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Messages - S4b1n

Pages: [1]
Training Room / Re: How to compose a team
« on: February 22, 2012, 11:10:50 PM »
Hey guys,

I feel like I'm starting to get the fundamentals, and I think I've got a basic understanding of making a KoFXII team. The formula I've kind of concluded works the best is having a strong meterless character on point with a second character to cover the firsts bad match ups and an anchor that can abuse meter.

I've got a preference for grapplers/power characters, I tend to prefer short combos, not necessarily easy ones (I can hit hard links, I'm a Honda player) I'm just more of a poke and look for an opportunity to command throw sort of player.

The team I've got so far is

Clark / xxx / Goro

I'm uncertain about a second, I had Mr. Karate for a while (I see him a lot of stream) but he didn't do a lot for me. 
I feel Clark can be a real nuisance on point and Goro seems to be the strongest grappler in the game if he can come in and go to work.

Meet & Greet / Re: New Australian KoF player
« on: February 22, 2012, 11:03:42 PM »
Cheers, thank you very much

Meet & Greet / Re: New Australian KoF player
« on: February 21, 2012, 07:19:02 PM »
Hey S4b1n, welcome to DC :)

Didn't realize we had a seen in OZ, always good to hear.

There's lotsa peeps who can help if you have any questions here.


Thanks, I picked up the game because it looked interesting (wasn't involved in a scene at the time) but I've been made aware there is quite a fighting community locally. Capcom games in particular get a ton of support in Australia despite the small population and nonexistent arcade scene. Encouragingly KoFXIII had a good amount of entrants at the OHNX tournament held recently.

Starting with the basics first, where would I ask team building questions?

Also, having re-read my initial post, I didn't dislike 98, it was a fun game, just no one playing it at the time. XII was the game that made me doubt XIII, but so far I'm very glad I've picked it up.

Meet & Greet / New Australian KoF player
« on: February 21, 2012, 11:34:55 AM »
Hey guys,

Sabin41/S4b1n, regular SRK troll, stream monster, Australian and all those other negative connotations.

Just got into KoFXIII, I've only ever played '98 and XII which I bought for $12 from a bargain bin and was disappoint. So far I'm really digging KoFXIII, most improved title ever? I'd say so. I joined the forums to try learn more about the game, and the characters.

Loving Goro and Clark so far.

I've played most fighters since the 16 bit era, I particularly enjoy SFII+III and the Guilty Gear series.

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