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The King of Fighters XIII 2ND |OT| Thread: Final Edition

Started by krazykone123, June 07, 2011, 04:13:41 PM

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Quote from: AmedoS310 on July 05, 2011, 07:54:10 AM
Honestly, too many people are attached to certain moves and not actually learning the character/ game in each installment.

Yeah that's true... I know so many people that stopped using Iori because he can't cancel his Maiden Masher into Wolf Bloom anymore... There's way more to him than that... I like his new style though... I mean its not like he needed his fire anyway, and once Kyo went rekka, I felt Iori needed something other than a super and jumping ;bk ;b to distinguish himself from Kyo (that's just my thoughts though)...

It also makes me wonder how many people who didn't use Raiden in XII are gonna pick him up in XIII just because of the drop kick alone... I mean I understand K' (he's solid in every iteration of KoF), but I felt Raiden was good in XII, he was just missing some moves like most of the cast. He was good in CvS and CvS2 also, I felt that he was just underrated...
I'm on FightCade!!!


Quote from: jinxhand on July 05, 2011, 05:41:18 PM
It also makes me wonder how many people who didn't use Raiden in XII are gonna pick him up in XIII just because of the drop kick alone...
If Drop Kick is nerfed, it will happen the same it happened to Mature... Once her infinite was removed, she stopped to exisit.
PSN: Shiranui_ninja
KOF XIII main team: Mai/King/Mature


If dropkicks were nerfed, I guess Raiden would be used a little less but I doubt it. His dropkicks aren't the only thing worrying about him. His EX shoulder tackle also deals a lot of damage and he still has his grab. I suppose he will be a third character instead of second, I guess, similar to how Vice is right now.

Regarding the Yagami argument, I dunno. His current fighting style grew into me a lot. I guess his qcb moves (both P and K) are quite lacking in ouch factor, but the grab, oh man especially the grab... The one redeeming factor of qcb+K was that it was drive cancelable into the grab. What's not an ouch factor about bouncing you to the hard floor which was supposed to make a dent on your face? Also, I actually like the slash at the end of Ya Otome better than the exploding flames.

In the end though, this is pretty much just aesthetics.


Quote from: Shiranui_ninja on July 05, 2011, 07:43:51 PM
Quote from: jinxhand on July 05, 2011, 05:41:18 PM
It also makes me wonder how many people who didn't use Raiden in XII are gonna pick him up in XIII just because of the drop kick alone...
If Drop Kick is nerfed, it will happen the same it happened to Mature... Once her infinite was removed, she stopped to exisit.
Are you fucking retarded? Raiden is still going to be on some real shit if the nerf kicks get dropped because his main money maker EX tackles will be around, people are blinded by the DKs and fail to notice how much stupid shit he gets off of those and how good the boys normals and other specials are. Big Van Vader Raiden will definitely still have a presence if DKs get dropped, especially if it's only a drop of their comboability.

MOD EDIT: There's no need to insult anybody, it's okay to disagree just don't insult people.


I think if they remove Raiden's DK he will still be used and ranked high/mid tier, his game overall is pretty solid. DK just take him over the top.


PSN: Shiranui_ninja
KOF XIII main team: Mai/King/Mature


Quote from: Zabel on July 05, 2011, 11:16:58 PM
Quote from: Shiranui_ninja on July 05, 2011, 07:43:51 PM
Quote from: jinxhand on July 05, 2011, 05:41:18 PM
It also makes me wonder how many people who didn't use Raiden in XII are gonna pick him up in XIII just because of the drop kick alone...
If Drop Kick is nerfed, it will happen the same it happened to Mature... Once her infinite was removed, she stopped to exisit.
Are you fucking retarded? Raiden is still going to be on some real shit if the nerf kicks get dropped because his main money maker EX tackles will be around, people are blinded by the DKs and fail to notice how much stupid shit he gets off of those and how good the boys normals and other specials are. Big Van Vader Raiden will definitely still have a presence if DKs get dropped, especially if it's only a drop of their comboability.

MOD EDIT: There's no need to insult anybody, it's okay to disagree just don't insult people.

Of course Raiden has a ton of other things at his disposal, I know, just play XII he didn't even have the drop kick, and was still deadly imo... But real talk, all most cats see is the drop kick. You can't fault him for stating that though, especially since 90ish% of the cats on this site hasn't played XIII yet to truly know, unless you stay on youtube 24/7 like Cindy Crawford's mole enough to truly understand the intricacies when fighting as (or against) Raiden... That's why I specifically stated the question as such, and dude responded accordingly, no beef in that... Like Steve Fox in Tekken 5.0, all cats saw was his infinite and full life combos. There was a bunch of other things to him that just that, but that's all people saw... Sentinel's still deadly despite the nerf in MvC3, but all people saw was the nerf and dropped him because yet again all they saw was how much health and armor properties he had...

"All they saw" in some cases means "all a character needs to win", so you can't fault anyone for seeing just that and not anything else...

