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I love KOF XII

Started by nilcam, May 07, 2011, 05:06:07 AM

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In the XIII General Discussion, I made a remark that the clash system would be awesome in XIII. Imagine clashing with a dropkick. The thread then derailed a bit into a XII love fest. So, here's the place to profess your love for XII, no matter how deep or shallow.

Why I love XII:
1. The clash system. Seriously, this is in my top 3 all-time fighting game systems. Seeing Kim kick a fireball away is beauty.

2. Charging CD. I love how the CD can be used quickly or charged for more damage and crumple.

3. Camera zoom. It's classic SNK to have the camera zoom in during close combat. It also adds a layer of intensity to the close combat.

4. Graphics. XII is one of the most visually stunning 2D fighters ever made.


Quote from: nilcam on May 07, 2011, 05:06:07 AM3. Camera zoom. It's classic SNK to have the camera zoom in during close combat. It also adds a layer of intensity to the close combat.

you LIKE the zoom? they zoomed in way too close to the sprites (like 1.75x or something) and ended up making them look... bad. and that's hard to do, as i agree with

Quote4. Graphics. XII is one of the most visually stunning 2D fighters ever made.

(sans the zoom, of course)
kof scrub in training


I agree about graphics and zoom. There's nothing ugly in to see pixels. KOF new sprites are the most cool sprites in the world right now, and their animations are impressively smooth. BlazBlue maybe has bigger sprites, what means pixels are less visible in-game, but they are standar manga/anime style, flat, vulgar and their animations are less smooth.

About gameplay, I think it was some kind of good try to give KOF a new fresh. Something new, something never seen before. And I liked. It had some interesting features like CC, clash system, parry, etc. But the game was lacking characters, moves, more deep gameplay (power bar system was really poor), and I never liked charge CD. And it didn't has a good online or a good AI, so I didn't played so much.
PSN: Shiranui_ninja
KOF XIII main team: Mai/King/Mature

Rex Dart

That OP is 100% truth.

Back when we were just starting to learn about XIII's system, and gradually learning that it was more 2002 than XII, I began to imagine how SNK could work in a XII-style groove into the game. Perhaps comparable to the Advanced/Extra modes from 97/98.

I sort of decided it would be nearly impossible to balance it. And it wouldn't make any sense to have only one character be able to clash.

At the first loke test for KOF XIII, the player survey had a section on things you'd like to see improved. I remember requesting the return of XII's camera zoom. We didn't get it, but they did add zoom to certain SDMs. COINCIDENCE??? Yes.

Edit: Oh, and my dream is the Terry combo c.C, CD, Buster Wolf.


I think XII succeeded in what it set out to do gameplay wise. I didn't mind the smaller roster because "pro" tournament players would only pick the shoto-styled characters anyway. Robert, Andy, Joe, Kyo majority of the time. Why people beg for 40 characters in a fighting game when they only use 3 or 4 of them is beyond me especially when those 3 or 4 are the same that everyone uses 4 outta 5 times! lol


Quote from: FameDouglas on May 07, 2011, 07:56:44 PM
Why people beg for 40 characters in a fighting game when they only use 3 or 4 of them is beyond me especially when those 3 or 4 are the same that everyone uses 4 outta 5 times! lol

I'm pretty much convinced most players want the game they rally behind the most to have the appearance of variety and depth, when maybe 10% or 15% ever delve into it.

But anyway, what I liked about XII was nearly everything about it. Graphics first of all. If anyone remembers that first preview vid of XII, they showed XI's graphics then switched to XII's sprite work. Everyone was wondering how popular fighters would look in the new format, and no one thought SNK would come up with (my opinion) the best looking 2D FG graphics to date. I will miss the zoom feature, but glad at least this game used it.

Playability, I don't think anyone is remiss in calling this the easiest KoF, but I don't necessarily think that's a bad thing. Whether it was the intention or not, XII was one of the best entries to start with if you're a newcomer into the series. I experimented with that myself when I brought XII and XI; those who could stand the graphic change had an easier time than those just starting on XI. Clashing, CD charging, even their CC system were nice, and looked spectacular under the right circumstances. The thrill of multiple consecutive clashings really surprises you when you find your opponent doing the same moves.

All the faults XII are well-known, but still can't make it a bad game to me. At the end of the day, I like XII because it's so different from every other KoF. If XIII ends up being any kind of success, I hope people remember it took XII to get there, through good and bad elements.

"You had guts kid; now clean them up off the pavement"
-Terry Bogard, 1995


lol nilcam i think you drank too much or this is a joke
The game is pure shit (even those assholes at playmore apologized for this mess of a game) because of teh system and THE GAME BARELY HAS MOVES FOR THE CHARACTERS - graphic wise it looks good but that is another story.Graphics never made a game be good.... especially a fighting game.I hate XII ...


KBlackNoah, remember, everyone is entitled to their own opinion and it is all subjective.

That being said, I will still use the game's disc as a cup coaster when KOF13 drops. :)
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."


well.... i didn't offend anyone but as a side note hearing someone say that XII is awesome is like spitting at me and then telling me it's raining...eh nevermind

ps:i already use it to clean my cat's litter box  ..and the damn thing still works AMAZING :D


KBlackNoah: I genuinely enjoy KOF XII for what it is. I still play the game fairly frequently. Sure some of the characters have limited movesets. I do like the balance in XII.

Sure the game isn't a technical masterpiece. But, when compared to the other current gen fighters, it fairs pretty well. It's much better than SSFIV and MvC3. I prefer it to BlazBlue as well. I have to give MK its props as the most successful reboot of a classic fighting game series so far. XII is not as good as XIII but it has its own charm.


I'm not a fan of SSF IV or MVC3, and I know that everyone has the right to had their own opinion, but under no way the game is better than those two, and less blazblue

XIII, maybe, has the tools to compete with those, even 2002um if you want, but XII, just no

Waifu Material

Rex Dart

sibarraz: I don't think Nilcam was trying to make this thread into a "KOF XII is better than all these other games" thread. He was simply saying that, given the choice between those three, he'd choose to play XII.

And I'd gladly join him! Given the chance.


Rex Dart speaks the truth. I prefer XII over almost all of the current fighters. It's not really possible to objectively determine which game is better than which. It's all opinion.


Waifu Material



You have completely convinced me not to skip this game, nilcam  :)