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SoCal KoF

Started by davidkong07, July 31, 2010, 02:52:31 AM

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How many points total should each team consist?

6 (27.3%)
11 (50%)
2 (9.1%)
2 (9.1%)
other (please write below)
1 (4.5%)

Total Members Voted: 22


Quote from: l2slythe on March 14, 2011, 04:37:58 AM
Quote from: Kane317 on March 14, 2011, 03:12:31 AM
Quote from: l2slythe on March 14, 2011, 02:46:54 AM
Quote from: Kane317 on March 14, 2011, 02:03:21 AM
Now that Alex's Arcade has the old XIII board from AI, it's interesting to see a new community grow and frankly pretty exciting. 

Just today we had a couple of interested ppl wanting to learn the game, I hope he registers here (Dan).   One step at a time but I'm confident we can get 5-6 new players in a month or so.

We're still having the tournament on sat right?

I believe you guys are, I'm not going to make it though =(

Are you able to make it on Friday at least? Get to see some good games ^^

I'm moving this whole week so they'll be a lot of unpacking etc... to do.  I highly doubt it but you never know.


I want an ortega burger, with that green stuff!! Yuhang, Oscar you know what I'm talking about lol
" you fight well in the old style"


Assuming everything works out fine, I will be stopping by Alex's on the 14th primarily to play XIII.
Anything I need to know?


Quote from: the_judge on March 21, 2011, 07:47:53 AM
Assuming everything works out fine, I will be stopping by Alex's on the 14th primarily to play XIII.
Anything I need to know?

Bring quarters!



Besides the weekends, when would it be a good time to go during the middle of the week? I'm off on Thur and Fri.
http://youtube.com/profile?user=JaimeDL = Garou MOTW Videos

http://www.twitch.tv/jaimedl = Garou MOTW streaming from time to time.




PSN- MrGreen-AI



YES!!! LOL!!!! I wanted to post the video link but I don't have youtube at work.


well then to continue with this discussion,once again ill post up what i said on the other forum.:)

whats up guys!!!i hear this weekend's tourney was awesome...i wasnt able to make it but im glad my crew was well represented.anyways,we were actually thinking of organizing a kof 13 tourney ourselves in japan arcade.but there are two things i would like to menttion before u guys tell me your opinion.the first one is that the game is played on american joysticks...and the second thing is that its the first version of the game(0.0 not 0.1 or what ever the new version is called jajaja).we've been discussing this for while now and i just wanted to know what u guys think.
like ramond said,we can probably figure out a way to place the game on another cabinet(japanese style of course).we can also establish some rules for the game since its the old version(like no mature or joe infinits,or smashing out of iori's super,etc....)

well then i guess ill just keep u guys updated within the next few days to let u know what we've done so far to make this happen.hopefully everything works out cause we are very exicted about this!!now that we have more access to the game i honestly feel that we've improved our gameplay.:)

by the way,thanks for the support!!!!


Keep us posted Yoshi and I'll go ahead and send Ralf (Japan Arcade owner) a message about improving the cab for you  guys ;)


Ok I contacted Japan Arcade staff and they are going to change the monitor but the control panel is not going to happen unless all of you guys go together and demand it. He said that there's not enough people to make such a big investment I know it doesn't sound like much but SANWA part are about 3X the price of american. I can kinda understand where they are coming from now that I know how much is to maintain a cab and how long it takes to make some money back.

UPDATE: They will be asking you guys in the next few days about the control panel, so make sure that ALL, ALL of you are in the same page cause if they response if 50/50 60/40 they are not going to do it, so spread the world and say that you are THE ANSWER's friends and if you wanna add that I'm the coolest person in the world that is up to you  :) ;) lol


kane, i just saw your comment on the alex's arcade casuals. i have front page posting privileges on ipw, so you're in good hands. :) just have to wait for it to be approved.

here it is: http://iplaywinner.com/news/2011/3/23/kofxiii-matchvids-from-alexs-arcade.html
kof scrub in training


Quote from: quash on March 24, 2011, 07:29:15 AM
kane, i just saw your comment on the alex's arcade casuals. i have front page posting privileges on ipw, so you're in good hands. :) just have to wait for it to be approved.

Cool deal, I knew it was just a matter of time.