Anyway, I thought dropkicks did more damage than EX shoulder tackle anyway, so I don't see that as his real money maker, especially since most matches I see end up having dropkick punch dropkick in it... Doesn't drop kick take the opponent to the wall quicker than EX shoulder tackle also??? Seems like even if it were to be nerfed, it would still be deadly, and the nerf itself would have to be a hefty one I think... But its all speculation...
I'm on FightCade!!!


chazumaru from MMCafe translated french post about Billy, Saiki and Esaka

[spoiler]Oh my god...
Oh my god...
Holy shit...
It seems the consumer version is going to be FUCKING AWESOME !!

I just came back from two intense hours with the debug X360 version and it k-i-c-k-s a-s-s.

Obviously since it was debug, there are some stages which are not completed yet (some second rounds came with a full green background), all musics are not included yet, there are missing outfit colors for the characters, the roster is not complete (all the characters from the arcade version are there, as well as new ones, but you feel there is room for more), but even with the glimpse that I got, I am confident the final result will be absolute bliss.\o/

No worry about the major concern we had, regarding the big pixels I mentioned earlier, actually my friend had tried the game on a non-Full HD television set, but on a fine TV, it's as beautiful as the arcade version (and maybe even better thanks to the bigger screen).

Please treat the following information cautiously as the final version might turn out very differently but, for now, available from the get go and in addition to the Arcade version characters, you have:

- Billy Kane (well, among all the characters they could have added, I could have seen other choices, such as Saishû Kusanagi or Vanessa, but it's still cool)
- Saiki (but in a version which is neither him barechested and beefy, nor the silhouette. Here he looks a lot like Ash with long hair, but his moveset is verrrrrrry interesting =p)

I saw no Boss because we kept playing VS, but who knows, there might be a good surprise.

I noticed 4 or 5 new stages alongside the ones from the arcade version, some of them clearly not finished yet, but each one looked more gorgeous than the other. Billy's steampunk background is awesome, the one lit only by red torches conveys the same feeling as some oldschool KOF stages, the two stages which were not finished and on a fixed plane should kick ass (a deserted backstreet and ruins in the middle of nature), the one which is located in a sort of airplane is nice, I think I forgot some other new stages but most importantly, the KOF96 stage for Team Japan returns in a 2011 updated version (with the bystanders in the background and all that). Even better, the BGM is Esaka! (that blew my brain out)

Otherwise, the game is as nervous and fast paced as in the arcade version, with very tight controls (unfortunately, Xbox pads are the worst thing ever to try out fighting games, but we had no sticks =/)

Didn't try the Gallery mode and other mission/online/etc bullshit, but among the four people who tried it with me, even those who are not big fighting game fans, everyone agreed: IT. ROCKS.[/spoiler]

Now it comes to my mind Saiki's portraits posted by SNKP for XIII's arcade version countdown...
PSN: Shiranui_ninja
KOF XIII main team: Mai/King/Mature



Quote from: jinxhand on July 05, 2011, 11:53:40 PM
Quote from: Zabel on July 05, 2011, 11:16:58 PM
Quote from: Shiranui_ninja on July 05, 2011, 07:43:51 PM
Quote from: jinxhand on July 05, 2011, 05:41:18 PM
It also makes me wonder how many people who didn't use Raiden in XII are gonna pick him up in XIII just because of the drop kick alone...
If Drop Kick is nerfed, it will happen the same it happened to Mature... Once her infinite was removed, she stopped to exisit.
Are you fucking retarded? Raiden is still going to be on some real shit if the nerf kicks get dropped because his main money maker EX tackles will be around, people are blinded by the DKs and fail to notice how much stupid shit he gets off of those and how good the boys normals and other specials are. Big Van Vader Raiden will definitely still have a presence if DKs get dropped, especially if it's only a drop of their comboability.

MOD EDIT: There's no need to insult anybody, it's okay to disagree just don't insult people.

Of course Raiden has a ton of other things at his disposal, I know, just play XII he didn't even have the drop kick, and was still deadly imo... But real talk, all most cats see is the drop kick. You can't fault him for stating that though, especially since 90ish% of the cats on this site hasn't played XIII yet to truly know, unless you stay on youtube 24/7 like Cindy Crawford's mole enough to truly understand the intricacies when fighting as (or against) Raiden... That's why I specifically stated the question as such, and dude responded accordingly, no beef in that... Like Steve Fox in Tekken 5.0, all cats saw was his infinite and full life combos. There was a bunch of other things to him that just that, but that's all people saw... Sentinel's still deadly despite the nerf in MvC3, but all people saw was the nerf and dropped him because yet again all they saw was how much health and armor properties he had...

"All they saw" in some cases means "all a character needs to win", so you can't fault anyone for seeing just that and not anything else...

