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Messages - m1x4h

Pages: 1 [2]
Training Room / Re: Shortcut inputs in Combos in KoFXIII
« on: December 15, 2011, 11:06:52 PM »
any tips on practicing short hops?
With the square gate, I tend to go quickly, u/f then immediately to the bottom corner.
 ;uf ;df ;uf ;df ;uf ;df

 Hyper hops, same idea, only I make a circular motion...

 ;db ;uf ;fd ;df ;dn ;db ;uf ;fd ;df ;dn ;db

Same with an octo gate, only for the regular hops, I do
 ;uf ;fd ;uf ;fd ;uf ;fd


Social Club / Re: FGC vs eSports and the other and bigger issues
« on: December 15, 2011, 09:27:37 PM »
I don't think it's a good idea to get ourselves involved with esports. We're our own entity, and have survived well enough without any commercial and bureaucratic bullshit. It's bad enough that people are already scavenging to get sponsored. I think it's pathetic, honestly.

Social Club / Re: Where are fighters at, age-wise?
« on: December 15, 2011, 09:25:09 PM »
I'm 26, 27 in 4 weeks. Been playing fighters since Art of Fighting and World Heroes... Thought Street Fighter 2 was boring and slow... PFFT, was I dumb.

I have about 18 years of fighting games under my belt.

Online Matchmaking / Re: PSN KOF XIII
« on: December 15, 2011, 06:07:59 PM »
PSN: m1x4h
I basically suck at the game.. but I really want to learn!!!

Binghamton, NY

Ash Crimson / Re: Ash Crimson (Console)
« on: December 15, 2011, 04:11:57 PM »
So has anyone figured out Thermidor's uses yet?

This might just be my newbie talk coming from a newbie who's been probably been playing newbies... I use it occassionally after a knock down to lock down... At about a sweep distance, it's easy to hyperhop in for a high low mixup, or baiting a roll cancel and just hop straight up hk / empty and go low...

I don't assume that's a viable tactic in medium / high level play?

Is  ;dn ;b a legit poke? I've been getting in with that and hop  ;a a bit, but I feel like there might be better alternatives.

Meet & Greet / Re: Upstate NY player
« on: December 15, 2011, 04:01:14 PM »
Welcome to DC m1x4h :)

Nice that you've taken a liking to XIII (near nothing to hate imo - lol). I'm finding an endless amount to explore and work on with this game, such a good experience (aside from lack of sleep). There's a ton of materials and references here for you, and lotsa peeps to answer your questions ;)

Awesome... I'm glad this place is more about fighters than other misc... *cough srk cough*

Meet & Greet / Re: Upstate NY player
« on: December 14, 2011, 11:02:43 PM »
I actually feel much more at home with this game than most newbies would, I think. I've played a lot of other SNK fighters (LOVED NGBC and WHP was actually my first fighting game that I enjoyed and learned a lot about) and I used to play KoF 2k2 a lot, but never learned a lot about the game. I ran that Vanessa / Angel / Iori team. I'm a bit mad the first two aren't in this game. :( :( :(

Thanks for the welcome!

Social Club / Re: Dance/rhythm games thread.
« on: December 14, 2011, 06:35:25 PM »
So how is the PS3 version of DDR? Worth getting for $30?

Offline Matchmaking / NEPA / Southern Tier NY
« on: December 14, 2011, 04:22:41 PM »
Hey, just wondering if there are any players in the Northeast, PA area (Scranton, Wilkes, Poconos, etc.) and the Southern Tier, NY area (Binghamton up through Cortland). I just got into KoF, and love it. It's a nice filler to the void that's been around me since 2k7 or so when the good Capcom games sorta died out.

I live in Binghamton and am part of the Northeast, PA fighting game players group. I'm game for meeting up around the Binghamton area, or the NEPA area.

Check us out.

Meet & Greet / Upstate NY player
« on: December 14, 2011, 04:09:08 PM »

I'm from Binghamton, NY and I travel to North East PA a bit as well. Just got into KoF, long time Street Fighter and Marvel vs. Capcom 2 player. The influx of awful Capcom fighters and influence of my peers made me try KoF 13, and WOW, I'm just blown away. I want to learn as much as I can about this game. It's fantastic.


Training Room / Re: How to compose a team
« on: December 14, 2011, 03:14:27 PM »
No problem. Just make sure you deviate a little and come up with your own game plan for team synergy. Robert for example, can function well as an anchor because of his high damage, meter intensive combos. Kyo is also an amazing point character; great battery, great meterless confirms, and great zoning tools. I'd rather you take my advice as less of guidelines for where the characters MUST be played, and more of an example of where/how.

Mai/Ash/Kim sounds like a great team. Make sure to practice those Kim combos! When he has bar he's an absolute beast.
Definitely. I've been dabbling with other characters, and Clark seems like a good anchor as well. I used to run Ash on point, but I love that Mai can conserve meter, so when it's Ash's turn, I have 2.5-3 meters to typically burn through if necessary. I think Ash and Mai are going to be staples in my team until I get a much better feel for it. They seem like easy characters (Ash, I think is easy because I'm used to charge characters)...
Now... to learn those BnB combos... Charging requires a lot less time in this game than in Street Fighter... wow.

Classic King of Fighters / Re: I love KOF XII
« on: December 14, 2011, 03:04:23 AM »
Is this game worth getting for $10?
I have XI and XIII...

Training Room / Re: Shortcut inputs in Combos in KoFXIII
« on: December 14, 2011, 03:00:08 AM »
Check out our shortcut section.

that shortcut is a lil hard to understand just cuz well i come from ssf4 and im use to seeing the actual input stuff like  ;bk ;db ;dn ;df ;fd ;bk.

another question i had. was can you buffer moves?

for instance can you take the motion for  ;dn ;df ;fd ;a ;dn ;df ;fd ;a ;c? Does this work for lets say fireball-exsuper?

Seriously? Those arrows only appeared on SRK maybe... 4? years ago? Before that, everything was QCF, QCB, DP, etc... What bugs me out though... when dudes write attacks like this: 236P = hadoken... wow.

Training Room / Re: How to compose a team
« on: December 14, 2011, 02:58:50 AM »
Thank YOU!!!!!!!!!
When I win Evolution, I'll thank you for it. ;) haha

Mai/Ash/Kim, methinks.

Training Room / Re: How to compose a team
« on: December 13, 2011, 04:29:13 PM »
Hey, so I have some questions. I'm playing KoF 13 and really only got started with KoF recently. I used to play 2k2 a bit, but it's been a long time, and I retained almost nothing from it.

My favorite character in this game is Ash. I understand that he's not a very good character, but I like his playstyle overall. Right now, my team is Saiki / Ash / Terry.

I lose a lot with Terry... and I'm thinking of changing him out for Kyo. Other characters I have fun playing with are Mai, Ryo, Robert, and Kim.

That in mind, any suggestions for my team? As well as order, in mind. I tried Leona and don't really like her play style much, but since she's another charge character, I thought she might be good. I also get too wreckless with Saiki, and lose with him as well.

Thanks in advance!

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