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Hindsight 20/20 and Video Games

Started by Dark Geese, May 04, 2011, 04:22:33 PM

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Quotetraveling is key for people to leave this tunnel vision because then they see that MOST of the stuff simply isn't recorded.

Traveling is good, but I don't think you should HAVE to travel to see something different... For instance, when I was living in Hawaii and mad heavy in the Tekken scene there, I was like the first Feng player to show skills out there, because I didn't wanna ride that Steve bandwagon and got bored with him too (and I mained Steve since T4)... Anyway, a bunch of other Feng players came out of the woodwork from other parts like Kaneohe, and even the Big Island, and all of their styles were different... Sure we all watched match vids, but we put our own style and "ism" in the Feng (or whatever other character) we played... I saw how some had a throw setup style, some had crazy mixups. I made people fear ss+4 by poking then swithcing to a sidestep wave dash and in turn got people to duck so I could get df+1, or uf+4 for free among other mid attacks.

QuoteWhen it was before just East Asia and tunnel vision in that area, without a shadow of a doubt Mexico is now in that "Elite Status" as they have earned it, and Mexico needs to be on guard because I am sure Peru wants a shot at opening eyes as well, and what better way than by defeating Mexico!

Why not the US, or even Canada??? Where is the love??? It shouldn't be just 1 or 2 countries beefing up and getting the KOF spotlight... That would be "Japan and China in the spotlight" all over again, just swap those 2 with Mexico and Peru... Hell, where are my Kenyan KOFers at???

That's the thing... With SF, there is no "1 strong region", per se... There are a ton of strong players from the US, Canada, different parts of Europe, all around Asia, Australia, etc... Same with Tekken... It's not just 1 region, everybody's got a little buzz here and there... Why is it not with KOF??? KOF is just as a worldwide game as SF... It can't be popularity, because BB isn't as extremely popular as SF, but there's alot of love for the players worldwide...
I'm on FightCade!!!


Quote from: jinxhand on May 05, 2011, 05:53:07 PM
That's the thing... With SF, there is no "1 strong region", per se... There are a ton of strong players from the US, Canada, different parts of Europe, all around Asia, Australia, etc... Same with Tekken... It's not just 1 region, everybody's got a little buzz here and there... Why is it not with KOF??? KOF is just as a worldwide game as SF... It can't be popularity, because BB isn't as extremely popular as SF, but there's alot of love for the players worldwide...

Maybe it has to do with regions rather than people being recognized as the best in KoF. There was a time when the whole country of Japan was thought of as the best in fighting; today, most people know about Daigo or JWong. In that sense, maybe it takes one great player of an entire franchise to get a series known. Maybe enough people know that a lot more cabs for SNK fighters were avaiable in Mexico, so that's where it thrived, but maybe all the current (hopefully growing) fans of SNK games can do is keep upping their game, and keep encouraging newcomers.

I wish it could be where someone could trash-talk someone in KoF and most times it would make the loser work harder in KoF, but it doesn't have the same luxury as SF. Granted the average KoF will be more complicated than the average SF, but to get a level of "region-less popularity" we've got different hurdles to overcome.

We keep going strong enough, maybe someone like B.A.L.A. or Mr. KoF, or someone brand-new will get more recognition for being the player to beat in KoF.
"You had guts kid; now clean them up off the pavement"
-Terry Bogard, 1995

Dark Geese


1. About traveling- I agree, but everyone has a different circumstance so in order to reach goals of being an elite player, different people have to do different things. If you for example are surrounded by high level players, then you shouldn't have to travel to level up.

But if you are like me and live in the middle of nowhere, well only way I am going to be able to compete with the elite players in Mexico is to basically play against them!!

2.  I am only one person, and I can only do so much, and right now my focus is Mexico and the international stage. However; with that said, the USA does get some opportunities for international tournaments, and I have upped my tournaments to Tri-National status to show people if they really wanna compete to see if they are the best they have to pit themselves against multiple countries! So for example the champion in all my tournaments going forward is at the least a Bi-National Champion (USA and Mexico), and I would hope the USA's best are NOT okay with that, but if they want to dispute that well they have to come to Mexico to prove their worth vs. Kula, Zeus, Alexis, Kane9999 and all the other Mexican players!!!!

