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Started by DarKaoZ, June 07, 2011, 10:59:22 AM

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Atlus is a very good company with some awesome titles in their hands lately, like Catherine or Demon Souls.

This could be great news, but I still want to wait for some official announcement. If this is true we shall have some new of it from E3, since Atlus is there.
PSN: Shiranui_ninja
KOF XIII main team: Mai/King/Mature


What I'm surprised is that if this is real, then KOF XIII would be been announced first for NA than Japan. And I think the Japanese SNKP fans will be mad...

Rex Dart

A leak is different from an announcement.

But yeah, I really wonder what's up in Japan. I assume SNKP is going to publish it, since they still publish all their console games. I'm also (slightly) worried about the lack of 360 version. 360 owners may be in the minority on this site, but it still seems like a terrible idea to ignore that part of the market.


Quote from: DarKaoZ on June 07, 2011, 01:25:42 PM
What I'm surprised is that if this is real, then KOF XIII would be been announced first for NA than Japan. And I think the Japanese SNKP fans will be mad...

I agree, but I think is super good news. For first time in history, SNKP is watching outside japan and realizing that they have a good fanbase over the seas. After seeing japanese treatment to the game, well, it doesn't surprise me. This for KOF XIII being bottom ranked in Arcadia magazine! LOL

Quote from: Rex Dart on June 07, 2011, 01:32:00 PM
I'm also (slightly) worried about the lack of 360 version. 360 owners may be in the minority on this site, but it still seems like a terrible idea to ignore that part of the market.
They won't. I'm sure. The game will be released for both consoles, and I could say for PSVita too. Let's just wait a few more hours. When E3 opens its doors we will see it. Atlus said they will have playable version of KOF XIII if they announce it.
PSN: Shiranui_ninja
KOF XIII main team: Mai/King/Mature


Still not official yet, though. They could have synchronysation that goes off at a specific, universal time later on. We simply recieved a LEAK first... during the first official day of the biggest gaming expo in the US. That's not enough to make Japan mad... YET! :)

And Japan... you've had the arcade game for almost a year, so really, if we get console news early, we could call it even! ;)

Oh, and Devil Survivor 2 has been confirmed from the Amazon "leak" now. So... :)50% confirmed! :)


I hope Europe gets it the same day cause importing from america might take 3 weeks :(

Rex Dart

Quote from: Shiranui_ninja on June 07, 2011, 01:33:17 PM
I agree, but I think is super good news. For first time in history, SNKP is watching outside japan and realizing that they have a good fanbase over the seas. After seeing japanese treatment to the game, well, it doesn't surprise me. This for KOF XIII being bottom ranked in Arcadia magazine! LOL
I think that's a silly way to look at it.

KOF XIII has done great in Japan, especially in comparison to previous KOFs. Instead of saying "ranked bottom," you should be saying "consistently ranked in the top 10." Just like other KOFs, it has to contend with the continued popularity of previous titles (2002UM especially) and limited availability (especially with Nesica cabinets appearing to take up more space). The fact that XIII is still making it into the rankings is a testament to how much Japan enjoys it.

You could also argue that Japan deserves first dibs, since their love of Pachinko has kept SNKP afloat for years. :P


Quote from: Rex Dart on June 07, 2011, 02:07:51 PM
KOF XIII has done great in Japan, especially in comparison to previous KOFs. Instead of saying "ranked bottom," you should be saying "consistently ranked in the top 10." Just like other KOFs, it has to contend with the continued popularity of previous titles (2002UM especially) and limited availability (especially with Nesica cabinets appearing to take up more space). The fact that XIII is still making it into the rankings is a testament to how much Japan enjoys it.
You shouldn't be that serious, I was more making fun than talking in a serious way...
But if you ask me, for what what my japanese friends living in japan tell me, KOF neither SNKP have good reputation there. There are still some fans, but not bigger than USA or latinoamerica fanbases. So, I think it's fair give info and news to fans of your own country, but is not fair miss something like E3 for them.
PSN: Shiranui_ninja
KOF XIII main team: Mai/King/Mature

Rex Dart



100% confirmed. 360 and PS3.  AHHH! I'm too fucking excited to post some hilarious youtube video or image!! FUCK! Just imagine something appropriately hyped!!




OH YES!! this is happening. I'm happy people :)

side note: I don't like to see that protagonism to Kula and Maxima and K' in front of all. Liz, Ash and Kyo and Iori should be there, and maybe K' too. But no need of Kula and Maxima. Ok, silly note, I know. But I need to say it.
PSN: Shiranui_ninja
KOF XIII main team: Mai/King/Mature


I always loved you ATLUS, I was starting to lose hope but Thank you Based God. Damn I'm gonna buy probably 4 copies, and the netcode already has potential to be much better than what we get now. Gonna bomb their forum with "GGPO or bust" messages regardless though. Wonder if they'll balance it, I'd definitely bring it to their attention if need be.

Guys we need a plan to hype this up, like now bro. Because this game may have to go up against SF X TK at the end of the year and well, yeah it'll be a problem.

Rex Dart

I doubt Atlus are going to have much role in localizing it. Like with Ignition, I think they'll be strictly publishers for it.

But they're a great company and happy they're working on it. I joined their mailing list just to say "thanks." And because I want to soak up every last bit of news they release on this.

If you'd like to spread the word, you can choose to like this, or tweet about it (if you have a facebook or twitter account). Every little bit helps, right?