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Wasn't Sulia in the games?

Started by XTuroRu, October 13, 2016, 10:25:47 AM

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This is probably just me remembering wrong as i only vaguely knew of Fatal Fury and played two of them way back when they were more new. I know we had tapes of the movie in the 90s and i would watch that one often.

But anyway, wasn't Sulia in the games as well? I know she was in the movie, however, i seem to remember Sulia being in the games as well. Like wasn't she a hidden boss in Fatal Fury Special and then she was playable in Fatal Fury 3? Looking the game up, the theme and stage i swear was hers is apparently blue mary's. I seem to remember Blue Mary's theme being rock and roll, like it started off sounding AC/DC-ish and had a saxophone melody, and her stage wasn't a mansion, but a cafe. I remember her moveset consisted of magic, like she shot triangles and bubbles at people, and she had a powerful move where she spun gracefully. Her appearance was the same as the movie, but she had messier looking blue-black hair, and it looked closer to Yuri's. I also have a bizarre memory of her portrait, where i remember her looking like a cross between Sakura and Nancy Sinatra. I also remember fatal fury 3 coming out in 1994, but i could be wrong.


A chunkload of findings i have come across that have seriously blown me away. I know Sulia was in the games now. I was typing her name out and i remembered something about my little brother having a little trouble pronouncing her name. What happened was my friend brought over FFS on his sega CD and we saw him fight Sulia, and my brother first called her Julia, then Sollya, then landed on Sulia eventually. Didn't take long to transition, but he said Julia for a little while, Sollya once, and then Sulia. I contacted him recently and he was surprised to learn that Sulia was never in any game. He too remembers the Julia to Sulia transition. He played the FF games more than me and told me that Sula was in Fatal Fury Special if you beat the game without losing a continue. She had the same voice actress that would go on to voice Capcom's Ingrid, but by the time Fatal Fury 3 came out, they replaced her with the actress that did her voice in the anime (the japanese version) He said that her moveset inspired Ingrid's later on, but they put their own spin on it, but she had a few similar moves. Ingrid was also a bit more cutesy than Sulia, whose personality was quite different than the one in the anime. The anime one had a kind of mary sue quality about it, but the game version of Sulia was a girl who had powerful magic who descended from Gaudeamus, and she had a weird quirky personality in where she was obsessed with testing her skills against the most powerful fighters, specifically those who win the king of fighters tournament. In FF3, she entered the tournament to test herself up against the all powerful Jins. Her ending is a comment from her towards her brother who wasn't named in the game, but looked pretty much like Laucorn, and she told him to be careful not to become a god. Now it seems she first switched places with Blue Mary, then left allowing this Bob Wilson character who never existed to take her place.

So upon further research, i found this theme and found it oddly familiar.
Now keep in mind i never played this game in my life, and this is my first time finding these theme. I looked around because i noticed a theme or two in another game got swapped. Basically, Blue Mary's FF3 theme got suddenly transferred into Terry Bogard's theme in garou mark of the wolves, except his version is slower and has a weaker drum pattern.
So i sent this to my brother, and he was blown away. He told me instantly that that was Sulia's theme in Fatal Fury Special, and it got moved here somehow meanwhile being given slightly different instruments, though it is mostly the same. He told me this theme was never in this game, and yet somehow now it is here. He is also confused because it doesn't even sound korean. He even described exactly the same stage i remember, a huge greek palace. And now Ryo Sakazaki is in Sulia's place and has a theme he never heard before. He's a huge SNK fan and can tell one just about anything with these games, and he has confirmed to me that these games have changed. Momoko debuts in what used to be 2005, now is XI, as opposed to debuting in 2003. He also finds that Momoko's last name is never revealed anymore, even though he himself quite clearly remembers Izuka, much like me. He also tells me that the AoF ending theme from 2003 did indeed get resolved in 2005, and he was the one who told me. He says it was done by Sulia who was trying to protect him from the new powers that were about to take hold. Basically, she botched the event so he couldn't join that year, and he was considering going again, so she came and injured him there, and thereby preventing him from being able for a good while. This was done because even Sulia herself was weary of taking on the new threat. She was worried about him because 1.he was old, and 2. she had always liked him and the sakazaki's, and was even good friends with them. They finally included her into KoF XIII, however, looking at it now, she is no longer there and apparently was only a product of the movies.

Oh, he also told me that FF3 came out in November of 1994, so i was right there. He also explained that in special, when you meet Sulia, she has an intro with you saying she is impressed you were able to take down Krauser, and now wants to put her skills to the test. And then you can unlock her.


You are apparently attempting to drive us insane... not sure what govt program you're with but please stop.


LOL If that were the case, do you think i'd be making so clear to the point you'd figure it out?

I know you people did not experience the games like this at all. You come from a reality where they have always been as they are now. I come from one where Sulia was in the games, Momoko debuted in KoF 2003 and was in another one called KoF 2005. In my reality, SF2 came out in 1988, boss names were not switched, Pikachu had a black tip on his tail, Jiffy peanut butter was a thing, mikey ate everything, the bernstein bears were given the correct name, World Heroes only had one game, Kim Kaphwan was in FF3, Bob Wilson never existed, the list goes on. You are not insane, you will never be insane, and i don't want to drive you insane. I actually almost drove myself insane until i learned others had the same experience as me. It's an effect where people jump realities.