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Shooting Star - The Terry Bogard thread

Started by steamwolf, March 31, 2011, 11:06:10 AM

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Gameplay Overview

Gameplay Notes

-To win with Terry, you want to frustrate the opponent into jumping with Terry's nasty poking game, and pressuring them into cracking once they're in the corner.


-Ridiculous frame advantage

-High speed, power, and priority

-Incredibly good anti-air game


-His fireballs aren't too hot and have a little too much startup recovery

-No mindgames what-so-ever

-Only has two over-heads, and one of them, Power Dunk, is only worthwhile when used in a chain combo and even then is not too great

-If baited, his anti-airs can be punished severely, especially Rising Tackle


Far st. ;b

-Great reach

-Fast poke, helps keep people off of Terry

-Better suited for being about medium range when doing as a poke.

Far st. ;c

-Further reach than st. ;b

-Hits harder than st. ;b

-Slightly more recovery, but not a huge problem (Terry's frame recoveries are all insanely fast)

-Again, best suited to at medium range if used as a poke.

Crouching ;c

-Good reach


-Can be canceled into?


Buster Throw
;fd/ ;bk+ ;c(Close)

Command Moves

Back-step Kick - Terry does a jumping roundhouse kick
;fd+ ;b

-Knocks opponent into back plane

-Good for rushing down the opponent

-Good as a combo ender

-You can cancel it into a Special/DM by performing said Special/DM right before the kick comes out

Wild Upper - Terry does a straight uppercut into the air
;df+ ;a

-Good anti-air, but time it so the opponent is above you

Power Dunk - Terry follows up by knocking the opponent into the air and coming back down with a downward punch
;uf+ ;b (Right after Wild Upper)

Charge Kick - Terry does a running kick, similar to a punt in Football
;fd ;fd+ ;c


-Can cancel Charge Kick into a Special/DM by doing the Special/DM just before the kick comes out

-Can be canceled without hitting the opponent

Avoid Attack

Gut Uppercut - Terry does a fast uppercut into the air
;a+ ;b

-Good anti-air

-Use at the very moment you are about to be hit by the opponent to avoid an attack and counter-attack (Not on projectiles)

Power Charge - Terry follows up his Gut Uppercut with a football style tackle
 ;fd+C (Right after Gut Uppercut)

-Can juggle after the Power Charge

-Power Charge does not combo off of Gut Uppercut

Fake Attacks

Burn Knuckle Fake - Terry does the initial frames of the Burn Knuckle
;fd+ ;a+ ;c

-A good fake to use

Power Geyser Fake - Terry does the initial frames of the Power Geyser
;dn+ ;b+ ;c

-Another decent fake of his to use

Special Moves

Burn Knuckle - Terry poses for a moment, then flies across the screen with his arm extended, fist covered in energy.
;dn ;db ;bk + ;a/ ;c


-Can juggle a Rising Tackle with the  ;c version if they're in the air.

- ;a version comes out faster and goes out half the screen and does less damage

- ;c version comes out slower, but it covers the whole screen distance and does more damage

-Does decent stun

-Breakshotable. Highly recommended to use as a Breakshot

Power Wave - Terry punches the ground and throws a spark along the ground
;dn ;df ;fd + ;a

-Good for pressuring, but not recommended to use if you're far from your opponent.

-Will clash other projectiles, canceling both out.

Round Wave - Terry punches the ground, creating a small explosion around his fist
;dn ;df ;fd + ;c

-Hits both planes

-Must be blocked low in the back plane

-Pulls opponent to front plane even if they block

-Absorbs projectiles

-Not overly useful except for attacking the back plane

Crack Shoot - Terry travels through the air with one leg extended, flying in a semi circular path.
;dn ;db ;bk + ;b

-Good to use from medium range


-Good to use in combos

-Does not give knockdown


Fire Kick - Terry slides along the ground with one foot extended, if it connects, he does a second kick, which will send the opponent into the air.
;dn ;df ;fd + ;b

-The sliding kick must be blocked low

-Sliding kick must connect to perform the full attack

-Follow up kick launches opponent into the air and can be followed up with a Rising Tackle

-Needs to be used at about medium range at least or it won't connect


-Can be followed up with an  ;a Burn Knuckle or a Crack Shoot


-Difficult to use to surprise your opponent

Passing Sway - Terry hits the opponent with an elbow and then finishes with a turn around kick
;dn ;df ;fd + ;d