Plus everything is shaping up for the eventual WORLD KOF CUP, and the strong spots are where the qualifiers will be, so for example, to Qualify for THE WORLD KOF CUP, USA and Canada will have to GO TO MEXICO and make it out of that, I am not going to cut any corners, I wanna make sure ONLY THE STRONGEST COME OUT, so if you truly feel you are good enough to move on in a WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP, you will go South Mexico and show your worth!

But again, there are things planned in the future that revolve around KOF13 so that people will have a chance in the USA, but remember, B.A.L.A. is MEXICAN, he is from Puebla, Mexico, so are you sure you wanna count him as the American side? As Kula said in one video, I think B.A.L.A. represents Mexico moreso than the USA.

Me? I rep both countries but obviously moreso Mexico because that's where I play 90% of the time.


QuotePlus everything is shaping up for the eventual WORLD KOF CUP, and the strong spots are where the qualifiers will be, so for example, to Qualify for THE WORLD KOF CUP, USA and Canada will have to GO TO MEXICO and make it out of that, I am not going to cut any corners, I wanna make sure ONLY THE STRONGEST COME OUT, so if you truly feel you are good enough to move on in a WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP, you will go South Mexico and show your worth!

Why should those countries travel to Mexico, and Mexico doesn't even lift a foot??? Shouldn't there be a central place that they can all meet up at, at least for something as global as that??? I mean you're saying that to be the best you have to travel, but I don't really hear of those cats leaving the country as much as say someone in the states traveling to another state to crush cats... Plus last I checked, Mexico is dangerous, regardless of what Fox News says, but that alone is for another thread... I mean Vegas ain't the strongest spot in the FG community, but that's where that B5 --err Evo tourney is being held...

I'm not trying to show any bias towards anybody, in fact, I'm actually impressed... I'm just saying that if these guys are as good as they say they are and if the vids that we see are true, then shouldn't they be the ones going out to travel showing us how its done??? I mean, JWong goes out and busts cats up and shows them some stuff... I'm pretty sure Damdai, Gootecks, and some of those other dudes show some skill and share knowledge where ever they go... When I first traveled to San Diego, back in 05, me and my 2 homeboys were both teaching and learning as much as we could in Tekken, so when we got back to Hawaii, we could give more to the community... Hell, those West Coast cats come over and crush us East Coast cats, we crush them, and go over there and do the same thing, and we get better from it...

I think the strongest regions need not stay in the same spot if they wanna really say they're the best... That alone just recreates this tunnel vision people get when they see the videos... Take someone out of their comfort zone, and put them somewhere else, then perform at peak performance, then you're saying something... No homecourt advantage, no real reason to say that this person is fake because he/she is showing these cats what's really going down in person, not in high definition...
I'm on FightCade!!!

Dark Geese

Quote from: jinxhand on May 06, 2011, 12:39:15 AM
QuotePlus everything is shaping up for the eventual WORLD KOF CUP, and the strong spots are where the qualifiers will be, so for example, to Qualify for THE WORLD KOF CUP, USA and Canada will have to GO TO MEXICO and make it out of that, I am not going to cut any corners, I wanna make sure ONLY THE STRONGEST COME OUT, so if you truly feel you are good enough to move on in a WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP, you will go South Mexico and show your worth!

Why should those countries travel to Mexico, and Mexico doesn't even lift a foot??? Shouldn't there be a central place that they can all meet up at, at least for something as global as that??? I mean you're saying that to be the best you have to travel, but I don't really hear of those cats leaving the country as much as say someone in the states traveling to another state to crush cats... Plus last I checked, Mexico is dangerous, regardless of what Fox News says, but that alone is for another thread... I mean Vegas ain't the strongest spot in the FG community, but that's where that B5 --err Evo tourney is being held...

