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Last Blade 2 General Discussion

Started by solidshark, March 17, 2011, 08:32:01 PM

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This game has to be one the most technically deep fighters SNK has made, or just ever. I've always used the Power type thanks to years of getting used to FF/KoF DMs and SDMs. For going into the Speed and Ex, I know it's going to be a challege, especially mastering everyone's Super Speed Combos. Curious though, for anyone who's played, do you think the characters themselves change a great deal, or is it just the moves and damage? Do the characters feel lighter with Speed, or in-between in EX?
"You had guts kid; now clean them up off the pavement"
-Terry Bogard, 1995


It depends on the character... Some benefit from either 2 or all 3 modes, whereas some only truly benefit from 1 mode... Juzoh and Moriya are good examples... Juzoh doesn't really benefit from Speed mode, so in order to do the damage that he needs to do with a few combos and a command throw, you need Power mode... Moriya on the other hand can work with Power mode, since he has rekkas and can easily combo into them, but he also benefits from Speed mode which allows him to rush down relentlessly... I personally would use S-Moriya because the opponent needs really strong yomi to counter anything S-Moriya throws out... Plus his combos are still just as strong because they can be extended more, and it compliments his even stronger mixup game... Just check the vid out to see for yourself...


I've never really messed with EX mode, but from what I have gathered, its not really "EX" as in a Guilty Gear sense, but more of a KOF sense, where its not overpowered at all, just alot harder to use in fact because you can die quickly... Plus its a combo of Power and Speed modes, all of the pluses from both are there to compensate...

I'm on FightCade!!!


Speed does feel lighter and faster but EX mode feels the lightest and fastest compare to the other modes. I was able to unlocked EX mode today and compare the speed between those two modes.


Quote from: jinxhand on March 18, 2011, 05:43:08 AM

A video like this is exactly why I was so content with always using Power. The skill of that Moriya player with speed in the first round was damn-near perfect; rush-down to the point that Amano couldn't be anything but pinned down. After the first round though, as soon as Amano delivers a few solid hits that eat lots of life, the Moriya player got so unconfrontational with him. Knowing now what speed is capable of though, I see a few more possible strategies, even with other characters. Something tells me whoever thought of Hibiki had skill in mind when they developed her.
"You had guts kid; now clean them up off the pavement"
-Terry Bogard, 1995



I suck at last blade but here is some hitboxes(blame 30fps encode on youtube) also at the end is the debug dipswitch setting for them.


Quote from: jedpossum on March 20, 2011, 10:37:46 PM

I suck at last blade but here is some hitboxes(blame 30fps encode on youtube) also at the end is the debug dipswitch setting for them.

Good stuff jed. Thanks. Though Amano's hitboxes would be slightly bigger, but know I know.
"You had guts kid; now clean them up off the pavement"
-Terry Bogard, 1995


"You had guts kid; now clean them up off the pavement"
-Terry Bogard, 1995



Wow... I knew about the arc jump in infinites, but I had no idea there were dashing jab infinites like in Bleach DS... I personally like Akari's infinite, but only use it on the CPU... Plus the 1 frame link infinites were pretty dope, too...

Speaking of 1-frame links, what's the general timing for that, and are there any vids for it??? I know 1-frame links in JJBA can be relatively easy to do, depending on the character, and whether or not you have to buffer a dash, but say Kagami's crouching ;a to standing ;bk ;a link seems harder imo... What's everyone's thoughts on this???
I'm on FightCade!!!


Pure, your video got taken down. Obv the account was suspended.
EX can die in one power-combo for the most part. They also build meter way slower than everybody else.

I'd personally ban the winpose delay glitch too, it can give you a serious edge over the enemy if you do it right.

Unblockable air-hit glitch is fine, it's extremely hard to do so if it's pulled off, you deserve it. :3

Common Banlist
Any infinites
Bugged moves that allow for unintended air combos such as Zantestsu and Lee's air A / C and O-Kaede's air combos.
Akari's air-throw glitch
Zantetsu's 2368A loop and Akari's 4B loop past ~2 reps.
Using Kouyru

Tier List
Mirror Tier
S Tier
   Speed Moriya
   Power Mukuro
A Tier
   Power Kagami
   Speed Kagami
   Power Moriya
   Speed Mukuro
   Power Kaede
B Tier
   Speed Kaede
C Tier
   Unawakened Kaede

Kouryu : Select Kaede. Press C(10), B(5), C(4). Kaede will speak to confirm the code.
EX Mode : Select any character, and within three seconds highlight speed and press C(6), B(3), C(4).
Unawakened Kaede : Select Kaede. Press C(9), B(1), C(4). Kaede will speak to confirm the code.
Special Kotetsu intro : Select Shigen. Press C(5), B(10), C(2). Shigen will speak to confirm the code.
Hagure : Select Akari. Press C(8), B(9). Pause for one second, then press C. Akari will speak to confirm the code.
MBAA: H-Aoko
MBAC: Hisui & Kohaku
LB2: S-Akari
NGBC: DIO & Kaede
KOFXIII: Yuri / King / DuoLon


Oh, and like.

Japanese character names
楓 = Kaede
御名方守矢 = Moriya
雪 = Yuki
刹那 = Setsuna
あかり = Akari
神崎十三 = Juzoh
天野漂 = Amano
高嶺響 = Hibiki
鷲塚慶一郎 = Washizuka
真田小次郎 = Kojiroh
玄武の翁 = Okina
骸 = Mukuro
李烈火 = Lee
斬鉄 = Zantetsu
嘉神慎之介 = Kagami
直衛示源 = Shigen
MBAA: H-Aoko
MBAC: Hisui & Kohaku
LB2: S-Akari
NGBC: DIO & Kaede
KOFXIII: Yuri / King / DuoLon

Running Wild


With announcement of a new port of the game. And SNK's interest in bringing back old IPs.

I hang out in the fightcade lobby for LB2, if anyone wants to play. Fightcade name is fullnanaya