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Started by Dark Geese, January 13, 2011, 04:48:11 PM

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Very good podcast thoe i think in usa there is still a chance to build up a kof scene...it make take some time but kof 13 might help a lot.
If people just played the games, make streams for casuals and stop talking about sf4 or any kind of stupid comparisons with other games.These discussions do nothing good and they rather keep away potential players.If the scene was a little more animated (doesn't matter the actual number of players) and the players showing they have a hell lot of fun with kof ..little by little the scene can grow.
I personally can do absolutely nothing here because the players in my country move around PC games...we don't even have a sf4 scene :))..only thing i can do is concentrate and try to help in other places.I just bought a capture card and as soon as XIII launches for ps3 i will post online matches (if the online is gonna be good), try to stream some offline casuals and/or practice mode sessions.I wanted to start some kof 98um/2002 um practice sessions but i left my ps2 in italy and i don't have xbox360.So i think everybody can do this with little effort when they have the time.

The only thing that is a big problem right now is not sf4, capcom or related stuff..but SNKP which are just a bunch of idiots when it comes to marketing...also kof XII made a lot of problems in promoting the series to the new generation of gamers(and not only..i was so pissed when i saw that shit!! i tried to give it many chances but that system is just broken, few moves, and i can go on for 2 days straight talking about this garbage ..is like art of fighting and sf alpha made a mutant kof baby :)) ).

SNKP must keep contact with the community or at least try to give and ask feedback!The fan base or community is just free advertising for them..they just have to make the smallest effort for this to work!

It is also very important for the port (not necessarly the online) to be good.If snkp fucks the console port for 13 they are bigger idiots than i tought.If they succed to do this right with a little bit of effort from the kof community (with streamning, casuals and turnaments) this game can get for sure a hell lot of succes.


This question actually goes out to Dark Geese, in regards to his podcast but more so seeking advice. So, I want to travel more and am starting to strive to do this. Money is a bit of an issue, but I think I could swing traveling to 1 or 2 tournaments a year. Here's the problem: in the US, I don't see any real SNK stuff being played. The closest is CEO 2011 which is running CvS2 which is still a Capcom title. I'm gonna compete irregardless, but its hard to try and build up hype and get more people interested in being serious when no one will include SNK titles in their lineup of games! Now I actually live in North-Central Florida, which is very dead for fighting games in general. I have tried very hard to build up a scene here for just ANY fighting game, but its been rough and the Halo heads are rather hard to convince. My question is this: Given my situation, if there was a Raging Storm happening in the US I would opt to go there instead of things like CEO or Final Round, or any other major event. But because there isn't and there is no way for me to hold SNK game tournaments or attend any, what should I do? Honestly, I think others are also in my exact same position. So what should we do? What CAN we do? I'm honestly asking for your advice here, because I can't think of a single thing I could possibly do other than online stuff. I can't even TRAVEL to a tournament that has SNK games in the lineup unless I go to Mexico! Which is gonna cost me more than to travel in the US (At least I assume), and language barriers begin to become an issue. Its so hard for me to become better and compete and travel when the only choices before me are travel internationally. Now I could feasibly swing an international trip maybe once a year but I have a crowd I bring with me to tournaments who are serious. They wouldn't be able to come with me, so in the end its not helping the SNK community here in the US. So again...what should I do?

Dark Geese

Quote from: steamwolf on January 26, 2011, 06:16:54 PM
This question actually goes out to Dark Geese, in regards to his podcast but more so seeking advice. So, I want to travel more and am starting to strive to do this. Money is a bit of an issue, but I think I could swing traveling to 1 or 2 tournaments a year. Here's the problem: in the US, I don't see any real SNK stuff being played. The closest is CEO 2011 which is running CvS2 which is still a Capcom title. I'm gonna compete irregardless, but its hard to try and build up hype and get more people interested in being serious when no one will include SNK titles in their lineup of games! Now I actually live in North-Central Florida, which is very dead for fighting games in general. I have tried very hard to build up a scene here for just ANY fighting game, but its been rough and the Halo heads are rather hard to convince. My question is this: Given my situation, if there was a Raging Storm happening in the US I would opt to go there instead of things like CEO or Final Round, or any other major event. But because there isn't and there is no way for me to hold SNK game tournaments or attend any, what should I do? Honestly, I think others are also in my exact same position. So what should we do? What CAN we do? I'm honestly asking for your advice here, because I can't think of a single thing I could possibly do other than online stuff. I can't even TRAVEL to a tournament that has SNK games in the lineup unless I go to Mexico! Which is gonna cost me more than to travel in the US (At least I assume), and language barriers begin to become an issue. Its so hard for me to become better and compete and travel when the only choices before me are travel internationally. Now I could feasibly swing an international trip maybe once a year but I have a crowd I bring with me to tournaments who are serious. They wouldn't be able to come with me, so in the end its not helping the SNK community here in the US. So again...what should I do?

There is Raging Storm in the USA. I am considering a Raging Storm MidWest, and we are doing Raging Storm Minnesota in June. Which one do you think you may be able to go to? I would also not rule out Final Round as well, get the experience however you can get it in the beginning, it's only going to teach you things about yourself that you won't find out until you are in those particular situations! You can pick Final Round and a Raging Storm tournament in Minnesota either the one in June or the one in September you can pick one of those!


September sounds perfect, I got some vacation time coming up. I'll have to see but that sounds good to me. I all ready got my room set up for CEO 2011 in June so I might have some money issues but I don't foresee a problem making it out there.

Dark Geese

I had a podcast this morning with Gunsmith of Orochinagi, it was a brief one but whenever he edits it and posts me the link I will post it here...


Good shit, DG! I unlocked the podcast thread, so feel free to post it there for I can update the first page of that thread, then we can discuss it here.
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."

Dark Geese

Quote from: Desmond Delaghetto on April 12, 2011, 10:12:55 PM
Good shit, DG! I unlocked the podcast thread, so feel free to post it there for I can update the first page of that thread, then we can discuss it here.

Thatt'll work I was wondering about that, I'll post the podcast itself in the podcast thread..that way we can discuss everything here.


I checked out Kane's interview for the Orochinagi podcast, I thought it was really interesting. One point that stuck out to me was when he was told that a standing A turns into an overhead on a fallen opponent? Did I hear that right?
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."