I'm not trying to show any bias towards anybody, in fact, I'm actually impressed... I'm just saying that if these guys are as good as they say they are and if the vids that we see are true, then shouldn't they be the ones going out to travel showing us how its done??? I mean, JWong goes out and busts cats up and shows them some stuff... I'm pretty sure Damdai, Gootecks, and some of those other dudes show some skill and share knowledge where ever they go... When I first traveled to San Diego, back in 05, me and my 2 homeboys were both teaching and learning as much as we could in Tekken, so when we got back to Hawaii, we could give more to the community... Hell, those West Coast cats come over and crush us East Coast cats, we crush them, and go over there and do the same thing, and we get better from it...

I think the strongest regions need not stay in the same spot if they wanna really say they're the best... That alone just recreates this tunnel vision people get when they see the videos... Take someone out of their comfort zone, and put them somewhere else, then perform at peak performance, then you're saying something... No homecourt advantage, no real reason to say that this person is fake because he/she is showing these cats what's really going down in person, not in high definition...

Four reasons:

1. Visas- Canadians, North Americans can travel to Mexico with just a passport alone, but not the same for the players in Mexico. This is also the same reason I have chosen Peru in the South American Region over Brazil (To enter the USA from Mexico and a lot of countries you need a passport and a visa, same for us North Americans entering Brazil!) Everyone needs visas to get in Brazil, but not Peru! Also I have said South Mexico, which South Mexico is "safer" than North Mexico, so that people will know I am choosing Mexico City which has the highest base of players, which should be where people should have to go to test their might!

2. Higher base of players in Mexico than in the USA. There are a given 30 tops in Mexico alone in just 2002, and those are the Tops just in the game. There is a higher base of players for KOF in Mexico compared to the USA and Canada.

3. Mexico will be the center location considering all the countries involved in that Region, which will be but not limited to- Canada, USA, Mexico, El Salvador,  Cuba, Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, Costa Rica, Panama.

4. They have earned it. They have shown they support KOF, shown their high level of skill, and have been supporting it for a long time, moreso than the USA or even Canada. It would be like holding a World Qualifier for SF in Mexico over the USA, North Americans would have every right to voice outrage over this! Same with Mexico over the USA and Canada as being the KOF mecca for Super Region 1.  North America has to prove that it is worthy of hosting a Regional World Qualifier for KOF.

Plus there will be "Last Chance" Qualifiers, to which those that didn't make the first cut can go to these given locations (which will be based on all four factors) can go to try and get the last spot/s.


Quote from: Dark Geese on May 06, 2011, 01:30:36 AM
Quote from: jinxhand on May 06, 2011, 12:39:15 AM
QuotePlus everything is shaping up for the eventual WORLD KOF CUP, and the strong spots are where the qualifiers will be, so for example, to Qualify for THE WORLD KOF CUP, USA and Canada will have to GO TO MEXICO and make it out of that, I am not going to cut any corners, I wanna make sure ONLY THE STRONGEST COME OUT, so if you truly feel you are good enough to move on in a WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP, you will go South Mexico and show your worth!

Why should those countries travel to Mexico, and Mexico doesn't even lift a foot??? Shouldn't there be a central place that they can all meet up at, at least for something as global as that??? I mean you're saying that to be the best you have to travel, but I don't really hear of those cats leaving the country as much as say someone in the states traveling to another state to crush cats... Plus last I checked, Mexico is dangerous, regardless of what Fox News says, but that alone is for another thread... I mean Vegas ain't the strongest spot in the FG community, but that's where that B5 --err Evo tourney is being held...