Anyway, I thought dropkicks did more damage than EX shoulder tackle anyway, so I don't see that as his real money maker, especially since most matches I see end up having dropkick punch dropkick in it... Doesn't drop kick take the opponent to the wall quicker than EX shoulder tackle also??? Seems like even if it were to be nerfed, it would still be deadly, and the nerf itself would have to be a hefty one I think... But its all speculation...
You know the big 100% combos with Raiden you see? Most of those are possible because of EX shoulder tackles allow him to get the extra damage off of them leading to whatever finish you want. Yeah Dk, A, DK, NM is about 95% which is still some real shit but he has to blow some big resources for that, with just one Shoulder tackle Raiden gets that big KO. Laban has a big writeup about it in the XIII thread on SRK. And for real I'm getting annoyed with how soft shit is on here, far to many people spewing dumb stuff and not getting slapped down and getting their hands held instead.


Quote from: Shiranui_ninja on July 06, 2011, 12:36:11 AM
Now it comes to my mind Saiki's portraits posted by SNKP for XIII's arcade version countdown...

Yup, I knew that SNKP would include "White" Saiki because of those portraits, but it was weird not to see him in the arcade version. I really doubt they would do the art for the speech bubbles and only use it for that countdown page.


Quote from: Zabel on July 06, 2011, 12:53:56 AM
You know the big 100% combos with Raiden you see? Most of those are possible because of EX shoulder tackles allow him to get the extra damage off of them leading to whatever finish you want. Yeah Dk, A, DK, NM is about 95% which is still some real shit but he has to blow some big resources for that, with just one Shoulder tackle Raiden gets that big KO. Laban has a big writeup about it in the XIII thread on SRK. And for real I'm getting annoyed with how soft shit is on here, far to many people spewing dumb stuff and not getting slapped down and getting their hands held instead.

Hey man, I get where you are coming from. It can be annoying when people say stupid things. However, just because someone says something that you think is stupid it does not mean that it is stupid, nor does it mean the person who said it is stupid. All you accomplish by tossing around insults is getting people pissed off. The poster you are trying to correct will be so focused on the insults thrown at them that they won't listen to anything you have to say. And what does that accomplish?

I personally love how friendly this site is. There are way too many cowards on the internet that toss around hateful words that they would never have the balls to say to anyone in person. So it's nice to have a place that is more or less free of that.


Watching the image of story mode from the famitsu scan, plus the ending of KOF XIII, I had the idea that ash will make a team with botan and saiki

Then he will betray them, but well, it's just speculation

Waifu Material


Quote from: Shiranui_ninja on July 06, 2011, 12:36:11 AM
chazumaru from MMCafe translated french post about Billy, Saiki and Esaka

[spoiler]Oh my god...
Oh my god...
Holy shit...
It seems the consumer version is going to be FUCKING AWESOME !!

I just came back from two intense hours with the debug X360 version and it k-i-c-k-s a-s-s.

Obviously since it was debug, there are some stages which are not completed yet (some second rounds came with a full green background), all musics are not included yet, there are missing outfit colors for the characters, the roster is not complete (all the characters from the arcade version are there, as well as new ones, but you feel there is room for more), but even with the glimpse that I got, I am confident the final result will be absolute bliss.\o/

No worry about the major concern we had, regarding the big pixels I mentioned earlier, actually my friend had tried the game on a non-Full HD television set, but on a fine TV, it's as beautiful as the arcade version (and maybe even better thanks to the bigger screen).

Please treat the following information cautiously as the final version might turn out very differently but, for now, available from the get go and in addition to the Arcade version characters, you have:

- Billy Kane (well, among all the characters they could have added, I could have seen other choices, such as Saishû Kusanagi or Vanessa, but it's still cool)
- Saiki (but in a version which is neither him barechested and beefy, nor the silhouette. Here he looks a lot like Ash with long hair, but his moveset is verrrrrrry interesting =p)

I saw no Boss because we kept playing VS, but who knows, there might be a good surprise.

I noticed 4 or 5 new stages alongside the ones from the arcade version, some of them clearly not finished yet, but each one looked more gorgeous than the other. Billy's steampunk background is awesome, the one lit only by red torches conveys the same feeling as some oldschool KOF stages, the two stages which were not finished and on a fixed plane should kick ass (a deserted backstreet and ruins in the middle of nature), the one which is located in a sort of airplane is nice, I think I forgot some other new stages but most importantly, the KOF96 stage for Team Japan returns in a 2011 updated version (with the bystanders in the background and all that). Even better, the BGM is Esaka! (that blew my brain out)

Otherwise, the game is as nervous and fast paced as in the arcade version, with very tight controls (unfortunately, Xbox pads are the worst thing ever to try out fighting games, but we had no sticks =/)

Didn't try the Gallery mode and other mission/online/etc bullshit, but among the four people who tried it with me, even those who are not big fighting game fans, everyone agreed: IT. ROCKS.[/spoiler]

Now it comes to my mind Saiki's portraits posted by SNKP for XIII's arcade version countdown...

this is interesting...thx for sharing
SNK why the hell everytime you do something regarding the "online" experience is pure 屎!?!


I have to admit, a normal version of Saiki is not something I'd expect ever since I've seen the boss version. I'm quite curious on how he plays now. Hope he'd be balanced enough for tournament play.