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Messages - Crazy Li

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Well jeez... I need to make sure to play you more so I can have footage of my play to analyze :p

I usually can't get away with recording while playing so I don't record my own matches personally

King of Fighters 2k2/UM / Re: KOF 2002 UM - Xiangfei
« on: April 07, 2015, 06:24:36 AM »
I've just gotta know how you're supposed to do Ei Sake... I've never been able to figure it out.

LP+direction during an attack just doesn't make any sense to me :/ do you hit the direction immediately after? What sort of timing do you need in relation to the attack coming out? It's a lot harder than regular counters that need to be done before the attack comes out... it seems every time I hit LP, she tries to do her LP and the direction press is ignored. Or at best if I try to do mid, she does her f+A command move instead of A+f >.<

How does this move work?

Yeah, that move is awkward. You hit the direction after the button. The counter comes out when the attack is actually in a certain range near her when you do the LP then up, forward or down.

In this video (that is linked on her wiki) shows a demonstration of the move. There is a couple of failed attempts by the player but he gets the hang of it after a while.

I actually watched that, but it didn't really help me understand the timing any. I was hoping someone with experience playing her could explain it (maybe if I understood Japanese, the video explained it too, but I don't :x)

If I just spam the input just outside attack range while the CPU is set to attack over and over again, it will eventually trigger, but I can't figure out how to do it on purpose... and I've never gotten it to work when close enough to be hit. I either get hit or on rare occasion do her stand A and trade hits (or interrupt the attack). It never seems to trigger the counter when actually being in range to attack. Obviously I understand nothing of the timing.

King of Fighters 2k2/UM / Re: KOF 2002 UM - Xiangfei
« on: April 07, 2015, 04:06:00 AM »
I've just gotta know how you're supposed to do Ei Sake... I've never been able to figure it out.

LP+direction during an attack just doesn't make any sense to me :/ do you hit the direction immediately after? What sort of timing do you need in relation to the attack coming out? It's a lot harder than regular counters that need to be done before the attack comes out... it seems every time I hit LP, she tries to do her LP and the direction press is ignored. Or at best if I try to do mid, she does her f+A command move instead of A+f >.<

How does this move work?

I didn't really feel the connection was that bad between us either so I wouldn't mind playing you (or others in Europe if it doesn't bother them) just to give people in other countries more options

King / Re: King (Console)
« on: March 21, 2015, 03:32:07 AM »
It's a very easy cancel that should come with a little bit of practice. However, one thing that can make it a little easier is holding the kick button after the HCB motion.

I saw your other posts and added you on steam. I am not that good at the game but I know all of the basics. If you need any help send me a line.

You're so right. It's super easy if you hold it down. Now I can do this: I mean... it's probably not an especially good combo... but it's the best I've ever done in KoF before so yeah >.>

Training Room / Re: Gameplay video critiques
« on: March 18, 2015, 09:51:45 PM »
Ok, here's some more recent gameplay:

hopefully I've improved a little...

Not making it a personal issue, just trying to interpret what I'm reading and telling you what it looks like.

I'll drop it though. Run your stuff however you feel like it. It's not like I'm trying to get your to change anything.

So basically if I have interest and willingness, but not the availability, I'm less valuable


That is the message you are sending.

So basically if I have interest and willingness, but not the availability, I'm less valuable

While I understand your goal to encourage play, it does make it hard on people who can't fit into the windows of your events. If I could realistically play the entire 4 hours that it was being held, I would... but it's not really feasible for me to have the availability to rank up the amount of matches that some other players do. I usually can only get an hour or so of actual play in during the time you're actually taking scores do to my availability.

That sort of tiebreaker is fine if all things are equal... but in reality, they're not. People who are available for the entire event have a great advantage over those who are not. It's not my fault if I can only play 5 matches before you stop taking scores. It's not like I intentionally sit around on my score and avoid playing. I'm all for incentivising people to play more, but it's not really fair to those of us who can't do a 2PM-6PM Central time or whatever window. For me, that's 12PM-4PM and I'm usually still at work at noon.