I'm not trying to show any bias towards anybody, in fact, I'm actually impressed... I'm just saying that if these guys are as good as they say they are and if the vids that we see are true, then shouldn't they be the ones going out to travel showing us how its done??? I mean, JWong goes out and busts cats up and shows them some stuff... I'm pretty sure Damdai, Gootecks, and some of those other dudes show some skill and share knowledge where ever they go... When I first traveled to San Diego, back in 05, me and my 2 homeboys were both teaching and learning as much as we could in Tekken, so when we got back to Hawaii, we could give more to the community... Hell, those West Coast cats come over and crush us East Coast cats, we crush them, and go over there and do the same thing, and we get better from it...

I think the strongest regions need not stay in the same spot if they wanna really say they're the best... That alone just recreates this tunnel vision people get when they see the videos... Take someone out of their comfort zone, and put them somewhere else, then perform at peak performance, then you're saying something... No homecourt advantage, no real reason to say that this person is fake because he/she is showing these cats what's really going down in person, not in high definition...

Four reasons:

1. Visas- Canadians, North Americans can travel to Mexico with just a passport alone, but not the same for the players in Mexico. This is also the same reason I have chosen Peru in the South American Region over Brazil (To enter the USA from Mexico and a lot of countries you need a passport and a visa, same for us North Americans entering Brazil!) Everyone needs visas to get in Brazil, but not Peru! Also I have said South Mexico, which South Mexico is "safer" than North Mexico, so that people will know I am choosing Mexico City which has the highest base of players, which should be where people should have to go to test their might!

2. Higher base of players in Mexico than in the USA. There are a given 30 tops in Mexico alone in just 2002, and those are the Tops just in the game. There is a higher base of players for KOF in Mexico compared to the USA and Canada.

3. Mexico will be the center location considering all the countries involved in that Region, which will be but not limited to- Canada, USA, Mexico, El Salvador,  Cuba, Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, Costa Rica, Panama.

4. They have earned it. They have shown they support KOF, shown their high level of skill, and have been supporting it for a long time, moreso than the USA or even Canada. It would be like holding a World Qualifier for SF in Mexico over the USA, North Americans would have every right to voice outrage over this! Same with Mexico over the USA and Canada as being the KOF mecca for Super Region 1.  North America has to prove that it is worthy of hosting a Regional World Qualifier for KOF.

Plus there will be "Last Chance" Qualifiers, to which those that didn't make the first cut can go to these given locations (which will be based on all four factors) can go to try and get the last spot/s.

Ok, I see your reasoning... However, for the whole traveling to be the best aspect, I would like to see someone from Mexico get out of their comfort zone and travel elsewhere if ever it becomes possible. From what I've been told by people who lived there, getting a passport/visa is just about the same as getting one in the states... Of course there are other methods to expedite this process, but still, I would love to see these guys actually go out and show them whats up...

How do you feel the US can show that we earn the right host a Regional World Qualifier for KOF??? Not trying to sound jacked up, but I haven't heard about any solid SF, SC, DOA or Tekken players coming outta Vegas, and that's the spot for Evo. Japan always seem to favor the Kantou region with loktests and such (especially Sega), but there are a bunch of solid players (in VF for example) all over Japan... Again, I do understand what went down in picking a spot, but I'm like what if we do become worthy of hosting a major KOF event, then what??? Will the spot change at all, or will we have to stack up on some dough and hold an equally major event??? No beef or anything like that, I just really wanna know...

I'm on FightCade!!!


Well, Jinxhand, that idea is kind of a "What if" thing.
Even if Socal and Minnesota were to become considerably good, it doesn't properly personify the skill the United States as a whole possesses. Instead you are catering to a small cult. Part of the reason we are not necessarily worthy of a specific qualifier.
I mean how often do you see the same names across DC? That should be a somewhat clear indicator.

Dark Geese

First for KOF there needs to be more people playing the game in order for it to be worthy of a Regioanal Qualifier.

