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Would you believe a 4th IV? (Street Fighter)

Started by solidshark, June 11, 2011, 08:13:31 AM

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This is a rumor right now, but the fact that people (Seth Killian) already think it's possible is a little disturbing, especially with the dlc for SSF4AE out only a few days. It's just about Capcom tradition that it's series reach it's third, sometimes fourth game, but what is there to accomplish with another rebalance? Character additions I might buy, but now I'm in the mood for an entirely new take on SF (SF5 or TxSF).

I've got/getting up to AE in SFIV, and they've all been at the very least decent to me. I'm curious for anyone who still plays the series, what's left to fix? Do Yun/Yang really need rebalancing (like K' & Raiden would)? Is there even a way to make a final version of SFIV that every fan can be content with?

"You had guts kid; now clean them up off the pavement"
-Terry Bogard, 1995

The Fluke

I don't see a reason for them to stop making new stuff for sf4 seeing how popular the game is.. I honestly don't care much at this point either since i'm bored with the game and they obviously have no plans (and shouldn't) to change its basic formula. If they make sf5 i'd give it a shot, when 3rd strike online comes out i'll give it a shot, sf4 though is what it is and it is done.


It's Street Fighter II all over again >_<. No way!!! AE is it for me, I'm not gonna buy it again.

Well, it guess it won't be too bad since it could be like the AE DLC.
You're too slow!!


Eh, give it a few years and we'll see a Hyper Street Fighter 4, then a few years after that an Ultra HD Remix made for 2000P TV's.
Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.

Rex Dart

Personally, I'd love to see an Ultra SFIV. Maybe not right away, but perhaps in 2013 or so. As this console generation approaches its end, a final farewell to the SFIV series would be nice.

I'd most like to see:
- Rebalancing.
- A third Ultra for everyone.
- An option to turn off the command shortcuts (i.e. df, df = dp) for players who prefer more precise inputs.

And the following characters:
- Karin
- Haggar
- Elena
- Q

That would be an easy $50 for me.


Quote from: Rex Dart on June 11, 2011, 12:57:06 PM
Personally, I'd love to see an Ultra SFIV. Maybe not right away, but perhaps in 2013 or so.

I might be able to stand it better if it's that long before we see another SF, just not next year.
"You had guts kid; now clean them up off the pavement"
-Terry Bogard, 1995


If it's a step like from SF4-> SSF4 , then i would probably buy it, and by that i mean a new characters (not evil versions or clones), stages, intros, endings, etc.

But if it means i will see my favourites like Karin, Alex, Elena or another forgotten character, then i'm all for it.



What's scary to me is that, just like in the early 90s, Street Fighter ate up the sales of other games and Capcom milked it for all it's worth. Then, as soon as the series was no longer profitable because players were burned out, Capcom abandoned the genre, almost killing it. In the decade Capcom was away, SNKP gave us some good games and Guilty Gear rose up to fill the gap. The fighting game community is so Capcom-centric now that, if history is repeated, we'll see a huge crash.

Running Wild

I want a whole new SF series, and I'd like it if they brought back some of the Alpha style gameplay. Guard Meter, Alpha Counters, 3 level power bar, multiple supers, rolling recovery. Throw in EX moves too. Get rid of that focus attack nonsense, no Ultra's.

I kinda want the old throw system to come back (forward/back+1 button), the two button throw system just seems flawed to me. If it worked like Garou:MOTW's system, I think that would be perfect.

I'd also like to see less characters with dive kicks. Capcom is way too crazy with those.


Quote from: Running Wild on June 11, 2011, 10:39:24 PM
I want a whole new SF series, and I'd like it if they brought back some of the Alpha style gameplay. Guard Meter, Alpha Counters, 3 level power bar, multiple supers, rolling recovery. Throw in EX moves too. Get rid of that focus attack nonsense, no Ultra's.

I kinda want the old throw system to come back (forward/back+1 button), the two button throw system just seems flawed to me. If it worked like Garou:MOTW's system, I think that would be perfect.

I'd also like to see less characters with dive kicks. Capcom is way too crazy with those.

i agree with pretty much everything (maybe except for the throwing) and i like the ultras just they need to make the riskier like you can only use it once per match or something like that


No surprise here.AE proved they can still milk this title

"I'd also like to see less characters with dive kicks"
Only a few characters have dive kicks and no one plays them - well now yun may be played a lot but i think it's just a fashion - you need skill to actually make him work.I mostly play rufus because his style and dive kicks can lead to a very agresive style and this is the only way i can enjoy sf4 because usually when i rushdown some camper he just doesn't know what to do :)).divekicks FTW! I would like if online players would play someone else besides ryu and ken which i play against like 90% of my matches and most of them just camp and do nothing but run from one part of the screen to the other and throwing hadoukens hoping i jump.It would be a good idea to remove them from the next street fighter LOL

Running Wild

Thing I dislike about Ultra's is they aren't created equal, not everybody can combo easily into them, and even if you can combo into them, you lose out on alot of damage or you might not even get the full animation for some characters. And with Ultra's and only 1 bar to hold your Super/EX meter, it pretty much makes Supers useless because EX moves are so important. I also find the camera angles distracting, especially for Makoto's Ultra 2. I can't even follow-up after it because it's so bad.

The 1 thing I really, really dislike about SF4 though is the physics, especially how you can jump over an opponent with their back to the corner. I just think that's lame. I know it would happen in 3S as well, but it seemed to be character specific.


Quote from: nilcam on June 11, 2011, 10:23:09 PM
What's scary to me is that, just like in the early 90s, Street Fighter ate up the sales of other games and Capcom milked it for all it's worth. Then, as soon as the series was no longer profitable because players were burned out, Capcom abandoned the genre, almost killing it. In the decade Capcom was away, SNKP gave us some good games and Guilty Gear rose up to fill the gap. The fighting game community is so Capcom-centric now that, if history is repeated, we'll see a huge crash.

In terms of 2D, this statement is an undeniable truth.
"You had guts kid; now clean them up off the pavement"
-Terry Bogard, 1995


Quote from: KBlackNoah on June 12, 2011, 12:32:43 AM
I would like if online players would play someone else besides ryu and ken which i play against like 90% of my matches and most of them just camp and do nothing but run from one part of the screen to the other and throwing hadoukens hoping i jump.It would be a good idea to remove them from the next street fighter LOL

Love to meet the guy brave enough to pitch that idea to Capcom.
"You had guts kid; now clean them up off the pavement"
-Terry Bogard, 1995