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Started by Mr.Minionman, August 05, 2016, 04:35:14 AM

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;a = Light Punch
;b = Light Kick
;c = Strong Punch
;d = Strong Kick

(*) = EX OK
(!) = MAX OK

Houyokuten - (close) ;bk/ ;fd + ;c
Houbien - (close) ;bk/ ;fd + ;d

Command Normals
Ouka-Shu  - ;fd + ;b

Special Moves
Karin - ;qcf + ;a / ;c (*)
Bienkyu (Forward) - (air ok) ;qcf + ;b/ ;d (*)
   ∟ Attack 1 - [Bienkyu (Forward) ] ;a
   ∟ Attack 2 - [Bienkyu (Forward) ] ;b
   ∟ Attack 3 - [Bienkyu (Forward) ] ;c
   ∟ Attack 4 - [Bienkyu (Forward) ] ;d
Bienkyu (Backward) - (air ok) ;qcb + ;b/ ;d (*)
   ∟ Attack 1 - [Bienkyu (Backward) ] ;a
   ∟ Attack 2 - [Bienkyu (Backward) ] ;b
   ∟ Attack 3 - [Bienkyu (Backward) ] ;c
   ∟ Attack 4 - [Bienkyu (Backward) ] ;d
Hiyoushou - ;qcb + ;a/ ;c (*)
Rasen -  ;dp + ;b/ ;d (*)

Super Special Moves
Rangurenbu - ;qcf ;hcb + ;a/ ;c (!)
Hiren Enbu - ;qcf ;qcf + ;b/ ;d (!)

Climax Super Special Move
Zesshou Shisen Enbu - ;hcb ;hcb + ;a ;c


cl. A = Cancel, Negative on block
st. A = No, Positive
cr. A = Cancel, Positive
j. A = Cancel

cl. B = Cancel, Even, Low
st. B = No, Negative
cr. B = Cancel, Positive, Low
j. B = Cancel

cl. C = Cancel, Negative
st. C = Super Only, Negative
cr. C = Cancel, Negative
j. C = Cancel

cl. D = Cancel, Positive
st. D = No, Depends on spacing
cr. D = Cancel, Negative, Low
j. D = Cancel

CD = Negative

f. B (raw) = 60/80 Crumples, Negative
f. B (canceled) = 40/60 Cancel, Very Negative

qcf A = 76/80
Super cancelable anytime
Combos from light normals
Slightly Negative on block

qcf C = 97/120
First few hits super cancelable
Negative on block
Combo ender

qcf AC = 136
Can be juggled after

Dive Kicks
qcf B jumps forward at 80 degree angle
qcb B jumps backward at 80 degree angle
qcf D jumps forward at 45 degree angle
qcb D jumps backward at 45 degree angle
qcf BD jumps like qcf B ith start up invuln
qcb BD jumps like qcb D ith start up invuln
A kick is backwards downward kick
B kick is downwards kick
C kick is 45 degree downward kick
D kick is very shallow forward kick
All kicks do 70/40
EX kicks do 100 and launch
when coming off the ground, you get 2 jumps
If a kick connects, you get 1 jump
If a kick is blocked, you get 2 jumps
If a kick whiffs, you are forced to land
Kicks are not advantageous and should only be meant to annoy or maneuver

qcb A = 80/60
Slow palm
Goes over low moves and low fireballs
wallbounces, can be comboed after
Combos from CD in the corner
Negative on block

qcb C = 90/60
Slightly slower, slightly further
Even on block

qcb AC = 120
Start up invuln
much shorter range

dp B = 87/60
Slide kick into uppercut
Hits low
Combos from light attacks
First kick can be canceled

dp D = 107/80
Travels further, launches higher
Combos from light attacks
First kick launches

dp BD = 96
Can be juggled after
Reaches very far
start up invuln

qcf~hcb P = 188
short range ranbu
no invuln
Climax and advanced cancels well

qcf~hcb AC = 353
No invuln
Does 344 without last hit

qcfx2 K = 178
start up invuln
can't cancel

qcfx2 BD = 350
Functionally same as regular version, just stronger, probably faster

hcbx2 AC = 450
Runs fullscreen
Start up invuln
Advanced cancel does slightly more

cr. B xx cr. A xx dp D = 149/140
cl. C xx f. B xx dp D = 204/210
f. B > dp D = 161/160
qcb C > run > cr. D = 166/130

CD > dp K = 165/180
CD xx qcb C > dp D = 236/240

1 Bar
cr. B xx cr. A xx qcf A xx qcf~hcb P = 257/140
cl. C xx f. B xx qcf A xx qcf~hcb P = 312/210
f. B > dp D xx qcf~hcb P = 272/120