Second- Everyone needs to at least be the skill level of SoCal in the USA to warrant a true Regional Qualifier, otherwise SoCal would theoretically get first dibs on the Regional USA Qualifier. In the USA outside of maybe a Few FOBS in New York, The Geese Tower, SoCal, and some in Minnesota, you have a severe drop in skill level. I do mean an absolutely severe drop in skill level, and I can tell you right now to even touch Mexico people need to be on SoCal's skill level...(average skill level in Mexico is higher than SoCal skill level...and again that's the AVERAGE skill level in Mexico, in Mexico itself there are about 40-50 "Mr. KOFs"/DGs or people of Mr. KOF's or my skill level)


Quote from: the_judge on June 02, 2011, 10:04:29 AM
Well, Jinxhand, that idea is kind of a "What if" thing.
Even if Socal and Minnesota were to become considerably good, it doesn't properly personify the skill the United States as a whole possesses. Instead you are catering to a small cult. Part of the reason we are not necessarily worthy of a specific qualifier.
I mean how often do you see the same names across DC? That should be a somewhat clear indicator.

I see your point in the first statement, but having a bunch of the same names frequently on DC doesn't really mean that there isn't a good amount of KOF players in the states. In my eyes the site is still the "new kid on the block", so having a bunch of the same people on it won't necessarily mean much until say a few years down the road... I'm sure there's tons of people who don't know about this site, that might be straight up solid players (here's hoping)... There are a good amount of strong players in other games like VF for example, but only lurk on those particular threads, and don't have an account, so even if this was years down the road, having a high user count on a site doesn't mean much. Look at SRK for example. Why is it that you have the same winners in major SF4 tournaments all the time, and maybe a few new cats (1 or 2) every once in awhile??? All those people aren't as strong obviously, but they're on the forums either learning, trolling, or whatever... Things have been starting to change, but barely imo...

Quote from: Dark Geese on June 02, 2011, 03:01:01 PM
First for KOF there needs to be more people playing the game in order for it to be worthy of a Regioanal Qualifier.

Second- Everyone needs to at least be the skill level of SoCal in the USA to warrant a true Regional Qualifier, otherwise SoCal would theoretically get first dibs on the Regional USA Qualifier. In the USA outside of maybe a Few FOBS in New York, The Geese Tower, SoCal, and some in Minnesota, you have a severe drop in skill level. I do mean an absolutely severe drop in skill level, and I can tell you right now to even touch Mexico people need to be on SoCal's skill level...(average skill level in Mexico is higher than SoCal skill level...and again that's the AVERAGE skill level in Mexico, in Mexico itself there are about 40-50 "Mr. KOFs"/DGs or people of Mr. KOF's or my skill level)

I agree with you on the strength of the US players, but I also feel that there's probably some strong players out there in other areas that don't have the time, money, means, or even the guts to make themselves stand out. Personally, if I had the time, resources, and no kids, I'd start getting these cats and try to get them some good exposure because of their skill once found.

Well, I'll say this: once XIII drops, there will be no excuse for us to not dive in the game and level up. It's the one KOF that everybody is waiting for, there might not be as much division on what KOF to play anymore (although I'm pretty sure there's still gonna be some 98 vs 02/OG vs UM but very minimal). At this point, regardless of netcode, we still don't have an excuse. To my knowledge MK9's netcode is iffy at times, and there's still tons of support and tourneys or whatnot; however, the devs are supporting the MK community and doing all kinds of events for them, too, so that's another story. If SNK is really serious about giving the players and fans their best, we need to show appreciation for that game and truly make the most out of it. I just really hope the tides change when this game drops, because its time for NYC and SoCal to give up their titles for the strongest region for fighters, well at least KOF anyway. I mean there's all kinds of strong players in SF4, BB, and Tekken all over, why not KOF??? Yeah Minnesota got a buzz, and they're going strong, but what about the rest of the midwest??? I know a cat in Florida who used to play a bunch of KOF, so that scene over there might blow up when XIII drops... Hell, what about Maryland?!?! Anyway, all I'm saying is that now's the time for things like this to change. I feel the same way about VF as well... Hopefully, things do change for the better...
I'm on FightCade!!!

Dark Geese

I agree but these people need to still show up to these events or we won't know of their existence. So yes no excuse certainly now with KOF13...