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Messages - SAB-CA

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Ok something random, I was playing my 10th player match, and suddenly esaka 96 appeared

It's a cool stage, even has a night version where a crossdresser appears lol

LoL, that's random! I wonder what the story is behind that.... "Oh, sometime back in 96... yeah, some interesting people hung out around the office!"

Clark Still / Re: Clark Still
« on: November 18, 2011, 12:47:12 AM »
What is a reset potential?

Look at SNKP's own gameplay vid here today, at 3:51 seconds:

See how Clark lets the opponent land on their feet, after doing his gattling combo in the corner, and then instantly gets a crouching low into a game-winning combo? His jumping ;d reset the opponent back to neutral position, and he quickly forced them into having to react to his attack.

They guessed wrong, and lost because of it! :)

What makes new clark dangerous is how his new SAB adds to the mix. While they were falling to the ground, he could have started his Guardpoint-SAB, and grabed them as they recovered. Of he could do the weak kick he did there, or even a quick hopping A or C, to try and overhead them, if they anticipated his low attack.

Keep in mind, also, that it was mentioned that the Death Lake Driver followup to his Gattling only works from grounded gattling. If it's one that hit an in-air opponent, it'll apparently whiff. I'm not sure if Clark gets any advantage when landing from the throwdown, either, someone with more gameplay with this game will have to answer that!

Don't know how to unlock colours : (

EDIT: Just 1 vs 1 online matches

Try playing VS CPU Matches. We've seen colors get unlocked by people playing VS mode on streams, so they should be tied to VS play somehow. Maybe other methods as well...

mmm, so info about online

Not players yet

Ranked had 4 modes, quick match, custom match, arcade and training mode, a good detail this

Ahhh, so they didn't remove the ability to play arcade while waiting for matches, which they had in 12. This is good to hear! Also about the training mode, I had wondered where the option would pop up.

So there seems to be no Lobby present, right? Just 1 on 1 fight rooms, correct?

And... you'll make your KFC Iori and Iori WTPOF, now, won't you? ;-)

I disagree... but at least they won with her :P

Of course, the thing most important in that video is Mai comboing neomax after her 2C. The rest is fine and some nice colore edits :P And I noticed Mai say something to Andy when she finishes neomax. I think it wasn't necessary talk to andy, but I liked how it sounds. she has a very nice new voice.

Can't wait to have this game, and 25th looks so far... :(

Which part disagreed, colors or their fight with her? I liked the fact they used her stand D to cover ground very effectively, or even the far swipe of her C, especially after the crouching weak blockstrings. It was a great way to show how her normals are better than average, which a lot of Mai gameplay doesn't even begin to suggest (though they always show her Jump CD is fantastic.) Also got to see nice use of Anti-Air Ryuenbu, the Neomax change, her Chain combo for HD confirm, use of faster kachosen... seemed like a really nice "these are the reasons you'd like to play Mai!" primer, haha.

And yeah, I really like her new voice... she's easy to listen to, lol.

That shirtless Kensou looks boss, and thanks SAB for the color references from the video, the only one i could guess was Kula as Asuka and it was because i read it before watching it.

NP, it's fun trying to decipher those things :)

Wow, everyone blew over that SNKP blogpost today, with these impressions, lol.

I found the video quite enjoyable, one reason being for the awesome alt colors. Was Clark trying to be Infraggable Crunk from Justice friends? Or maybe that one teacher from Soul Eater, who always talked about the man he used to be? K' made me think of a Male version of CC from Code Geass. Shirtless Terry was interesting. GANTZ Raiden was kinda disturbing. Ryo's colors reminded me of Streets of Rage 3's Axel Palette, and I guess Takuma was Silber? Asuka Kula looked great, loved how well the details turned out on it. Galford Benimaru was pretty cool too, and the "remix 2nd Player" Andy actually looked pretty bold. Vice reminds me of some character from the DC universe... and I really like the Sailor Mars-esque Athena, the bold white stiockings just fit her well. Mina Mai was also quite well done; the colors looked great on her, and I rather liked the players gameplay, also. They really used her normals to zone and frametrap wonderfully.