CD xx qcb C > dp D xx qcf~hcb P = 327/220
CD > dp D xx qcf~hcb P = 265/140

cl. C xx f. B xx MAX > cl. C xx f. B xx qcf AC > dp BD > st. C = 329/330

Corner 2nd Position
cl. C xx f. B xx MAX > CD xx qcb C > qcf AC > dp BD > st. C = 340/360

2 Bar
cr. B xx cr. A xx qcf A xx qcf~hcb AC = 379/140
cl. C xx f. B xx qcf A xx qcf~hcb AC = 434/210
f. B > dp D xx qcf~hcb AC = 422/120

CD xx qcb C > dp D xx qcf~hcb AC = 449/200
CD > dp D xx qcf~hcb AC = 394/140

cl. C xx f. B xx MAX > cl. C xx f. B xx qcf AC > qcf~hcb AC = 470/260
2nd Position
cl. C xx f. B xx MAX > cl. C xx f. B xx qcf AC > dp D xx qcf~hcb AC = 482/300

3 Bar
cr. B xx cr. A xx qcf A xx qcf~hcb P xx qcfx2 BD = 457/140
cl. C xx f. B xx qcf A xx qcf~hcb P xx qcfx2 BD = 512/210
f. B > dp D xx qcf~hcb P xx qcfx2 BD = 522/120
CD > hcbx2 AC = 453/100
qcb C > hcbx2 AC = 514/60

CD xx qcb C > dp D xx qcf~hcb P xx qcfx2 BD = 527/200
CD > dp D xx qcf~hcb P xx qcfx2 BD = 479/140

cl. C xx f. B xx MAX > cl. C xx f. B xx dp BD > hcbx2 AC = 518/260
2nd position
cl. C xx f. B xx MAX > cl. C xx f. B xx qcf AC > dp D xx hcbx2 AC = 534/300

4 Bar
cr. B xx cr. A xx qcf A xx qcf~hcb P xx hcbx2 AC = 515/140
cl. C xx f. B xx qcf A xx qcf~hcb P xx hcbx2 AC = 570/210
f. B > dp D xx qcf~hcb P xx hcbx2 BD = 600/120

CD xx qcb C > dp D xx qcf~hcb P xx hcbx2 AC = 585/200
CD > dp D xx qcf~hcb p xx hcbx2 BD = 547/140

cl. C xx f. B xx MAX > cl. C xx f. B xx qcf AC > dp BD > qcf~hcb P xx qcfx2 BD = 591/260

5 Bar
cr. B xx cr. A xx qcf A xx qcf~hcb AC xx hcbx2 AC = 631/140
cl. C xx f. B xx qcf A xx qcf~hcb AC xx hcbx2 AC = 686/210
f. B > dp D xx qcf~hcb AC xx hcbx2 AC = 742/120

CD xx qcb C > dp D xx qcf~hcb AC xx hcbx2 AC = 701/200
CD > dp D xx qcf~hcb AC xx hcbx2 AC = 669/140

cl. C xx f. B xx MAX > cl. C xx f. B xx qcf AC > dp D xx qcf~hcb AC xx hcbx2 AC = 714/300
I do nothing but post KOFXIV tech so gimme a follow if you like that


So people have been finding meaty Dive kicks set-ups. After a Max Mode combo Mian typically ends her combo eith a cl. C. Cancel that cl. C into qcf D, then time a D dive kick so it hits them meaty. If done correctly you'll be plus on hit and block. you can combo a light normal after, which you normally cant do.

I do nothing but post KOFXIV tech so gimme a follow if you like that


Quote from: Coliflowerz on August 23, 2016, 11:10:07 PM
Dive Kicks

If a kick connects, you get 1 jump
If a kick is blocked, you get 2 jumps

Tested the Command Jumps some more: the number of command jumps has nothing to do with whether it's hit or blocked or whether or not you regular jumped before it.

It has too do with how close you are to the top of the screen which limits you from jumping again.  If your first dive kick hits them near the top of the screen airborne, you're not going to get a second jump.

In contrast, if you jump forward and just before you land you do qcb+D, then you can do a qcf+D afterwards.


Didnt know that. Thanks man, appreciate it.
I do nothing but post KOFXIV tech so gimme a follow if you like that


A Mian guide from facebook:


"As requested, Raf Ah
Here's a Mian quick guide.
Mian is a very new style to kof, where she takes air mobility to a whole new level.
Her "gameplan" revolves around her divekicks, to harass people with them and pressure them, atm she a character that can steamroll people if they don't know how to deal with her which is why a lot of people picking her up forget that that's not all she has.
She can be play the regular kof game really well as she has good pokes, anti-airs, jump arc and air normals.
Her main move is her float, and it's divekicks followups.
The float can be done in the air and on the ground.
Qcb+K goes back and qcf+K goes forward.
B version is quicker but goes a smaller distance, D version is a tad slower but covers more space.
She says different words with B or D version, B is "Sorai" and D is "Maru". Might be useful down the line to help in fighting her as she can do some gapless with stuff with the B version.
She can do ground float into air float, or 2 air floats back to back, but it's dependant on how high she is, if she reaches the top of the screen (around the health bars) you can't do a second float where if you do it on the way down from the jump you can do 2.
The divekicks are followups off the float, what button you press decides the angle she dives in.
A is slightly backwards (60 degree angle), B is straight down, C is slightly forward (60 degree) and D is almost horizontal (30 degree).
The divekicks are active all the way through but their hitbox is not that good, throwing out a normal or a special in their way will usually beat it or trade.
You can cancel divekicks into float as long as they connect with the opponent, hit or block. There is no limit to how many you can do, you can go float~ dive > float ~ dive infinitely as long as the dives are connecting to the opponent.
The window to cancel from and to the dives is freakin huge where you can cancel the moment you touch them or wait and cancel late to leave gaps and bait stuff.
A delayed D backfloat after a divekick is a good "check" to see how the opponent reacts.
The dives are safe if blocked but negative, wouldn't recommend pressing buttons after. If they're deep they can be even and if they're meaty they can be plus and can even combo into lights.
Dives don't knockdown and you can't combo off of them outside of meaty stuff.
On CH they do a knockback which can combo into another dive midscreen or normals/super in the corner, but it's not easy.
If they divekicks don't connect they have landing recovery which can be punished. It's not long but some characters can punish divekick attempts from fullscreen if they have the bar (ex haoh shokoken, Mai Climax, Ramon off the wall super etc).
Float builds meter as long as you do the divekick followup, and the divekicks do chip damage. These factors are why Mian is really good as a point character and it's why people get anxious and start pressing buttons and doing stupid stuff when they're under a divekick barrage.
There's a lot of patterns you can do to get in the opponent's head, blocked dive > B backfloat~ D dive > D float B dive for example can cross up depending on the timing, and even if it doesn't the B dives are nasty coz it's a tough angle to anti-air.
That was a lot of dive stuff which should tell you how important they are to her gameplan, but they're not her only tools.
Her pokes are far C, far D, CD and cr D.
Her far C and cr D especially are really good.
she can max cancel far C in footsies from max range and still get a full combo.
Her cr D is cancellable so you can do her floats after it into safety or into divekick pressure. Cr D qcf+D into B divekick crosses up crouching opponents.
For anti-airs she has far B, crouch C, and far D (situational), far B is mainly for hops where crouch C is for higher jumps coz it's not the slower side. Far D is situational but it's a nice normal overall, on CH you can link into cr D.
she has j.B, j.D, j.CD and of course D divekick for air to airs. J.D is my preffered one but j.B is better in situations where you need a quicker button.
Keep in mind that all Mian's air normals are cancellable into floats, so she can start her divekick stuff from basic hop pressure or air to airs, she can also use backfloat off of them to escape to safety.
I've heard that j.A and j.C can cross up but they're not reliable by any means.
Her specials, ok so they're not really useful outside of combos, but they're good to know about.
Qcf+P is a multi hit dance move, it's like an auto rekka, light is super cancellable all the way and heavy is cancellable before the airborne hits. You can combo into it from lights, cr.B cr.A cr.B is a good hit confirm for it.
Light is safe on block, but both versions are open to guard cancel into full combo punishes so DON'T do this on block.
EX is the same as heavy but pops them up higher so you can combo into dp+K or to her supers.
qcb+P is a floating palm, causes a wallstick. Can't be combo's into outside of CD wallstick. It's also not safe aside from super max range. EX is invincible and causes a wall bounce but I've yet to find a practical use for it
Her last special is dp+K, slide into up-kick. Her highest damage combo ender. Not safe. Cancellable on 1st hit in super. EX is invincible for a bit and pops up for followups.
EX float is quicker and the divekicks knockback on normal hit, can be used to combo 2 divekicks and other stuff in the corner.
Her "reversal" is her qcfx2 K super, but it's invincibility is super short and gets beat a lot, loses clean to jump ins. it's also generally not worth the risk and it's -billion on block.
EX is the same deal but at least damage-wise it might be worth the hail mary attempt.
Punch super is a super close range ranbu, her main meter combo ender. Not invul at all. EX keeps them close for pressure and to do meaty divekick stuff.
Climax goes fullscreen, can combo from CD wallstick anywhere on the screen.
a bit invincible but also not reliable. On block has a sway backwards animation so it'll be safe on most people the first time they see it lol.
Her combos are very straight forward. These are all the combos you'd really need with her.
cr.B cr.A cr.B qcf+A xx ranbu
Cl.C f.B MAX cl.C f.B EX qcf+P > ranbu is your meter go-to.
Corner you can do MAX CD qcb+C qcb+A EX dp+K ranbu, only mid or anchor
you can link into her s.A from cl.D
Raw f.B crumples, realistically you won't ever land this."
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."