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Topics - mike 216

Pages: [1]
Time and Venue:
The tournament will take place on 23rd October, 5pm EST. On

Tournament Moderators:
m216, Ophelian, kardboardking

The registration period is October 1st 2011 - October 22nd 2011. To register, make a post on this thread stating your GGPO gamertag, your country and your 3 characters. You can change your characters before Oct 22nd. If you need to change your characters after Oct 22nd, you need to inform a tournament moderator. After you sign up here enter the tournament @

1.This is a double elimination tournament.
2.Each player chooses 3 characters and must stick to the same 3 characters for the entire tournament.
3.Before each set, each player orders their 3 characters and tell a tournament moderator his ordering. The ordering can be changed for every new set played.
4.The first characters play each other for a first match. The second characters then play each other for a second match. If one player were to win both matches, he will be the winner and a third match does not need to be played. However, if each player has 1 win, a third match between the third characters will be played to determine the winner.
5.No infinites and illegal moves are allowed. The 3 illegal moves are Galford's Plasma Factor, Charlotte's 14 hitter and Enja's speed glitch.
6.Players who do not show up for their matches will be disqualified. However, each player must wait for at least 5 minutes for their opponent to show up. A tournament moderator must be informed before we officially disqualify an absent player.
7. Cheating of any form will not be tolerated.

promo vid, Enjoy

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