Which brings up the gameplay; you could see them REALLY using the console changes. Constant use of Backdash to escape pressure, solid use of new links, combos, and attack changes... they seemed very comfortable with the new elements, and I thought it made these fights very fun to watch.

New Blog Update!

13 min gameplay video with it Custom Colors galore??

General Discussion / Re: The King of Fighters XIII Video Thread
« on: November 14, 2011, 06:00:06 PM »
... was this video from TAC console play ever posted?

did anything interesting happen on that stream?

Just some solid play using new changes. Frio, Piccolo, and others fought, we saw some Goro and Duo Lon domination, and the french commentary sounded very hype, lol. Doubt I saw it from the vey beginning, so that's the best I can tell.

@KBlack - Hmmm, that's very odd. Well, shouldn't happen here, as KoF has been promoting Worldwide play so much. Shouldn't have happened at all though... but I guess it's because of their server-dependant matchmaking and stuff.

Read my post. MK has multiplayer locked on region(i think some genius at NR thought it will be a brilliant idea!!!! ).I have a region 1 disc and i cannot play someone with a region 2 disk here in europe (when me or him send an invite to play and accept it... it says please insert MK disk!) this is why i asked

Hope what you guys said it's true

Ahhh, so you're saying it was a Europe-only style issue. Yeah, I skimmed, lack of sleep! :( Anywho, hope that doesn't happen for you guys. Was there a difference in content (like some kinda censorship) in the European edition? Or a difference in the Hertz the games run at or something? That's a pretty odd issue.

The game clearly states "Worldwide netplay" on like... every single company website and packaging scan available. How often has anyone seen region-locked online play?

The Blog update from this very week even says we have the option to select a region filter, right? Why would anyone think the online play would be region locked?!?

The only thing that could be region locked is the game disk itself (and mostly on 360, since most PS3 games are region free.)

The game itself being region locked to consoles of different regions, wouldn't be too suprising though. Especially if each region had some specific translation work done, or if they just want to keep members of each region from trying to buy other regions editions, to get foreign preorder /special edition bonuses.  But we won't know details on that until release, or near it.

I can't think of one fighter I've played this generation... or even the last one, really, that had region locked online play. I remember lagging with the Japanese players on DOA, screaming in horror at foreign play on Hyper Fightings atrocious netcode, being fairly impressed with them on HD Remix, and meeting people from all areas of the world on NGBC and 2K2UM online...


Is this the same as the eLive Pro Stream? Either way... KoF XIII Console: 360 version streaming now!
(Thanks for link from Edgeward on Neogaf)

General Discussion / Re: The King of Fighters XIII Video Thread
« on: November 10, 2011, 07:49:10 PM »
Arcade Gameplay with some truly worthy fights:

Y'know, random thought... does anyone know King's "real" name? Have we really been this many years, with everyone who ever referenced here, refering to her "stage" name? Has it ever even been hinted at?

And now, we have the Prof's summary:

SNKP made their weekly blog update. This week, it's about the network but there's not much worthwhile info except that you can go frame by frame in replay. Hopefully it's frame-by-frame in 60fps. Interestingly, there's no mention of a slow-motion option in the blog, but the sample video shows it. Hopefully the blog's staff didn't mistake the two terms (frame-by-frame and slow motion).

Also, they're out of things to talk about and they're wondering what to write about in the next update. Here's a quick summary.

  • Network mode roughly has two options, "Ranked Match" and "Player Match". Ranking Match allows you to play with a determined set of rules and your winning results will reflect on your ranking. Player Match on the other hand has no effect on ranking but lets you customize the rules up to a certain level.
  • You can search for opponents by "Quick Matching" or "Customized Matching". You can set various search options when using Customized Matching. Like for instance, you can filter network speed by four levels/bars. The search options are somewhat different between Ranked and Custom matches. Also, you can set a region filter as well as a network speed filter when you're hosting.
  • As a network-mode-only feature, you can save replays. You can also upload replays, but only in Ranked Match and if you're in the monthly 100s.
  • Your saved replays can be viewed from the Replay Mode in the main menu. You can also download replays from the rankings and use them for studying. You can display/hide the meters, attack data, command data, jump through rounds, pause, and go frame-by-frame.

Today's Blog update appears to be about "The Network Mode":

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