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The Virtua Figher 5 thread: just 6 months before the end of the world

Started by solidshark, February 22, 2011, 07:23:05 AM

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Hopefully, this can help those who are interested in the game, but are either worried about where to start learning, or are learning the game, and are at a plateau in one's progress... Check it out!!!
I'm on FightCade!!!

Running Wild

I just checked out the wiki, tons of great info. I even found a few things I wasn't familiar with and was better able to understand them. I hope the character section gets fleshed out eventually.


I agree, the wiki is pretty good, lots of good information and details. I may need to read it a few times to let it all sink in because it is a LOT of info, but hopefully I will be able to integrate it in my gameplay. Combined with Dandy J's 2 hour tutorial video, you can learn a lot from both of these resources.

I can't wait for the character section, hopefully it will be good too.

Btw, why don't we all play together online in a room sometime? I use PSN for VF though. I've been having trouble finding matches on ranked, which is my source for immediate matches.
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."

Running Wild

I'd be up for a VF session PSN.

I don't have anyone I can really level up with, and my local scene is mainly focused on Tekken.


I can get on PSN... I usually do matches with DRN and several DC & VFDC members... Just hit me up whenever you cats are on...
I'm on FightCade!!!


i been playin vf5 alot and i aint sure were my skill level iz at i wouldnt mind playin yal


Quote from: bigvador on January 31, 2013, 07:22:22 AM
i been playin vf5 alot and i aint sure were my skill level iz at i wouldnt mind playin yal

Yo add my on psn... I get up on vf quite a bit with some DC buddies...

In the meantime, those interested, check this out:


LA Akira is helping Justin Wong learn VF. Floe is there too, but whatever... I posted this because LA Akira gives out some good info without being overwhelming, and I think it would help those trying to learn the game...
I'm on FightCade!!!

Emperor Paine

So I just got back from my trip to Japan and damn. I truly feel i leveled up my game. The way the Japanese play is so different than most in America. I would like to get some weekly online meetups going. (looks at Jinx since his on my friends list) I made a few new friends while out there and one of them has a 360 and the game. He is a Lion/Shun? or Lion/El Blaze...can't remember lol; who is also down to play in groups. The thing is now setting up and time and day. So anyone interested?


I only have the ps3 version currently. I'm down to play though.
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."


When I get back from my business trip, I'll try to setup a session or 2 either on Saturday or Sunday... I'll edit the post and let you guys know when I'm up and ready to spar...
I'm on FightCade!!!

Emperor Paine

So i'll be downloading the game on my ps3 as well. So if anyone wants to go a few rounds just let me know.
ps tag Emperor Paine