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Messages - JPX

Pages: [1]
Online Matchmaking / Re: KOF02UM Beta Test Codes
« on: February 18, 2015, 12:42:28 PM »
Played it endlessly on ps2, I would certainly like one  :Biblethump:
Location: Belgium

It would be pointless indeed, but it's not a bad thing to have some factual numbers. ^^

Crazy how there is only 36  viewers! Even crap scrub streams of SF get 100's wtf
'twas around the 70's last time I was there

It was peaking at 80 around midnight GMT+1... I wasn't present earlier to see if they had more audience.
Is it such a bad score for a game that's practically not available anywhere outside of japan and a relatively last minute advertised stream ?

The last SSFIV stream I followed had 300+, but well...

Hi there,

Hope it's the right place to ask and that I'm not interrupting the flow of the thread. Sorry too if I missed any notification.
Here goes: am I going slightly mad or have many of the 2K2UM characters threads been deleted in this forum?
I'm pretty sure I've seen more before, with links to great Niconico training videos (Leona for example). :(

Thanks !

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