene skill level to get better

when console comes out people are going to want to test themselves, and where are they gonna go? STA!!! where do I see how I stack up against the best? STA!! Your level of play will convince players to come out learn and represent, The way I see it visiting another arcade should be you showing your level of skill so people will go to where you are to learn, like Rodger Dodger said you're only as good as the people you play.

besides man arcade has always been hardcore, maybe when console releases it'll be easier for you to get players right now It'll take a lot of work
" you fight well in the old style"


I don't mind work. This is just something I feel is good for KoF Norcal. There's nothing I have to do to increase the skill level of the players we have at STA; they do that without me prompting. Even people that were my juniors have improved a lot in a matter of weeks. I can't fathom what I can do to make that process go faster. Now, I know that new players mingling with tournament players makes the process go faster for junior players. Alex and D are good examples. They constantly have access to people who are fighting at higher levels so they can learn a lot. Same at SFSU.

This is something I know I can do so that's what I'm doing. But don't worry, Meta, I'm sure you'll see plenty of improvement from us come December.


Quote from: Kane317 on October 05, 2011, 02:17:56 AM
It's ok Fatacon, you're always a SoCal bro to us! Haha

I can no longer post in this thread.