-Will send Terry to the back plane

-Will not work if opponent is in the back plane

-Not very useful as it doesn't provide much any advantage on hit

-Very little recovery lag

Rising Tackle - Terry risies from the ground spinning, feet first, arms extended
Charge ;dn,  ;up+ ;a

-Fantastic anti-air

-Has good priority

-Combos well

-Has low recovery lag

Desperation Move

Power Geyser - Terry punches the ground and a huge explosion rises.
;dn ;db ;bk, ;db, ;fd + ;b + ;c

-Good anti-air

-Great priority

-Comes out fast

-Quick recovery

-Absorbs projectiles

-Cannot combo off of anything (Unsure of this)

Super Desperation Move

Tripple Geyser - Terry punches the ground, creating three huge explosions with every punch
;dn ;db ;bk, ;db, ;fd + ;c

-Absorbs projectiles

-Combos off of practically everything


-Is possible to juggle from this, but its extremely hard



just something quick, ppower when done near the corner and if your doing a combo in the corner you can adjust your combo to make all 3 geysers hit and juggle afterwards. if you use terry often enough its not that extremely difficult.

also his overhead, most people that actually know the game will rather take it. but when you do it mor often sometimes they rather block high or try to attck you out of it. when u think theyll try to block it high, cancel your dash or even the first frames of dash C into redkick. get the timing down and even when they try to punish your overhead cancel it into rising tackle. dont forget, with characters like terry and kim you can basically keep them in the corner, bait hpowers and reversals and kill them. with 1 mistake these characters do 1 bar damage in corner, without using s or ppower.

you also forgot to mention that f+B should not only be used as a stand alone attack, also its not a combo ender but rather a starter. cancel it into d+D or D and combo on. ps3 post = full.
In the end, there can only be XIII.


Still mo sweet Chariots, keep on swingin'!


Great stuff, this is what I've been hoping to see on this board. I'll add in what you're saying later tonight.


actually his forward dash overhead when not playing online, if you just block high and look for the redkick and see it just block low if youve got the reactions. since redkick is so fast i dont think you can actually do this online, but rather predict it or just take the overhead. when done close the overhead into redkick cancel is sometimes even difficult to block when your in offline play.

some simple things, his crackshoot is usually the best combo ender for far ending combos. even after a far red kick combo you can still catch them for some damage with the cs.

after a far launcher combo (ending in  ;df ;c) a hard burning knuckle is a good knockdown and does good damage.

in corner always go for the  ;df ;a;c, feint,  ;df ;a;c;c chain for max damage if your close enough. in 1 plane an easier to hit combo after the feint is  ;a;b;fd ;c, into something a good ender (rt or bk for instance).

did i mention how good terry's feints are btw? some small bits of additional.
In the end, there can only be XIII.


Still mo sweet Chariots, keep on swingin'!


Just a few viewpoints on Terry:

His overhead is great in my opinion because of it's distance. The best mind game for it is to occasionally cancel with firekick, which hits low. After the overhead, you can follow up with low attacks and hope they stand up to take them.

My favorite combo for him is just simple ;a, ;c, special combos. Either burn knuckle or firekick depending on how far away you are. I always try to follow up the firekick with a burn knuckle or rising tackle, too.

I never use the strong burn knuckle. If you use it against me, you're getting punished. Also, I find power charge and power dunk to be useless in this game.

Try not to use power wave, then burn knuckle. It's very predictable.

Crack shoot has a good range, in that there are times where if you combo with burn knuckle it won't hit but crack shoot will. If you do a normal combo and the opponent is ducking, and you're out of range for firekick, use crack shoot.

God 2.0

Hi guys! Long time no see. Nice to see this great game still have supporters.

I like to use Power Charge sometimes from medium range. It is very slow to come out, but leaves you at good frame advantage on block. Also, this can be used to punish from long range since you can juggle with Rising Tackle.

That being said, the slow startup makes it one of those moves you use once every 20 matches.

Sadly, the overhead part of the Power Dunk is punishable on both block and hit, which makes it useful only in combos where the damage is just sub-optimal compared to other options. Also, the move is slow and highly telegraphed, so don't bother.


Thanks for your inputs, God 2.0. Its great to have you here, and I'll deffinantly keep all you guys' tips on Terry in mind. I'll add in what I can once I come back to this, trying to just get the general move lists up first before I delve deeper but a lot of you probably know much more than I do.