King / Re: King (Console)
« on: March 17, 2015, 10:40:56 PM »
So I was wondering if anyone had any advice on Drive Canceling her dp+K to hcb+K (sorry if this has already been asked, I didn't read the whole thread)

I can't seem to ever do the cancel reliably... maybe 1 out of every 10 tries. I must have the timing off or something. Any tricks to getting this to work? I noticed if I do the EX version of Trap Shot, I can cancel to the hcb+K much easier by starting my motion near the end of the animation, but the same doesn't seem to hold true for B or D versions when I try the same timing.

I kinda wanted to practice doing a loop (dp+D [HDC] hcb+B) but the inability to reliably do the cancel has me drop it all the time. The furthest I've ever gotten was: s.D > df+D > dp+D > hcb+B > dp+D and then it doesn't cancel again.

I feel like he's encouraging just playing more than winning as weird as that sounds. It seems like the best chance to rank high is to play as much as possible in the given time frame, not necessarily having a good win percentage since going 3-8 would beat going 3-0 here from what I can tell.

It doesn't make sense from any kind of actual rankings system, but if playing games is the goal, that may be his ideology.

Sucks for me since I usually can't dedicate the full 4 hours to consistently play. At best I can only stay long enough to play 4-6 matches but it doesn't bother me that much since I'm not playing for anything anyway. I dun even know what playKOF points are xP

Training Room / Re: Gameplay video critiques
« on: March 17, 2015, 08:48:43 PM »
Some of the stuff you said depends upon the character I'm playing. Characters I have a weaker grasp on will result in me doing things that appear more random, unplanned, and poor execution.

I don't make every attack with the purpose of hitting, but I guess I don't do a lot of attacks with the expectation of them being blocked either. This is probably because I don't play a lot of people actually block XD

One example of a move I toss out a lot without the purpose of hitting necessarily is Yuri's qcf+A at a distance. It usually whiffs if they stay away but those who are overly aggressive will run into it. This is also a move I use after knockdowns from a safe distance to beat people who try to AA on wakeup.

But it's true I don't know what to do in many situations where I have the opportunity for close pressure. This probably means I should stick to characters who do zoning or keep-away. A character like Athena, for example, doesn't want to be close anyway. I notice I tend to struggle a lot with characters who are supposed to rushdown or otherwise keep pressure on because I don't have the slightest idea what to do to apply pressure. In your Kensou example, the answer is no. If I chase his projectile and get close, I don't have the slightest idea what I can do with him. I've kinda dropped him from my XIII team for the moment until I can figure the answer to that question out.

I'm looking to pick up King who plays well to a keep-away game with her ground and air projectiles. I feel like she's a character who can work up-close as well, but I just haven't learned how to do that yet... but at least she doesn't fail if I can't rushdown well. This gives me a viable character to use and maybe even learn how to do stuff up-close over time as I use her. The only thing I know for King thus far is to slide and if it hits, cancel it to something.

Despite Athena being in-line with my style and the fact that I use her heavily in other games, I can't seem to work her in XIII. I guess I need to go back to the basics in learning how she operates in that game. I feel very limited, not really being able to do anything but shoot Psycho Balls and back up. When I try to poke with her, I end up eating moves far too often that I feel like I'm a sitting duck who has to block, run away, and projectile. It doesn't feel like I'm actually playing her if that makes any sense.

Training Room / Re: Gameplay video critiques
« on: March 15, 2015, 08:23:42 PM »
That probably would have helped. Those vids are also a little old, so I'm hoping to eventually get some more recordings if I can find a good opponent to use for the playing. I've been criticized for using bad players to test against xp

Training Room / Re: Gameplay video critiques
« on: March 06, 2015, 05:05:15 AM »
Is this still a thing that anyone does? Because I'd like to get some help on how to improve based on my own match footage. I have a couple of replays saved here:

I'm the all blue teams

I'd like to post some from 2002UM as well but without a replay mode, I'm not sure how to go about recording it :x I certainly dun wanna try taking the recording live and lagging down the netplay...

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